11. Confidence Intervals for Flood Return Level Estimates assuming ...

11. Confidence Intervals for Flood Return Level Estimates assuming ...

11. Confidence Intervals for Flood Return Level Estimates assuming ...


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Henning W. Rust et al. 237uncertainty depend on catchment characteristics, we plan to systematicallystudy other gauges. Furthermore, a refined model selection strategy and theaccounting <strong>for</strong> instationarities due to climate change is subject of further work.<strong>11.</strong>9 AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education andResearch (grant number 03330271) and the European Union Baltic Sea IN-TERREG III B neighbourhood program (ASTRA, grant number 0085). Weare grateful to the Bavarian Authority <strong>for</strong> the Environment <strong>for</strong> the provisionof data. We further wish to thank Dr. V. Venema, Dr. Boris Orlowsky, Dr.Douglas Maraun, Dr. P. Braun, Dr. J. Neumann and H. Weber <strong>for</strong> severalfruitful discussions.<strong>11.</strong>10 Appendix<strong>11.</strong>10.1 General Extreme Value DistributionConsider the maximumM n = max{X 1 , . . .,X n } (<strong>11.</strong>11)of a sequence of n independent and identically distributed (iid) variablesX 1 , . . .,X n with common distribution function F. This can be, <strong>for</strong> example,daily measured run-off at a gauge; M n then represents the maximum over ndaily measurements, e.g., the annual maximum <strong>for</strong> n = 365. The three typestheorem states thatPr{(M n − b n )/a n ≤ z} → G(z), as n → ∞, (<strong>11.</strong>12)with a n and b n being normalisation constants and G(z) a non-degenerate distributionfunction known as the General Extreme Value distribution (Gev){ [ ( )] } −1/ξ z − µG(z) = exp − 1 + ξ. (<strong>11.</strong>13)σz is defined on {z|1+ξ(z −µ)/σ > 0}. The model has a location parameter µ,a scale parameter σ and a <strong>for</strong>m parameter ξ. The latter decides whether thedistribution is of type II (Fréchet, ξ > 0) or of type III (Weibull, ξ < 0). Thetype I or Gumbel familyG(z) = exp[− exp{−( z − µσ)}], {z| − ∞ < z < ∞} (<strong>11.</strong>14)

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