Newsletter 103 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's

Newsletter 103 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's

Newsletter 103 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's


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innovators in the past, and the wide range of subjects theyexplore, from sf and fantasy literature to popular music tovisual and multimedia artists). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.95Wong, David This Book Is Full of Spiders (David & John #2: Theguys find that books and movies may have triggered a zombieapocalypse, despite a complete lack of zombies in the world.As they race against the clock to protect humanity, theywonder who the real monsters are. That would be the shapeshiftinghorrors secretly taking over the world that, in the end,make John and David kind of wish it had been zombies afterall).......................................$15.99EXPECTED MID-OCTOBERAbercrombie, Joe Red Country (With the family farm burned and hersiblings stolen, Shy South knows she'll have to go back to herbad old ways if she's ever to see them again. She sets off inpursuit with only her cowardly old stepfather for company.But it turns out he's hiding a bloody past of his own).$16.00Almhjell, Tone The Twistrose Key (Kids; After finding a mysterious key,11-year-old Lin finds herself in the wintery world of Sylver,where all the inhabitants were once either beloved pets ortamed wild animals. To return home, she must find themissing Winter Prince)........................$16.99Anthony, Piers Esrever Doom (Xanth #37: As the only person in Xanthnot affected by a dreadful spell that reverses how people seeeach other, turning love to hate, it's up to Kody to figure outhow to undo the spell). .......................$25.99Cole, Nick The Wasteland Saga: The Old Man and theWasteland / The Savage Boy / The Road Is aRiver (Omnibus; 40 years after the destruction ofcivilization in the US, unlikely heroes face danger: a survivor,armed with his prized Hemingway novel, ventures into theunknown to break a curse and save his village; an untestedchild and his horse undertake the final mission of the last USsoldier; an old man and his granddaughter confront the manydangers of the radioactive wasteland to free a group trappedin an underground bunker).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.99Conley, Darby The Fuzzy Bunch (Get Fuzzy: PBO; Black & white dailystrips, color Sunday strips). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.99Connolly, Tina Copperhead (Ironskin #2: Helen has been secretlyhelping her sister Jane remove the dangerous fey beauty fromwomen. But when the chancy procedure turns deadly, Janegoes missing, then is implicated in the death. Helen isdetermined to find her sister and continue battling the fey - astruggle that will pit her against her husband's influentialclique).................................... $24.99Donaldson, Stephen R. The Last Dark (Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant #4:Reunited after their separate struggles, Thomas Covenant andLinden Avery discover in each other their true power - and yetthey cannot imagine how to stop the Worm of the World's Endfrom unmaking Time. Nevertheless, they must resist the ruinof all things)............................... $35.00Farrey, Brian The Vengekeep Prophecies (Kids; The Grimjinxfamily produces the best thieves in Vengekeep, but Jaxter is soclumsy that his first heist lands the family in gaol. Then aprophecy emerges, naming the clan as the soon-to-be heroesof Vengekeep. It gets his family released, but when theprophecy starts coming true, Jaxter is pretty sure gaol wouldbe a better fate)..............................$7.99Ferrell, Sean Man in the Empty Suit (Every year, a time travelerheads to 2071 NYC for a birthday party with all the otherGaiman, Neil et alHill, JoeJeschke, WolfgangJeter, K.W.Joyce, WilliamJoyce, WilliamMarr, M/Pratt, T (ed)Newman, KimOchse, WestonRice, AnneRivers, Phoebeversions of who he has been and who he will be. But the yearhe turns 39, he finds the body of his 40-year-old self. As theolder versions of himself point out, he has one year to preventhis murder, or they're all goners). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00Endless Nights (Sandman: Reissue; Full color graphicnovel; 7 stories (1 for each of the Endless)). . . . . . . $19.99NOS4A2 (Charles Manx likes to take kids for rides. With hisold car, he can slip right out of the everyday world, and ontothe hidden roads that transport them to an astonishing - andterrifying - playground. Now Vic, the only kid ever to escapefrom Manx, is grown up and desperate to forget. But Manxnever stopped thinking about her. He's on the road again, andhe's picked up a new passenger: Vic's son). . . . . . . . $17.99The Cusanus Game (After northern Europe iscontaminated by radioactivity, biologist Domenica Ligrinafinds herself recruited by a secret Vatican research facilitythat plans to use time travel to restore the flora of theirradiated regions).......................... $25.99Fiendish Schemes (George Dower #2: Steam-poweredVictorian London: Promised by a mysterious group that hisfuture is assured if he can locate his father's Vox Universalisand make it work as intended, George Dower finds himselftrapped in a maelstrom of secrets, corruption, and schemes;$25.99 hardcover also available). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.99The Sandman and the War of Dreams(Guardians of Childhood Novel #4: Kids; When Pitchdisappears, taking Katherine with him, the Guardians mustconvince Sanderson ManSnoozy to join the team so they canget Katherine back).......................... $15.99The Mischievians (Kids; Full color picture book. Strangesmells. Disappearing remotes. It's not your fault, it's theMischievians, an ancient race of global mischief makersresponsible for all the things that embarrass you, bug you,and get you in trouble. Come meet them!). . . . . . . . $17.99Rags & Bones: New Twists on Timeless Tales(YA; Anthology; contemporary authors reimagine classictales)..................................... $18.00The Quorum (Reissue; In 1961, Derek Leech emerges fullyformed from the polluted River Thames, destined to found aglobal media empire. In 1978, three ambitious young menstrike a deal with Leech. They are offered wealth, glamour,and success, but a price will have to be paid. In 1994, Leech'sultimate purpose is revealed; as the three men struggle, theyrealize the price)............................ $14.95Age of Blood (Triple Six #2: When a US senator'sdaughter is kidnapped, SEAL Team 666 discovers links to theZeta Cartel, a newly discovered temple beneath Mexico City,and the Followers of the Flayed One. With politics, narcoterrorism,and an insidious force within the team threateningto derail the mission, can Triple Six stop the return of the Ageof Blood?)................................. $24.99The Wolves of Midwinter (Wolf Gift #2: As Yuletideapproaches, Reuben, now infused with the wolf gift, findshimself caught up in the passions and yearnings of a spectralpresence. And amidst the preparations for the Nideck townChristmas, secrets are revealed, telling of a strangenetherworld, and of ancient spirits with fantastical historiesand dark, magical powers). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25.95A Perfect Storm (Saranormal #10: Kids; At Sara'shome, a spirit reveals that he has a secret about her mother,

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