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having a similar monopoly on earlypicks as Gold Coast had lastseason. The Giants can pick-up 17year olds born in the first fourmonths of the year. Irra, McKay,Kennedy, Josh Simpson (Norwood),Jimmy Toumpas (Eagles), MatthewMcDonough (Eagles), Aaron Luccon(Norwood) and Brodie Grundy(Sturt) all fit into this category.South Australia’s U18 captainChad Wingard is touted as a firstround draft pick.“Chad is a super talent, but stillpretty green,” his Sturt coach, LukeNorman said.“He’s full of ability and has a bigfuture in football.“A kid with a good attitude, he’sattentive and very coachable.“He’s the type of footballer whocan play anywhere on the ground,across half forward, on a wing orthrough the middle.“He could even play across halfback, but I believe he’s best suitedaround the goals at this stage of hiscareer.”Originating from the BrightonBombers, Ben Kennedy has beengiven high accolades.“He was a cut above the rest,”Glenelg Football Manager KenApplegarth said.“We have been looking for a smallforward who could play throughthe middle as well and kick goals,since I arrived here eight years agoand Ben fits the bill perfectly.“He’s quick, has real footballsmarts and is a powerful kick.“There are a lot of aspects of ayoung Tony McGuinness in the wayhe plays.”Emmanuel Irra is a good friend ofKennedy’s and fellow student at thefamous football nursery of SacredHeart College.“His skill level is terrific and hetakes the game on,” South Adelaidementor Ron Fuller said.“Emmanuel has a strong workethic and his ability to finishimpressed me.“Also importantly he’s proved hecan handle the bigger bodies ofsenior SANFL football.”After an outstanding AFL draftin 2010 where SA footballproduced three first-roundselections, expect more excitingtalents from the class of 2011 tofollow in their footsteps.Emmanuel Irra.Ben Kennedy.15

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