GNU Octave - Local Sector 7 web page

GNU Octave - Local Sector 7 web page

GNU Octave - Local Sector 7 web page

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262 <strong>GNU</strong> <strong>Octave</strong>asysnunytolsystem data structurenumber of controlled inputsnumber of measured outputsthreshold for 0; default: 200*eps.Outputsretvaldgkf structtrue(1) if system passes check, false(0) otherwisedata structure of is_dgkf results. Entries:nwnzabwbuczcydimensions of w, zsystem A matrix(n x nw) qw-transformed disturbance input matrix(n x nu) ru-transformed controlled input matrix;B = [BwBu](nz x n) Qz-transformed error output matrix(ny x n) ry-transformed measured output matrixC = [Cz; Cy]dzudywrurydyu nzdyudflgoff-diagonal blocks of transformed system D matrix that enterz, y from u, w respectivelycontrolled input transformation matrixobserved output transformation matrixnonzero if the dyu block is nonzero.untransformed dyu blocknonzero if the system is discrete-timeis_dgkf exits with an error if the system is mixed discrete/continuous.References[1] Doyle, Glover, Khargonekar, Francis, State Space Solutions to StandardH 2 and H ∞ Control Problems, ieee tac August 1989.[2] Maciejowksi, J.M., Multivariable Feedback Design, Addison-Wesley,1989.digital = is digital (sys, eflg)Return nonzero if system is digital.InputsFunction File

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