Ensuring a Sustainable and Humane Seal Harvest - Nunavut ...

Ensuring a Sustainable and Humane Seal Harvest - Nunavut ...

Ensuring a Sustainable and Humane Seal Harvest - Nunavut ...


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Lawrence cod) fishery, <strong>and</strong> the 4RS3Pn (northern Gulf cod)fishery <strong>and</strong> others as deemed necessary for the purpose ofpreventing the expansion of seals into the fishery, designatedbay, or area. This measure is designed to protect spawning <strong>and</strong>juvenile cod concentrations <strong>and</strong> prevent seals from inflictinghigh mortality.RECOMMENDATION 3The Department of Fisheries <strong>and</strong> Oceans must define all sealpopulations in northern <strong>and</strong> eastern Canadian waters,specifically ringed <strong>and</strong> hooded seals, so that the Department cangive responsible support to Canada's vital sealing industry,while protecting seal populations <strong>and</strong> the integrity of theecosystems in which they live.RECOMMENDATION 4Further, the accumulated knowledge <strong>and</strong> observations of thosewho have traditionally lived along Canada's northern <strong>and</strong>eastern sea coast <strong>and</strong> who rely upon its wildlife for survivalshould complement <strong>and</strong> strengthen modern science.Accordingly, the Department's research efforts <strong>and</strong>recommendations must include both traditional <strong>and</strong> communityknowledge.RECOMMENDATION 5The Committee recommends that the Department of Fisheries<strong>and</strong> Oceans, in an effort to increase its presence within thefishing communities, ensure that its scientists go into the field<strong>and</strong> make first—h<strong>and</strong> observations of anomalous behaviour byseals or fish, when such behaviour is brought to their attention.RECOMMENDATION 6The Committee recommends that Canada, through theDepartment of Fisheries <strong>and</strong> Oceans <strong>and</strong> the Department ofForeign Affairs <strong>and</strong> International Trade, must immediatelycommit itself to the goal of removing the trade barriers within theMMPA whereby Canadian seal products are prevented fromentering the United States. Canada must make strongsubmissions in the Committee hearing process about to be held30

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