Smart Arts - Creative New Zealand

Smart Arts - Creative New Zealand

Smart Arts - Creative New Zealand

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2WORKSMARTThe most important thingabout doing a budget is toknow your market – whatthey read and the mostcost-effective way to reachthem, says Kerry Buchan,Co-ordinator of Dunedin’sbiennial writers’ festivalWordstruck! “In Otago,direct marketing is themost cost-effective way forus to communicate withour target market. Large,eye-catching posters instrategic places also workwell for us.”Kerry’s other key piece ofadvice about a budget is tostay within it.“It’stempting to throw moremoney at a particularsession if sales are low. Butyou need to feel confidentthat the momentum from awell-planned marketingstrategy will get youthrough.“You also need to worksmart when it comes to thebudget and constantlythink outside the square.There are ways to promoteyour event in a creative,inexpensive way.”Here’s a list of promotional tools you may need to budget for.Photographs• photographer’s fee• cost of props, costumes, studio or lighting hire, talent fees for photo shoot• films, processing, copies• scanning for electronic files.Posters and flyers• design (including scans, lasers, changes, couriers)• prepress and film output• printing• distribution.Print advertising• magazines• daily newspapers• local, suburban papers• design• production (including films, disks, couriers).Billboards• design• production• installation• material for smaller displays.Mail-out or e-mail distribution• postage and envelopes, photocopying• envelope stuffers or e-mail data entry (even if it’s just a free ticket to the show).Radio campaign• studio time• cost of airplay• cost of creatives (musicians, copy writers, voice-overs).Media packs• writer’s fee• materials and photocopying• courier/mail costs.Miscellaneous items• translation services for written material (if targeting other cultural groups)• foyer decoration• programme production and printing• hospitality for opening night or to thank volunteers• opening-night invitations (creation and distribution)• phone/internet charges<strong>Smart</strong> arts | Toi huatau18

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