Temaline Solutions

Temaline Solutions

Temaline Solutions


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<strong>Temaline</strong> Specification DataSection 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>General InquiriesConfigurable information available to thecardholder that is contained within theapplication such as time and vacationbalances.Event AnalysisThe event analysis functionality allowsthe operators to display and analyse thehistorical data stored in the system. Theoperator can define:lllWhat data to displayWhich filters to apply to the data in orderto show only events that satisfy certaindefined criteriaWhat information applies according tothe content of the fieldsSpontaneous MessagesSpontaneous messages are alphanumericand displayed automatically on the terminalfollowing a clock-in or clock-out operation.The operator can also define spontaneousmessages;llAssociated to a specific employee– addressed exclusively to the person inquestionAssociated to a specific display i.e.to the TemaKeys that use the primaryobject in question. All authorised userswho transit at the TemaKey can thenview these messagesSpontaneous messages can be configuredfor all displays, with the following limitations:l Alphanumeric display: a single line of 16characterslGraphic display: 4 lines of 32 charactersThe Spontaneous Message functionalitygives the opportunity to show a messageto the cardholder using the terminal,simultaneously with the transactioninformation. The message can be specificSECTION 5: page 14for the terminal, for the cardholder, or fora group of cardholders. Examples includetime limits for an individual to complete aspecific personnel task such as specialtraining or a group of individuals who mightbe required for medical exams or a meetingroom is changed.Dial Up CommunicationsThe <strong>Temaline</strong> system architecture supportspoint-to-point communication between theTemaServer and the supervision centrevia Dial-up. This communication can beused as an alternative to the LAN Ethernetconnection (as primary connection), or canbe used as a back-up connection (primaryconnection in LAN Ethernet, secondary – orback-up connection – in point-to-point).The point-to-point connection can beestablished in dial-up (modems) or using adirect line connection (null modem, RS232connection). The point-to-point connectioncan be established both from the TemaServer and from the Supervision Centre inthe following ways:lllManual call from Supervisor centreScheduled connection (both from centreand peripheral level)Automatic (started by a Supervisorcentre commands or by a Peripheralevent/alarm)The supervisor centre has the capabilityto manage a group of modems; theTemaServer can automatically select thefirst non-busy line on up to 4 supervisorcentre telephone numbers.Transits are not sent in an on-line manner, butonly on specific scheduled time periods. Ifthere is no connection between TemaServerand supervision centre, the transits arestored into the ‘transit buffer’ and sent toEBI centre once the connection is establish.If the ‘transit buffer’ level exceeds the 80%,the TemaServer establishes automatically aconnection to decrease the occupancy ofthe buffer.From the point of view of events it is possibleto specify time periods (hours for day anddays of the week) in which the events aresent using the point-to-point connection.TRANSIT CONTROLSGate controlIn its simplest form, Gate Control is the sameas a standard functionality of electronic dooraccess control. The main job of the AccessControl TemaServers is to control one ormore gates (doors, revolving doors, turnstiles,etc.) in a single or bi-directional way.Gate ControlThe TemaServer monitors the gate statusand controls the door strike – both aremanaged by an I/O device.The TemaServer controls the gate bothwhen there is a request for transit and whenthe door is closed (idle condition). In thiscase the TemaServer treats the two readersas a single door, conserving door count perTemaServer.lWhen there is a request for transitand the cardholder is authorised, theTemaServer opens the gate, checkingfor the right transit sequence. A transitsequence is a collection of steps relatedto the gate characteristics (turnstile,revolving doors, etc).

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