version 4 - The Alien Encyclopedia

version 4 - The Alien Encyclopedia

version 4 - The Alien Encyclopedia

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least one copy of the text survived the purge. (A3)*** G ***G-Force Assessment: A test program of the Project Prometheus Training Center. Had the designationA2. <strong>The</strong> second test of five tests total and of two evaluating physical capabilities, the applicanthad to keep focus on a specific task while being exposed to considerable gravitational forces.(PR:WIW)Gateway Station: A space station orbiting Earth. Built in mid-22 nd century, Gateway consisted offour huge tower modules connected by struts in a cube-like configuration. Gateway was a hub forcommercial and military activities in known space. Gateway also acted as a customs post where allgoods were processed before reaching Earth. <strong>The</strong> space station further housed living spaces for civilians.After Ripley's shuttle, the Narcissus, had been discovered in 2179, she was brought to Gateway forrecovery. Gateway Station was also the place where her subsequent inquiry was held. Some timelater, the fateful recon mission to LV-426 departed from Gateway aboard the Sulaco. Gateway stillexisted at the end of the <strong>Alien</strong> infestation on Earth in 2197. (A2)Gavin: A male-type android working as a technician for Planetus in 2232. Gavin was part of a teamof three, together with his colleagues Duncan and Kelly, who were unaware of Gavin's synth identity.Was involved in the C-3 L/M incident.In 2232, Planetus was informed of a possible <strong>Alien</strong> outbreak at a research station operated byWeyland-Yutani on the planet C-3 L/M, which was owned by both Planetus and Weyland-Yutani.Together with Duncan and Kelly, Gavin was assigned with the task of scanning the video footagefrom the facility's security cams. Eventually, the supposed infestation turned out to be a ruse byWeyland-Yutani to take over Planetus, and Gavin and his colleagues were targeted by the Companyfor elimination. Together with his team, the two ex-marines Bjorn and Jolena Hayward and the twoinvestigators, Anders Kramm and Frances Stauff, he narrowly escaped C-3 L/M aboard an automatedPlanetus spacecraft. However, Weyland-Yutani, who had acquired Planetus in the meantime,redirected the course of the ship to Soulages, a former colony world infested by <strong>Alien</strong>s. After thelanding, Gavin and the other survivors explored the nearby settlement, hoping to find some meansof escape. <strong>The</strong>re, he lost Duncan and Kelly to the Xenomorphs, leaving him as the only survivor ofthe three technicians. Gavin, Kramm, Frances and the Heywards managed to traverse the hive, onlyto be denied access to an elevator leading to the communications station. Gavin decided to revealhis android identity and overrode the door lock by plugging into its keypad. When he tapped intothe system of the communications terminal, the system reacted violently towards the intruder andkilled Gavin by infecting him with a computer virus. (A:NE)Gedda: <strong>The</strong> second moon of Gliese 581 g. Discovered in 2049. In 2056, the discovery of a microfaunaalong the moisture-rich equator prompted further scientific exploration, resulting in a permanentstaff of 128 scientists. (PR:WIW)Gediman, Jonathan: A male human and a member of the science team assigned to the cloning projectoperated aboard the USM Auriga in 2381. A gifted scientist and assistant to the project's leader,Dr. Wren. Once Ripley 8 had proven to be a successful creation, Gediman was entrusted by Wrenwith supervising and performing the extraction of the Queen embryo. He felt a paternal affection forhis creation and convinced Wren to let Ripley 8 live after the extraction. After a sufficient numberof Xenomorphs had been cultivated, Gediman proceeded with behavioral studies of the creatures,noting their ability to communicate and learn. Later, he witnessed the Xenomorph outbreak firsthandand was taken to the Queen's hive. Shortly before the Auriga's destruction hours later, Ripleymet a cocooned and insane Gediman in the hive, who was then killed by the newly-hatched New-

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