version 4 - The Alien Encyclopedia

version 4 - The Alien Encyclopedia

version 4 - The Alien Encyclopedia

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Several Spectagraphs, nicknamed “Pups”, were used by the geologist Fifield to map the Engineerpyramid during the LV-223 incident in 2093. (PR:WIW)Sprague, Dan: A male human and a member of the team of scientists assigned to the cloning projectaboard the Auriga in the late 24 th century. Sprague participated in the extraction of the Queenembryo from Ripley, but was injured when the patient awoke and broke his arm. It is unknownwhether Sprague escaped the Auriga during the Xenomorph outbreak or died aboard the ship.(A:RES)Spunkmeyer, Daniel: A male human and Colonial Marine. Sporting the rank of Private First Class,Spunkmeyer was the Dropship Crew Chief of the squad involved in the Hadley's Hope incident.Spunkmeyer was killed by a Xenomorph Drone shortly before Ferro lifted off to pick up the survivorsfrom the Xenomorph ambush inside the colony's hive. (A2)Standish, Victor: A male human working as the engineer of the staff assigned to a Weyland-Yutaniresearch station on C-3 L/M in the early thirties of the 23 rd century. In 2232, Weyland-Yutani hadlearned of a Planetus spy at Standish's outpost, and he was the first to be reassigned after a backgroundcheck had cleared him. Standish was replaced by Matthew Benjamin, who would later bekilled as part of Weyland-Yutani's scheme to take over Planetus during the C-3 L/M incident.(A:NE)Stasis: <strong>The</strong> state of suspension of an organism during hypersleep. Weyland Industries first discoveredthe stasis function in its San Francisco lab on May 20, 2028. (PR:WIW)Statler Colony: A colony on HD 86264BM. Founded in 2060. By the year 2071, it sported a populationof over 7,5 million and was known for housing one of the largest spaceports in colonizedspace. <strong>The</strong> industry of the colony consisted of transportation, tourism and energy. Key resourceswere magnesium, lithium and oxygen. (PR:WIW)Stauff, Frances: A female human working as a representative of the Planetus Corporation in 2232.Graduated at the top of her class and later rose to the rank of second-in-command of Planetus securityforces of the sector including the planet C-3 L/M . Determined and resourceful, having impressiveskills in piloting. Was involved in the C-3 L/M incident.When a supposed <strong>Alien</strong> infestation was discovered on C-3 L/M, a planet owned by both Planetusand Weyland-Yutani, in 2232, Stauff was ordered to lead the investigation of the case on Planetus'behalf. Stauff met up with Charles Braley, a Weyland-Yutani representative, and Anders Kramm, aprivate investigator familiar with the <strong>Alien</strong>s sent by Planetus, on the local spaceport to head over tothe Weyland-Yutani research station where the incident in question had occurred. Stauff distrustedBraley and instead worked closely with Kramm on the case, who both decided to keep their findingsfor themselves where possible. As they discovered that the “infestation” at the research stationwas part of a scheme by Braley to eliminate Planetus spies in the installation and take over the corporation,they found themselves on the run.Kramm and Stauff quickly prepared their spaceship for take-off, during which Stauff discovered aproblem in the engine room. When Stauff went over to take a look, she was attacked and renderedunconscious by a juvenile <strong>Alien</strong> planted on the ship by Braley. She was already being prepared forimpregnation when Kramm killed the creature, saving Stauff's life. At this time, a romantic bondwas forming between the two. Stauff piloted the ship out of the spaceport and performed a hot landingto pick up a handful of other people involved in the investigation, with Weyland-Yutani's forceshot on their tails. Eventually, they managed to escape the planet and headed for Planetus headquarterson orders of Matthew Darby, her boss at Planetus. While Kramm stayed awake to supervise theshort flight, Stauff and the others went to cryosleep. Her sleep was short, however, when Krammawakened her to inform her that the ship was remotely ordered to change course. Stauff found out

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