Ensuring a Sustainable and Humane Seal Harvest - Nunavut ...

Ensuring a Sustainable and Humane Seal Harvest - Nunavut ...

Ensuring a Sustainable and Humane Seal Harvest - Nunavut ...


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RECOMMENDATION 9The Committee recommends that the federal government,through the Department of Fisheries <strong>and</strong> Oceans, IndustryCanada, <strong>and</strong> the Department of Foreign Affairs <strong>and</strong> InternationalTrade, demonstrate, through raising public awareness, thatsealing is a viable <strong>and</strong> sustainable commercial activity inCanada.The Committee also recommends that the federal government,through Industry Canada, provide direct financial assistance, inan amount to be determined in consultation with industrystakeholders, to assist in the further development of marketablegoods by the industry.RECOMMENDATION 10The Committee recommends that a committee comprisingrepresentatives from industry, the federal, provincial <strong>and</strong>territorial governments, <strong>and</strong> of non—governmentalorganizations, be established to plan a strategy to develop thesealing industry to its maximum potential.RECOMMENDATION 11Recognizing that sealing is a legal <strong>and</strong> legitimate industry, theCommittee recommends that the Government of Canada takeaction to support <strong>and</strong> promote it as it would any other industry,specifically through initiatives such as a comprehensiveanalysis of the potential markets for seal products in the UnitedStates, Europe <strong>and</strong> Asia, the duties of Canadian trade promotionofficers on foreign postings, <strong>and</strong> Team Canada trade tours.The Committee also recommends that the Government ofCanada commit, through Industry Canada, funding for thepromotion of seal products, both domestically <strong>and</strong>internationally.32

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