Character set & entity references - EPO

Character set & entity references - EPO

Character set & entity references - EPO


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<strong>EPO</strong> <strong>Character</strong> <strong>set</strong> and <strong>entity</strong> <strong>references</strong> Version 1.0a, October 1995Complete IBM EBCDIC Code Page 500 (for <strong>EPO</strong> use only)Char. EBCDIC500ASCII437/850EntityReferenceDescription- 60 2D Hyphen/ 61 2F Solidus 62 &Acirc; Capital A circumflexÄ 63 8E Capital A umlautÀ 64 &Agrave; Capital A graveÁ 65 &Aacute; Capital A acuteà 66 &Atilde; Capital A tildeÅ 67 8F Capital A over circleÇ 68 80 Capital C cedillaÑ 69 A5 Capital N tilde¦ 6A &brvbar; Broken vertical bar, 6B 2C Comma% 6C 25 Percent_ 6D 5F Underscore> 6E 3E Greater than? 6F 3F Question markN 70 &oslash; Small o slashÉ 71 90 Capital E acuteÊ 72 &Ecirc; Capital E circumflexË 73 &Euml; Capital E umlautÈ 74 &Egrave; Capital E graveÍ 75 &Iacute; Capital I acuteÎ 76 &Icirc; Capital I circumflexÏ 77 &Iuml; Capital I umlautÌ 78 &Igrave; Capital I grave` 79 60 Grave: 7A 3A Colon# 7B 23 Numeral sign@ 7C 40 Commercial at' 7D 27 Apostrophe= 7E 3D Equals" 7F 22 QuotationØ 80 &Oslash; Capital O slasha 81 61 Small ab 82 62 Small bc 83 63 Small cd 84 64 Small de 85 65 Small ef 86 66 Small fPage 26

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