Newsletter 103 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's

Newsletter 103 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's

Newsletter 103 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's


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stop by and buy some.Over a year ago the KFCfranchisee for the Twin Cities wentbankrupt, and almost a year agoPopeye’s bought 14 former KFClocations to turn into Popeye’s FriedChicken outlets. We’ve been hearing formany months that all of the former KFClocations would be remodeled andreopened by the end of July, but there’sbeen little activity around the KFClocation near <strong>Uncle</strong> Hugo’s. Finally,around the middle of July a lockedstorage container about the size of asemi trailer was dropped in the parkinglot near the back door of the building.The dentist located between the <strong>Uncle</strong>sand the former KFC has been watchingthe site very carefully. He said that theonly action he’s seen on the site in thelast couple of months was somebodywith a weed whip. He asked the guywhen the Popeye’s would be open, andthe guy claimed it would be open with 5weeks. That was 4 weeks ago, and stillnothing is happening on the site. Ourlong fried chicken famine continues.As usual lots of stuff had to becut from the paper newsletter, but thefull version is available on the website.Short RecommendationsBy Don BlylyKate Elliott’s excellentSpiritwalker Trilogy is an alternatehistory fantasy that throws in almosteverything but the kitchen sink, but stillmanages to work very well. The Romansfailed to defeat Carthage, leaving thePhoenicians in control of the seas and aweaker Roman Empire on land. About1000 years before the story begins (inthe 1800s, dated from Augustus comingto power in Rome), the Roman Empirepretty much collapsed, but not beforehaving a heavy impact on the cultures ofwestern Europe. About 400 years beforethe story begins, the Persians conqueredNorthern Africa, causing many of thePhoenicians to flee to Europe and formalliances with the Celtic princes. About100 years later, an outbreak of ghoulssouth of the Sahara destroyed the westAfrican empire of Mali, with many ofthe Mali elite hiring Phoenician ships totake them, their gold, and their magic toEurope, where they married into thefamilies of the Celtic princes. Some ofthe Mali hired Phoenicians to take themVoices, and Octavia E. Butler (PBO; Nonfiction; the ground-breaking writer'swork is examined in this anthology of scholarly essays, reminiscences and personal essays,poems, correspondence, photographs, and interviews).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.00Campbell, J (Hemry, J) The Last Full Measure (Mid-1800s: In an America dominated by plantation ownersand kept in line by Southern military forces, Professor Joshua Chamberlain becomes partof a daring plan to foment revolution. But they need a leader to inspire the people - they'llhave to break Abraham Lincoln out of prison). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.00Carrott, J/Johnson, B Vintage Tomorrows (Black & white photos. Through an examination of Steampunkculture, a historian and a futurist demonstrate how to learn about the future by studyingalternative pasts).................................................. $24.99Cooper, Brenda The Creative Fire (Ruby's Song #1: PBO; Ruby Martin expected to spend her daysrepairing robots while avoiding the dangerous peacekeeping forces that roam the corridorsof the generation ship. Then a ship-wide accident gives her a chance to fight for the freedomshe craves)....................................................... $17.95Correia, L/Long, S Monster Hunter International Employee's Handbook andRoleplaying Game (Everything you need to know about MHI, from its history andresources to the people who make it such a unique and successful organization, pluscharacter sheets for members, allies, principal enemies, and monsters, and the completeHERO System basic rules, with <strong>expanded</strong> rules for gunfights, magic, and other common MHIactions).......................................................... $60.00Cosby, Nate (ed) Jim Henson's The Storyteller (Full color graphic novel; 9 original stories ofwonder and myth, as told by The Storyteller and his loyal canine companion).. . . $14.95Crumb, R. Some More Early Years of Bitter Struggle (Complete Crumb Comics #2:Reissue; Graphic novel; adults only. Underground comix and illustrations; black & whitewith some color sections)............................................ $19.99Crumb, R. Happy Hippy Comix (Complete Crumb Comics #5: Reissue; Graphic novel; adultsonly. Underground comix and illustrations; black & white with some color sections$).19.99Delany, Samuel et al Bread & Wine (Reissue; Adults only; short black & white graphic novel about howDelany met and got involved with his longtime companion Dennis).. . . . . . . . . . . $14.99Doescher, Ian William Shakespeare's Star Wars: Verily, A New Hope (Star Wars:Return once more to a galaxy far, far away, this time in the style of the Bard of Avon)................................................................ $14.95Donovan, Art The Art of Steampunk (Full color photos of extraordinary devices and ingeniouscontraptions, plus notes about their creators; <strong>expanded</strong> edition with 50+ additionalphotos).......................................................... $19.99Duchamp (ed) Missing Links and Secret Histories: A Selection of WikipediaEntries from Across the Known Multiverse (PBO; Anthology; a sampling ofentries that shed interesting or edifying light on the familiar narratives we know (and insome cases love) in our own small corner of the Multiverse). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18.00Ellis/Thomas (ed) Queers Dig Time Lords: A Celebration of Doctor Who by the LGBTQFans Who Love It (PBO; 28 essays by authors and fans about the TV series).$17.95Gaiman, N/McKean, D Black Orchid (Reissue; Full color graphic novel; reprints the 3-issue miniseries. Afterbeing murdered, Susan Linden is reborn as a demigoddess, a hybrid of plant and human,destined to avenge her own death)..................................... $16.99Goss, J/Tribe, S A History of the Universe in 100 Objects (Doctor Who: Full color throughout.100 objects, from ancient urns and medieval flasks to sonic screwdrivers and glass Daleks,that tell the story of the entire universe and the Doctor). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31.99Greenwood, Ed The Wizard's Mask (Pathfinder Tales: PBO; Novel based on the game). . . . . $9.99Holm, Chris F. The Big Reap (Collector #3: PBO; Sam has had many run-ins with his celestialmasters, but he's always been sure of his own actions. Now tasked with dispatching a groupof former Collectors who have cast off their ties to Hell, he wonders: is he still working onthe side of right?)................................................... $7.99Hume, M.K. Hunting with Gods (UK title: Web of Deceit) (Merlin Prophecy #3: Merlin'sreturn to Britain is blighted when brutal war leader Uther Pendragon demands that Merlinuse his powers to help Uther conquer women and kingdoms - and threatens those close toMerlin when he protests). ........................................... $16.00Iwata, Nathanael The Steampunk Alphabet (Kids; Each letter of the alphabet comes with a full colorillustration of an artifact and an explanation of its use). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95Jones, Gwyneth The Buonarotti Quartet (PBO; Collection; 4 stories of humans traveling using theBuonarotti instant transit device invented in the author's White Queen trilogy). . $12.00

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