Newsletter 103 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's

Newsletter 103 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's

Newsletter 103 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's


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dead body in her barn, Becca's mother isarrested for the crime. Becca is sure thather mother is innocent, and works withthe police on the investigation.What would you do if youfound out that you were a witch? In ItTakes a Witch by Heather Blake($7.99), Darcy and Harper Merriweatherwere raised as though they had nopowers until after their father’s death.That’s when their Aunt Velma tells themthat they have the power to grant wishes,and they join her in Enchanted Village inSalem. When a woman who claims tohave powers is strangled with theiraunt’s scarf and her boyfriend is foundby the body, Aunt Velma assures themthat her boyfriend is innocent. To helpher, Darcy starts to investigate the case.The murder victim isn’t well liked, butthere are a few people who seem to careabout her. It’s all very confusing toDarcy, who is having enough problemslearning her new powers.State Fair by Earlene Fowler($7.99) shows the inner workings of asmall town state fair, where BenniHarper is working as a volunteer. Firstone of the quilts is stolen. Then hergrandmother wants her to find out what’swrong with her great aunt, who is actingstrangely. When Benni finds a deadbody, her great aunt wants to investigate,and Benni has to go with her to keep herout of trouble. This isn’t like TV or themovies. The killer isn’t about to letthem find out anything.After something bad happenedto Abby Cooper without warning, for thefirst time she began to doubt herabilities. In Crime Seen by VictoriaLaurie ($7.99), to help her recover, herFBI agent boyfriend Dutch asks her tolook at some cold cases, hoping that shewill see something he missed. Insteadshe senses something about a case thatDutch had closed. Abby thinks thewrong person was sent to prison, andasks a PI friend to help her find out thetruth. She ends up going undercover andfinding out more than she wanted toknow.When The Alpine Vengeanceby Mary Daheim ($7.99) begins, SheriffMilo Dodge has received three letters,saying that a murder conviction ten yearsearlier was a miscarriage of justice, and................................................................. $7.99Singh, Vandana The Woman Who Thought She Was a Planet and Other Stories(Reissue; Collection of sf and fantasy stories).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00Smith, Sherwood Revenant Eve (Kim Murray #3: When Kim learns that her great sacrifice was a totaldisaster, she returns to Dobrenica, where not just politics and personalities, but ghosts,murder, and mystery await her. But how will she cope when the country is transported toa completely magical realm?).......................................... $7.99Snyder, Maria V. Sea Glass (Glass #2: Defying the Council's house arrest order, Opal travels to the MoonClan's lands in search of Ulrick, pursued by enemies who want to use her special powers fortheir own deadly gain)............................................... $7.99Stanley, John P. Mickey Price: Journey to Oblivion (Kids; 1977: Three kids are invited to a NASAcamp to train for a mission unlike anything they ever dreamed of). . . . . . . . . . . . $15.99Stein, Jeanne C. Blood Bond (Anna Strong #9: PBO; In France with her dying mother, Anna learns thatnot every vampire accepts her Chosen One status. And one such vampire is about to gorogue)............................................................ $7.99Stine, R.L. Red Rain (In the wake of a terrible hurricane, travel writer Lea Sutter impulsivelydecides to adopt orphaned twin boys; but she has no idea of their true nature).. . . $7.99Stirling, S.M. Lord of Mountains (Change #9: To end the war, Artos must journey to the Lake atthe Heart of the Mountains and take part in a coronation that will unite the realms into asingle kingdom, granting him an army large enough to defeat his enemies once and for all)................................................................. $9.99Stirling, S.M. The Given Sacrifice (Change #10: Having led his army to victory over the ChurchUniversal and Triumphant, Rudi must confront the forces behind the Church - the Powersof the Void, who threaten Rudi not only in the present, but also in his children's future)................................................................ $27.95Swift, E.J. Osiris (Osiris Project #1: Osiris has been cut off from the land since the Great Storm 50years ago. Adelaide is a jaded socialite. Vikram is a third-generation refugee, who sees hispeople dying of cold and starvation. As a brutal winter brings the city closer to riot andrevolution, these two will try to bridge the gap dividing the city). . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.99Terry, Teri Slated (YA; Kyla's personality has been wiped blank, her memories erased. Thegovernment claims she was a terrorist and they're giving her a second chance. But scenesfrom the past haunt her as she tries to adjust to a new family and school. Who is she really?And if only criminals are slated, why are so many teens disappearing?).. . . . . . . . . $9.99Tobin, Paul Prepare to Die! (When a crew of supervillains gives him two weeks to settle his affairsand prepare to die, superhero Reaver (aka Steve Clarke) heads for his hometown in searchof the teenage boy he once was - and the girl he never forgot).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.99Tofield, Simon Simon's Cat in Kitten Chaos (Based on the internet sensation. Black & white linedrawings; things do not go entirely smoothly when an abandoned kitten joins thehousehold)....................................................... $15.95Traviss, Karen The Thursday War (Halo: Novel based on the game). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99Vance/Martin/Dozois-ed Songs of the Dying Earth (World Fantasy Award finalist. Massive anthology of 22stories set in Vance's far-future, demon-haunted Dying Earth). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.99Walton, Evangeline She Walks in Darkness (PBO; A newly discovered fantasy novel. On a trip to aTuscan villa, a car crash leaves an archaeologist unconscious in a bed surrounded byfrescoes of a benevolent goddess, while a more sinister deity in the courtyard seems to gainpower in the night. Meanwhile, his bride is drawn to the seductive charms a beautiful youngTuscan. An ancient conflict has come back to life, and the key to the mystery lies in thecatacombs beneath the villa)......................................... $14.95Walton, Jo Half a Crown (Small Change #3: 1960: With a global peace conference convening inLondon - where Britain, Germany, and Japan will oversee the partitioning of the world - adebutante and the head of Britain's secret police become unlikely allies to oppose thefascists). ........................................................ $15.99Weeks, Brent The Blinding Knife (Lightbringer #2: Gavin had thought he had five years left, nowhe has less than one. Magic is running wild and threatens to destroy the Satrapies. The oldgods are being reborn, and their army of color wights is unstoppable. The only salvationmay be the brother whose freedom and life Gavin stole). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17.00Wiley, Melissa The Prairie Thief (Kids; 1882 Colorado: With her Pa accused of thievery and lockedup, Louisa is living with the awful Smirches, the neighbors who accused him. Now she'sdiscovered one very cantankerous - and magical - secret beneath the hazel grove. It's up toLouisa, her friend Jessamine, and that cranky secret to save Pa from hanging). . . . $5.99

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