Ensuring a Sustainable and Humane Seal Harvest - Nunavut ...

Ensuring a Sustainable and Humane Seal Harvest - Nunavut ...

Ensuring a Sustainable and Humane Seal Harvest - Nunavut ...


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prevent the import <strong>and</strong> use of seal products in Germany until a EU ban comes into effect. 4In January 2007, the lower house of the Belgian Parliament unanimously passed draftlegislation that would implement a national ban on the import of all seal products. It wouldappear that Belgian officials are expecting a challenge at the World Trade Organization. Inaddition to these national initiatives, a resolution <strong>and</strong> a declaration have also beendiscussed <strong>and</strong> adopted at the Council of Europe <strong>and</strong> the European Parliament.Recommendation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of EuropeFrom 2004 to 2006, one of the most important ongoing efforts in Europe to end theseal harvest focused on the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), aparliamentary organization composed of the members of 46 national Europeanparliaments. In April 2004, a motion for recommendation on “<strong>Seal</strong> Hunting” was referred tothe PACE Committee on the Environment, Agriculture <strong>and</strong> Local <strong>and</strong> Regional Affairs. ThePACE environment committee then appointed a rapporteur to draft a report on the matter.The first drafts of the report were, in the views of the Canadian observer delegation toPACE, “lacking balance <strong>and</strong> reflected a strong <strong>and</strong> unfounded bias against seal hunting ingeneral <strong>and</strong> the Canadian hunt in particular.” The drafts contained a large number offactual errors, <strong>and</strong> often only partial information was provided to support the arguments ofthe rapporteur. The Canadian delegation made several representations to the rapporteur<strong>and</strong> the committee, <strong>and</strong> in June 2006, the PACE environment committee considered apreliminary draft recommendation on seal harvesting which was in many respectsbalanced <strong>and</strong> reflected many Canadian points of view. This draft recommendation wasthen referred to the PACE St<strong>and</strong>ing Committee, one of the top bodies of the organization,<strong>and</strong> in November 2006 an amended recommendation was adopted, even though itsCommittee on the Environment, Agriculture <strong>and</strong> Local <strong>and</strong> Regional Affairs had rejectedthe amendments. Among other things, the adopted recommendation called for a ban on“all cruel hunting methods” including hakapiks <strong>and</strong> guns, <strong>and</strong> it “asked the Committee ofMinisters <strong>and</strong> the Parliaments of the member states [of the Council of Europe] to promoteinitiatives aimed at prohibiting the import <strong>and</strong> marketing of seal-derived products.” 5 TheCouncil of Europe’s Committee of Ministers met at the end of November 2006 <strong>and</strong> decidedto bring the recommendation to the attention of their governments, as well as agreed tocommunicate it to the St<strong>and</strong>ing Committee of the Bern Convention for information <strong>and</strong>possible comments by April 1 2007.Our Committee is disappointed by the decision of the PACE St<strong>and</strong>ing Committee toadopt the amended recommendation. The Canadian observer delegation to PACE hadserious concerns about the amendments which did not reflect the evidence heard by the4 Department of Foreign Affairs <strong>and</strong> International Trade, Canada’s <strong>Seal</strong> Hunt <strong>and</strong> Reactions in Europe, Briefing Note,November 2006.5Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Recommendation 1776 (2006) — <strong>Seal</strong> hunting, available athttp://assembly.coe.int/Main.asp?link=/Documents/AdoptedText/ta06/EREC1776.htm.5

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