version 4 - The Alien Encyclopedia

version 4 - The Alien Encyclopedia

version 4 - The Alien Encyclopedia

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impregnated by a Facehugger and subsequently brought to the medical facilities in order to removethe parasite. While the Facehugger could be removed before implantation, Marachuk was killedduring the operation. (A2)Mars: <strong>The</strong> fourth planet of the Sol system. Named after the Greek god of war. Terraformedbetween 2032 and 2040. <strong>The</strong> first colony on Mars, Valles Colony, was founded in 2040, followedby Leo colony in 2041. By the year 2071, the planet was home to almost 40 million colonists. Marsbecame known for its weapon research facilities and advanced Atmosphere Processors. Weyland Industrieshad offices on Mars, also serving as Peter Weyland's temporary residence in 2091, shortlybefore he would secretly join the clandestine mission of the research vessel Prometheus. (PR,PR:WIW)Marshall, Tobin A.: A male human working as a spy for the Planetus Corporation during the earlythirties of the 23 rd century. When Planetus began to get strange readings originating from aWeyland-Yutani research station on the planet C-3 L/M owned by both corporations, Marshall wasinserted into the facility, tasked with finding the origin of the readings. For this mission, a visual recordingdevice was surgically implanted in one of his eyes.After his arrival, Marshall soon learned of a new terraformer prototype being tested near the station.He made several attempts to get to the prototype, only to discover that the device had been removed,if it ever existed at all. Meanwhile, the staff of the station was gradually reassigned and replacedwith inexperienced personnel under dubious circumstances. In the end, only Marshall and aLaFargue synth remained, who revealed himself to Marshall as being a second spy from Planetus.Marshall remained suspicious of the synth, but before he could devise a plan to conclude his missionand escape, a Weyland-Yutani strike force led by Charles Braley raided the facility and capturedMarshall and the synth. During the interrogation that followed, Braley revealed that Weyland-Yutani had been aware of the existence of a spy for some time and had reassigned the staff after abackground check until only he and the LaFargue synth remained as suspects. Braley proceeded tokill both of them, inserting a robotic Chestburster into Marshall in order to fake an <strong>Alien</strong> infestationfor his master plan to take over Planetus. However, in 2232, Marshall's recordings were retrieved byAnders Kramm during his investigation of the incident and revealed the truth behind the events.(A:NE)May Outpost: A military outpost found in 2071 on the planet KOI-610.01. Notable for being oneof humanity's major military presences in colonized space by the latter half of the 21 st century,sporting a population of just under one million by 2071. Aside from military use, May Outpost's industryfocused on electronics. Key resources were magnesium, lithium and oxygen. (PR:WIW)McManna, Corin: A male human and a pilot working for Weyland Industries. Inhibiting the rankof Captain as of 2072, McManna had flown hundreds of missions aboard Weyland Industries' firstFTL-capable vessel, the Heliades class. McManna also participated in the development of the successorof the Heliades, the Prometheus-class space exploration vessel, as part of the test flight crew.(PR:WIW)MedPod: A fully-automated medical diagnosis and surgical station. (PR:WIW)Medpod 720i: <strong>The</strong> first commercially available MedPod. Developed by Weyland Industries andmanufactured by Pauling. Weyland Industries patented the Medpod 720i under the file number16,572,092 on September 2, 2061, and the device entered production after the FDA had approvedthe MedPod in 2070. By 2091, about a dozen Medpod 720is had been produced and deployed forfield testing. A Medpod 720i was also installed aboard the Prometheus during the LV-223 incidentin 2093.<strong>The</strong> Medpod 720i was designed to automatically diagnose and treat a variety of physical conditions,

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