Newsletter 103 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's

Newsletter 103 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's

Newsletter 103 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's


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Fire: The first 5 books of the epic fantasy series in massmarket paperback, in a slipcase featuring art from the HBO TVseries).................................... $49.95Martin, George R.R. (ed) Aces High (Wild Cards #2: Reissue; A mosaic novel. In an1980s both like and unlike our own, an extraterrestrial beingcalled the Swarm is heading for Earth. Meanwhile, some of theaces given superpowers by the virus are hatching conspiraciesto control the human world).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99McDevitt, J/Resnick, M The Cassandra Project (When a 50-year-old secretabout the Apollo 11 mission is revealed, NASA public affairsdirector Jerry Culpepper finds himself embroiled in acontroversy that will test his ability - and his willingness - tospin the truth about a conspiracy). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99McDevitt, Jack Starhawk (Academy #7: Having realized her lifelongdream of qualifying for an interstellar pilot's license, Hutchwinds up working for the corporation responsible forterraforming. Her working conditions include bomb threats,sabotage, clashes with her employers, and a mission to aworld which harbors a lifeform unlike anything humanity hasever seen)..................................$25.95McGugan, Libby The Eidolon (After a physicist loses his job and his lover,the dead start appearing to him. Then he is recruited tosabotage CERN's Large Hadron Collider, told that the next stepin the research there will bring disaster. Everything he onceunderstood about reality and the boundaries between life anddeath is about to change forever). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99Meluch, R.M. Tour of the Merrimack Volume 2: TheSagittarius Command / Strength and Honor(Merrimack #3 / #4: Omnibus reprint; 2 military sf novels).......................................... $8.99Modesitt Jr., L.E. Imager's Battalion (Imager #6: As part of the Telarynarmy's invasion of Bovaria, Quaeryt leads history's firstImager fighting force into war; court intrigues pursue himeven to the front lines of the conflict).. . . . . . . . . . . . $8.99Moers, Walter The Labyrinth of Dreaming Books (Zamonia #5:Two centuries after Bookholm was destroyed by fire,Zamonia's greatest writer, Hildengunst von Mythenmetz,returns to Bookholm to investigate a mystery. Themagnificently rebuilt city has once again become a metropolisof storytelling and the book trade, and Mythenmetzencounters old friends as well as new denizens of the city)..........................................$17.95Monk, Devon Hell Bent (Broken Magic #1: PBO; Magic is now a uselessnovelty - but not for Shamus Flynn and Terric Conley. They canrevert magic back to its full power, and they're the only oneswho can stop that power from landing in the wrong hands.Unfortunately, a pair of those wrong hands belong to thegorgeous assassin Shamus is falling for).. . . . . . . . . . . $7.99Monroe, Caleb et al The Secret History of Space (Steed & Mrs. Peel #2:Full color graphic novel. John and Emma attend a sinistermasquerade ball, uncover secrets in the British spaceprogram, and thwart a conspiracy in a small town). . $14.99Pratchett, Terry The Carpet People (Kids; Includes the text of therevised edition, co-written by 17-year-old Terry Pratchett and43-year-old Terry Pratchett, plus his original illustrations anda precursor story written when he was 17. In the beginning,there was nothing but endless flatness. Then came the Carpet.Now the Carpet is home to many different peoples - and Frayis sweeping a trail of destruction across it). . . . . . . . $17.99Pratchett, Terry Small Gods (Discworld #13: Reissue; Religion is acontroversial business in the Discworld. Everyone has theirown opinion, and gods come in all shapes and sizes. In sucha competitive environment, it's certainly not remotely helpfulto be reduced to appearing in the form of a lowly tortoise. Insuch instances, you need an acolyte, and fast. Preferably onewho won't ask too many questions). . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.99Pratchett, Terry Lords and Ladies (Discworld #14: Reissue; It'sMidsummer Night, but no time for dreaming. Lancre has beeninvaded by elves, and if Magrat is going to marry KingVerence, she's going to have to get him back from their queen,with some help from Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg.With full supporting cast of dwarfs, wizards, trolls, Morrisdancers, and one orangutan). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.99Pratchett, Terry Men at Arms (Discworld #15: Reissue; 'Be a Man in theCity Watch! The City watch needs Men!' But what it's gotincludes Corporal Carrot (technically a dwarf),LanceconstableCuddy (really a dwarf), Lance-constable Detritus (atroll), Lance-constable Angua (a woman ... most of the time),and Corporal Nobbs (disqualified from the human race forshoving). And they need all the help they can get, becausethere's evil in the air and murder afoot).. . . . . . . . . . $9.99Pratchett, Terry Soul Music (Discworld #16: Reissue; It's hard to grow upnormally when Grandfather rides a white horse and wields ascythe - especially when you have to take over the familybusiness, and everyone mistakes you for the Tooth Fairy. Andespecially when you have to face the new and addictive musicthat has entered the Discworld. It's lawless. It changes people.It's called Music with Rocks In. It's got a beat and you candance to it, but . . . it's alive. And it won't fade away).$9.99Pullman, Philip Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm (Pullmanretells his fifty favorite Grimm tales). . . . . . . . . . . . $18.00Resnick, Laura The Misfortune Cookie (Esther Diamond #6: PBO;Handcrafted fortune cookies are inflicting deadly curses onhapless victims. And when her sometimes-boyfriend NYPDDetective Connor Lopez is a recipient, Esther will do whateverit takes to save him and stop the spreading mystical mayhem).......................................... $7.99Robertson, Freya Heartwood (With war threatening, Heartwood's holy treeis failing. Because the land and its people are one,Heartwood's holy knights must try to make peace. The peacetalks are not going well when an army emerges from theriver. After a fierce battle, the knights discover that the waterwarriors have stolen the tree's heart. For the first time, itsleaves begin to fall. The knights set out to retrieve the heartand save the land). ......................... $14.99Ruditis, Paul A Very Klingon Christmas (Star Trek: Recounts inrhyming verse the story of the birth of revered warriorKahless, and celebrates the rich Klingon Christmas traditions)......................................... $16.99Salvatore, R.A. Legend of Drizzt 25th Anniversary Volume 3:The Legacy / Starless Night / Siege ofDarkness / Passage to Dawn (Forgotten Realms:Drizzt #7 / #8 / #9 / #10: Omnibus reprint). . $19.95Schatzing, Frank Limit (2025: A entrepreneur plans a trip to his lunar hotelfor potential investors, hoping to secure financing for hissecond Earth-to-Moon space elevator. Back on Earth, adetective chasing a hacker finds evidence connecting her bothto the entrepreneur and to the man's competitors andenemies, and realizes that the lunar junket is in danger)......................................... $29.95

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