1949-11-03 Thu

1949-11-03 Thu

1949-11-03 Thu


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COM P.<br />

225 W. MAIN<br />


Otsego County Herald Times<br />

VOL. 75 — NUMBER 35 SECTION ONE — 6 PAGES GAYLORD, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, <strong>1949</strong> 14 Pages PRICE 5 CENTS<br />

Strike Effects Felt<br />

In Otsego Co. Area<br />

Prospects for early settlement<br />

of strikes which are slowly<br />

halting the nation's industrial<br />

machine, were being viewed<br />

•with interest in Otsego county<br />

this week as effects of the<br />

strikes were sharply felt.<br />

Hardest hit is Standard Products<br />

company which is in the<br />

midst of a $100,000 expansion<br />

and plant improvement program<br />

to enable it to step up production<br />

and along with it, employ<br />

more Otsego county labor.<br />

John C. Scott, manager of the<br />

Gaylord division, said today<br />

that some employes who would<br />

otherwise be temporarily laid<br />

off, had been put on plant construction<br />

work to provide employment.<br />

He said this practice<br />

would be carried on as much<br />

as possible with workers so that<br />

income would not be cut off<br />

altogether.<br />

25 Arc Idled<br />

About 25 employes have been<br />

MEA Field Man<br />

Maps Action<br />

For Educators<br />

C. P. Titus, field representative<br />

of Michigan Educational<br />

Association in Northern Michigan,<br />

outlined MEA'S general<br />

undertakings in this area for<br />

23 Otsego county school teachers,<br />

superintendents, and officers,<br />

at a meeting on October<br />

28 in the office OK John Makel,<br />

Otsego county school superintendent.<br />

Mr. Titus said among important<br />

points to be studied by<br />

committees of the sub-districts<br />

of which Otsego county is a<br />

part, are legislation, professional<br />

problems, publications, program<br />

planning, public relations,<br />

finances and improvements.<br />

Recommendation was that three<br />

to five members of the group<br />

serve on each committee.<br />

Otsego county is a sub-district<br />

of the Cheboygan-Otsego district<br />

of which Mrs. Michael<br />

White is vice-president. Offi-<br />

MM ~* *u« 2ub district are Mrs.<br />

White president, Mrs. Lynn<br />

Meade, secretary; and Deo Galbraith,<br />

treasurer.<br />

Suggest Study<br />

Sixteen present problems facing<br />

MEA, which could be worked<br />

upon by this group in their<br />

community, were outlined. They<br />

were study of revision of the<br />

state aid bill so that any new<br />

revisions would not hinder it;<br />

study of special appropriations;<br />

study of state paid transportation<br />

for the past 10 years; legislative<br />

commission recommendation<br />

that the 35 clause be put<br />

back into the state aid bill;<br />

study of the retirement fund<br />

bill: building needs; study of<br />

sizes of school districts.<br />

Irnpiovenient of MEA placebent<br />

bureau and group insurance;<br />

public relations: continuous<br />

membership m MEA; selective<br />

recruitment of teachers<br />

through teachers' clubs: certification<br />

of teachers; adequate<br />

appropriations for higher institutions<br />

of learning: retaining<br />

the St. Mary's lake project; individual<br />

help to teachers by<br />

MEA and making refulei men<br />

regional conferences more functional<br />

Work Started<br />

On New Eagle<br />

Aerie Home<br />

Construction began Monday<br />

on the new $52,000 Eagles'<br />

building on Michigan avenue on<br />

the site of the former Central<br />

Hotel which bumed in the<br />

spring of 1947. Contractor and<br />

builder is C A. Austin General<br />

Contractors.<br />

Mr. Austin who recently located<br />

in Gaylord and who was<br />

in business in Grand Rapids before<br />

coming here, said layout<br />

work was completed Monday.<br />

Excavating was started Tuesday.<br />

UM Local Workmen<br />

Additional workmen will be<br />

taken on as work warrants,<br />

said Mr. Austin who expressed<br />

the intention of engaging only<br />

Otsego county people on his<br />

work crew.<br />

Bid on the building was $51,-<br />

975. It is to be a two story<br />

structure of steel, concrete and<br />

brick «vith all facilities generally<br />

found in a lodge home.<br />

.The contractor, the architect.<br />

Richard Lawson of Cheboygan.<br />

ind the building committee of<br />

the Eagles met this week to discuss<br />

details of carrying on the<br />

work.<br />

idled as the result of serious<br />

order cutbacks directly traceable<br />

to the steel and coal strikes,<br />

and the workweek which not<br />

so long ago was on a 54-hour<br />

basis for more than 70 employes,<br />

is now 40 hours for<br />

about 50.<br />

The strikes have had an adverse<br />

effect on business generally.<br />

Gaylord Manufacturing company,<br />

according to William J.<br />

Netter, vice-president and manager,<br />

is continuing on the same<br />

production schedule as in the<br />

past two weeks with no immediate<br />

prospect that events at Ford<br />

Motor company will bring about<br />

cutbacks.<br />

At the Gaylord Tool and Gage<br />

company, George Urbance, manager,<br />

said that he had an ample<br />

supply of steel and his market<br />

had not as yet been affected by<br />

the strike situation.<br />

Top O'Michigan<br />

Weekly Weather<br />

By Frank Peters. Observer<br />

Hi Lo Rain<br />

Oct. 27 52 26<br />

Oct 28 56 40<br />

Oct. 29 68 45<br />

Oct 30 70 36<br />

Oct 31 65 32 .12<br />

Nov. 1 48 22 T<br />

Nov. 2 48 30 .07<br />

Total rainfall for week—.19 inch.<br />

Snowfall, .05 on Oct. 31, and<br />

traces on Nov. 1 and 2.<br />

Name Hanscom<br />

To Inland Race<br />

Directorate<br />

x icvt iiun.xi<br />

tor, whose interest in outboard<br />

racing resulted in the Inland<br />

Water Route Marathon this year<br />

with every indication it will become<br />

one of Northern Michigan's<br />

outstanding sport events in the<br />

future, was named a director of<br />

the newlv organized croup to<br />

handle the event in 1950, at its<br />

meeting October 26 at Indian<br />

River.<br />

Mr. Hanscom declined office<br />

but agreed to serve on the board.<br />

He is commodore of the Otsego<br />

Lake Boat Club which was the<br />

original sponsoring organization.<br />

R. C. French of Indian River<br />

was elected president of the Inland<br />

Route Racing Association,<br />

Lloyd Guenther of Cheboygan,<br />

vice-preesident; Ed Maloney of<br />

Topinabee, secretary; and<br />

Charles Connor of Alanson,<br />

treasurer.<br />

Besides Mr. Hanscom. the directors<br />

are Harold G. Kneal of<br />

Petoskey; Rayph Engle of Oden;<br />

Jim Doherty, editor of the<br />

Northern Michigan Review at<br />

Petoskey; and E. C. Howe of<br />

Indian River.<br />

Another meeting is scheduled<br />

for November 9 at the Indian<br />

River Chamber of Commerce to<br />

set dates for the 1950 event and<br />

discuss preliminary plans.<br />

County School<br />

Men In Session<br />

Upward of 125 educational<br />

leaders including county school<br />

superintendents from most of<br />

the 54 Michigan counties under<br />

the new school setup, were in<br />

Mt. Pleasant October 31 for a<br />

conference regarding affairs of<br />

mutual interest.<br />

Among those attending were<br />

John Makel, Otsego county<br />

superintendent; and Bruce Blanchard,<br />

Emmet county superintendent-<br />

who made the trip together.<br />

Officials of the state department<br />

of public instruction<br />

and of the- various colleges of<br />

the state discussed problems<br />

and conducted panel inquires.<br />



CHEBOYGAN — Injuries suffered<br />

October 25 when he was<br />

struck by a truck driven by<br />

Lawrence Old?*, 25 ye old,<br />

of Gaylord, proved fatal to Angus<br />

McLeod. 71 years old. He<br />

died November 1 in Community<br />

Memorial Hospital. The truck<br />

was owned by Peet Packing<br />

company. Cheboygan police investigated<br />

and report witnesses<br />

declared Mr. McLeod walked<br />

into the path of the track The<br />

driver reported immediately and<br />

was not detained. Mr. McLeod<br />

was an employe of Micnigan<br />

Public S< inpany for 23<br />

years. Funeral rites are to be<br />

tomorrow.<br />

Oneway — Mrs. Anna Kisser. 82<br />

years old, died October 29.<br />

Blue Devils Win First '49 Victory<br />

Boyn e City 13-0 Victim<br />

Of Aggressive Gaylord <strong>11</strong><br />

Gaylord high's victory starved and savage Blue Devils,<br />

deprived of success in their first five games of the current<br />

gridiron season, gave home fans cause for glee last Friday<br />

when they overpowered Boyne City's eleven, I 3 to 0. However,<br />

the prognosis for tomorrow's game, final of the season,<br />

against East Jordan on the Red Devil's own field, is<br />

not heartening. East Jordan swept aside Mancelona 66 to 0<br />

last weekend.<br />

The Ironmen won from Gaylord<br />

in the season's opener, 14<br />

to 7. East Jordan also walloped<br />

the tar out of Boyne, 47 to 0.<br />

Coach Sherman Martin's team<br />

has shown a stalwart defense<br />

in recent games and it is unlikely<br />

that East Jordan will<br />

romp away with too great ease.<br />

Final Gam* For Several<br />

A number of Gaylord players<br />

will be making their final appearance<br />

Friday in the Blue<br />

and Gold uniforms, since they<br />

are seniors and due to be graduated<br />

in June. They include<br />

"Chuck" Yearn who played a<br />

-big part in the Gaylord sucrp«:<br />

outlets for cream; and pi no<br />

ice," Mr. Libcke concluded, "un­ dump.<br />

til we attain this ruial objective Treatment will be given the<br />

•saarsMe lo those to promote the extension and dump at three month inteiv.ds<br />

in Southern Michigan<br />

improvement of rural telephone for a year oy the Dobson sen<br />

Ortgtnafbj from Wisconsin, Dr service in our territory, to the by which time<br />

Quackenbush said that while end that service will be avail­ expected to be killed. Female<br />

working in Northern Michigan able at the lowest possible cost iats. explains Mr. Lockmiller.<br />

he had seen great possibilities to every rural establishment." have litters of about eight <<br />

m the dairy and cattle Industry,<br />

four months and the gre<br />

parallel to that of Wisconsin. He Completing the speaking pro­ percentage of the litters are fe­<br />

suggested that after production gram were Lester Biederman, males so the rati of multi]<br />

improvements here had goi piesidentof the Mid-West Broad­ ti< n of the rat population, if un­<br />

far as they could. Northern casting Company in Trsri checked, is tremendous<br />

Michigan farmers might turn City; and Wesley Hawlcy. direct­<br />

to producing higher grade bn or of membership acquisition of Cheboygan — Funeial was Nov­<br />

mg stock toe the East, in market Michigan Farm i M t<br />

ember 1 for Fred G. Me<br />

;<br />

for the win<br />

Mr Atha and son. Robert, bad<br />

working m the shop dunng<br />

the morning, but had left the<br />

building about noon<br />

Johnson. Paul Kammc.<br />

- by<br />

r> Lynch. Louis Latuszek, John who stopped to investigate when<br />

Laur. Flovd Lake. Jack Lewis, they spotted smoke. They pulled<br />

Carl Moorehead, George McKen-' a trailer at the side of the build­<br />

zie Jr. Avery Moore, John Maing t sefetj<br />

43<br />

More Shopping<br />

Days<br />

It pays to make<br />

your selections<br />


NAMES WERE OMITTED Those officers are Mrs. Dell<br />

The names of the following of- Shetler, secretary; Mrs. Carl<br />

s pi cnrysantnemum cnap-<br />

Order of Eastern Star, were<br />

uuggisberg. conductress; Mrs.<br />

Nona Coultes, treasurer; Mrs.<br />

inadvertently omitted m th« William McCourt, associate con­<br />

item last week of installation<br />

monies on October 22.<br />

ductress; and Mrs. Jerome Kinney,<br />

warder.<br />

DANCE<br />

Saturday November 5<br />

Music By The "STARDUSTERS"<br />


Dancing 9 p.m. to 1<br />

Admission, each 50 cents, tax included<br />

MAYTAG!<br />

World's Leadership<br />

iii WASHERS<br />

Over 6 MILLION<br />

Washers Oct. 27, <strong>1949</strong><br />

56 Years of Progress<br />


•ca'a fin—t low-priced waaher . . . .<br />

Kenuiae May lag inavary,<br />

*I24!J<br />

There is one priced to<br />

fit your budget. Easy<br />

terms—liberal tradein.<br />

Come in and see a<br />

demonstration of the<br />

extra-fast, extra-efficient<br />

washing action<br />

that has built the<br />

Maytag reputation.<br />


Finest MayUf erar! Hue*,<br />

aluminum tub hold* more;<br />

keepa water A - _ ^ - ,<br />

botloncer. ' 1 / 9<br />


with large aquar* porcelain tub and<br />

fast efficient GyraloajB rm M aaaaC<br />

action. > 1 4 4 _<br />

Gaylord Home Furnishing<br />


(Next to the Theater) Phone 285<br />


The Opening, Monday, Nov. 8<br />

of the New<br />

Gaylord Health Salon<br />

Scientific Massage<br />

Medical Gymnastics<br />

Cabinet Baths<br />

All treatments given by experienced graduate<br />

Masseuse, LEONAH I. GIDCUMB<br />

Tr^tmeata in yovsr aver, home by sppcir.t—.cr.i.<br />

Salon located across from Northern<br />

Michigan San entrance on US-<br />

27 one mile north of Gaylord.<br />

Phone 2 SO- F<strong>11</strong> for information or appointment.<br />

Just a word about what scientific maw apt by a<br />

competent masseuse win ao for you —<br />

• Improves function of the skin.<br />

• Soothes the nerves.<br />

• Stimulates digestion, circulation and elimination.<br />

• Increases intestinal action and reduces oyer weigh'<br />

• Builds up underweight people.<br />

• In cases of stiff joints, inflamed muscles, rheumatism<br />

and allied ailments, medical gymnastics and<br />

will prove very beneficial.<br />

___. —H;Je Photo Service<br />

MR. AND MRS. MERLE C. THOMPSON of Gaylord. whose<br />

marriage took place on October 15 at the Gaylord Congregational<br />

church. Mrs. Thompson is the former Dorothy Jean<br />

Noirot. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Noirot. and one of<br />

C=y!crd'= rr.c=t popular TU- ' It<br />

ing in an apartment in the Baldwin building on West First<br />

street.<br />


November 4 —<br />

Hayes Grange<br />

November 7 —<br />

Order of Rainbow for Girls<br />

No. 52, business and initiation<br />

meeting. 7:30 at Masonic<br />

Temple. *<br />

Gaylord City Council — 8 p.m.<br />

November 8 —<br />

Pythian Sisters to meet at<br />

homeof Mrs. William Hallenius.<br />

F::rr;:!v view* -» /-•-..i i<br />

Methodist church, potluck<br />

supper. 6:30 p.m.<br />

November 9 —<br />

Friendship Home Extension<br />

Group. Hobby Show, at<br />

home of Mrs. William Hal-<br />

(election of officers)<br />

Cyrene F and AM No. 352 at<br />

Vandprbilt, 8 p.m.<br />

Royal Neighbors of America,<br />

Gaylord Camp No. <strong>11</strong>57, at<br />

Beckett bldg., 8 p.m.<br />

St. Mary's Council K of C's<br />

No. 2781 at parish hall, 8<br />

p.m.<br />

Congregational Church Guild<br />

to meet at parish house, 8<br />

p.m.<br />

November 10 —<br />

VFW Clyde Wilks Post No.<br />

1518 at VFW hall, 8 p.m.<br />

Juvenile Royal Neighbors<br />

meeting at Beckett bldg., 4<br />

p.m.<br />

Methodist Choir practice,<br />

p.m.<br />

November <strong>11</strong> —<br />


Lakeview Grange meeting.<br />

Masseuse Opens<br />

Health Salon<br />

Leonah I. Gidcumb, a graduate<br />

masseuse, formerly in business<br />

in Orion, has moved to Gavlord<br />

and opened a health salon, located<br />

across from the Northern<br />

Michigan Sanatorium on US-27<br />

one mile north of Gaylord.<br />

Scientific massages. medical<br />

gymnastics and cabinet baths<br />

are featured at the new salon.<br />

Mrs. Gidcumb is a graduate<br />

of the College of Scientific Massage<br />

in Chicago. <strong>11</strong>1.<br />

Mrs. Gidcumb has four children<br />

m the Gaylord Rural Agricultural<br />

school. Mickey. 16 years<br />

old, a sophomore; Dewey, <strong>11</strong><br />

years old. in the fifth grade:<br />

Martha, nine years old, in the<br />

fourth grade; and Virginia, five<br />

years old, enrolled in the kindergarten.<br />

Two other children at<br />

home are* a daughter, Lenny,<br />

three years old; and a son,<br />

Frank.<br />

a<br />

Miss Lorctta Taylor of Gaylord,<br />

whose engagement and coming<br />

marriage on Novembei 19, to<br />

Kenneth Bradley of Jackson, is<br />

announced by her parents, Mr.<br />

;rhn^ of 135-HP performance...<br />

the relaxing security of two tons of<br />

husky roadweight—and, at the same<br />

time, enjoy a spectacular new brand<br />

of gasoline economy!<br />

And the economy lasts and l-a-s-ts<br />

• • • because Packard's mechanical life<br />


At new lower Golden Anniversary<br />

prices, you can buy a new H5-HP<br />

^ck«d Eight, six-passenger Club<br />

Sedan for only<br />

•2,261*3 *<br />

whste sufeuaJ, ($21,, ^xtra. Prices<br />

may fry slightly ,n adjoining areas<br />

because of transportation charges.<br />

more than matches its long, distinctive<br />

style hfe. Remember: Of all the<br />

Packard* built—in the last 50 yearsmore<br />

than 50% are still in<br />

service!<br />

~rvi~t<br />


OWNS ONP<br />

Gv/ck?ftMi/eKo/y Packard<br />


133-135 W. Main St. Gaylord> Mifh.<br />

Three St Mary's Vets Back<br />

Three veterans of the outstanding St. Marv's hisrh school<br />

basketball team of 1948-49, district champions in Class D<br />

and beaten but three times during their regular season, have<br />

returned to try out for the <strong>1949</strong>-50 five which began practice<br />

sessions this week. Coach Joe Myers had a squad of 20<br />

working out. The veterans are Bob Duczkowski. forward;<br />

LeRoy Fitzek, guard; Bruno Mankowski. guard.<br />

Besides the three who played<br />

regularly on .the team last year<br />

there is Jim Wattson, substitute<br />

forward; and Benedict Nawlocki.<br />

cenier of the reserves last<br />

season. Coach Myers said, however,<br />

previous records are ?U<br />

cancelled with the start of the<br />

new season and every player<br />

must earn his berth. Among<br />

the candidates are two likely<br />

prospects with little or no previous<br />

experience, Johnny Moore<br />

and Sylvester Tomaski. The<br />

Cartier brothers, stars of \ax*<br />

Hillman for its opening game<br />

November 29. First home game<br />

at the Gaylord high gym will<br />

be Saturday, December 3,<br />

against Roscommon, a team the<br />

Snowbirds downed twice last<br />

season. Roscommon is a class<br />

C school.<br />

by GREYHOUND<br />

• It's TaktZ-Trip Tim to go places, to do things and see<br />

people! It's fun going by comfortable Greyhound SuperCoack<br />

So visit the folks back home or the children at college ;;ito<br />

spend a few days at the farm, or to see the family's newest<br />

member. You'll be delighted with Fall's color-splashed high-1<br />

wars and Greyhound's frequent schedules, prompt service and<br />

convenient terminals. And the money you save traveling at;<br />

Greyhound's low fares will make it Take An-bxtra Trip Time, f.;<br />



FLINT 4-40 CHICAGO 1.25<br />

LANSING 4.70 ANN ARBOR 0.15<br />

<strong>11</strong>0 S. Otsego<br />


THE RENDEZVOUS Telephone 444<br />

revhound<br />

Otsego County Herald Times<br />


Vanderbilt Closes Season With Win<br />

Yellow jackets Turn To Cage<br />

Drill As Grid Season Closes<br />

A pass failed and Litzenberger,<br />

back to punt, was rushed,<br />

Panek grabbing the partly blocked<br />

kick and going to the Boyne<br />

25. Gaylord was penalized five<br />

yards for offside. Fleming was<br />

stopped at left tackle and Yearn<br />

drove through for a six yard<br />

advance. Fleming hit center for<br />

two and Yearn failed of a first<br />

down by inches on Boyne's 21<br />

yard stripe.<br />

Howard got nine at left and<br />

Wright hit a pilup for no gain.<br />

Duffield and McKillop downed<br />

Wright for a two yard loss. Litzenberger<br />

punted to Coon on the<br />

Boyne 49 a r"^ Offer two downs<br />

that netted only three yards,<br />

Gaylord punted to the Boyne<br />

20. Kujawski took a sleeper<br />

pass for a 20 yard gain. Coon<br />

intercepted another aerial and<br />

raced back to the Boyne 47 as<br />

the half ended, 6 to 0, Gaylord<br />

leading.<br />

Third Quarter<br />

Shaler kicked off to Fleming<br />

who came up to 10 yards to his<br />

37 before he was downed. Duffield<br />

lugged the ball on an endaround<br />

to the 45 yard mark, a<br />

gain of eight yards, a fumble<br />

lost four and Fleming got three<br />

of it back. Hopkins punted and<br />

Fosdick downed Howard on<br />

Boyne's 3D.<br />

Coultes broke up a pass, intended<br />

for Kujawski. Shaler<br />

went two yards to right and<br />

Duffield intercepted a pass, running<br />

back five yards to Boyne's<br />

46.<br />

Fleming broke off right tacklfor<br />

<strong>11</strong> yards and a first down<br />

on the Ramblers' 35. Schreur<br />

lost two at end and Yearn<br />

crashed over left tackle for<br />

17 yards to the Boyne 20.<br />

The Ramblers biaced and<br />

threw Gaylord back seven yards<br />

in three downs. A pass attempt<br />

on fourth down failed and Boyne<br />

took the ball on its 27. The<br />

Ramblers tried another sleeper<br />

pass but Coultes came in fast<br />

and intercepted it on the 40.<br />

Coon snared Yearn's 15 yard<br />

pass and went 25 yards more to<br />

the Boyne 10 where he was<br />

downed. Gaylord was penalized<br />

Duffield was thrown for a<br />

seven yard loss on an end run<br />

and Boyne finally took the ball<br />

on downs on its 28 yard stripe.<br />

The Ramblers failed to gain,<br />

punted and an exchange of pass<br />

interceptions took place just as<br />

the game ended, with Gaylord<br />

in possession of its first gridiron<br />

victory of <strong>1949</strong>, by a 13 to 0<br />

score.<br />

Lineups and summary:<br />

Gaylord (13) Boyne City (0<br />

Donkey Basketball<br />

At Johannesburg<br />

AA Fund Benefit<br />

Complete schedule, said the<br />

Rev. Fr. Bielskas, will be announced<br />

as soon as two vacant<br />

dates are filled. The Snowbirds<br />

now have 16 games booked.<br />

Last season the Snowbirds<br />

season, have returned *o Lud- lost three "ames during their<br />

ington and will not be available regular season, two to Central Vanderbilt high 'school's football six, swept to an easy<br />

this season.<br />

Lake and nnp tn Boyne Falls, a 30 to 2 virtorv over Ellsworth on the YeHowjacket?" JJTI*'-<br />

team they also defeated. iron October 27. It was the second win from Ellsworth and<br />

First Game Nov. ?.9 In the district meet, St assured the Yeliowjackets cf a second place tie in the An­<br />

The Rev. Fr. Edward Bielskas. Mary's won from' both Vandertrim-Otsego Six-Man Football League. Bellaire. with whom<br />

assistant pastor of St. Mary's bilt and Johannesburg and Vanderbilt split the season's series, is tied with it. Cham­<br />

parish and athletic director of swamped Wolverine. It went on<br />

pion is unbeaten Elk Rapids which the Yeliowjackets gave<br />

the high school, who is lining to the regional at Traverse City,<br />

up the schedule, reported today defeated Merrit and lost a well-<br />

such a close game before losing, 25 to 24, the week before<br />

that St. Mary's would go to played game to Onekama. the Ellsworth game.<br />

The Yeliowjackets are turning<br />

to preparation for the basketball<br />

season. Practice under di­<br />

Play By Play Account Of Gaylord Victory rection of Coach Tom Provost<br />

started in the gym Tuesday and<br />

there is a goodly number of<br />

Boyne City won the toss and drove over right tackle for a Litzenberger punted and the<br />

chose to receive, defending the first down on the 20.<br />

catch was fumbled, Arner re­<br />

for unnecessary roughness, and<br />

north goal.<br />

Another end-around to left covering on the Boyne 40. In<br />

Coon left the game. He got a<br />

First Quarter<br />

with Duffield carrying the mail, two downs, Boyne lost a yard on<br />

nice hand from the Gaylord<br />

netted eight. Fleming hit a pile- line bucks and drew an offside<br />

cheering section.<br />

Duffield kicked off and Wright<br />

up and lost a yard. Gaylord be­ penalty. Litzenberger punted to With 25 yards to go for a first<br />

who took the ball, attempted to<br />

ing offside and losing five more. Coon who was downed in Gay- down, the Blue Devils were<br />

lateral but there was a fumble<br />

Yearn hit right tackle for no lord's 30 yard stripe.<br />

stalled and the ball went over<br />

and Fleming recovered the pig­<br />

on Boyne's 29. The Ramblers<br />

gain. Fleming was short of a<br />

skin for Gaylord on the Boyne<br />

Duffield failed to gain on an<br />

had the same luck and lost<br />

first down on the lOVfe yard line<br />

30 yard line. A sleeper pass was<br />

end-around, Fleming was thrown<br />

ground, Litzenberger's punt was<br />

and Boyne took the oval on<br />

short and failed to connect with<br />

for a two yard loss and then<br />

blocked and Gaylord took the<br />

downs.<br />

the intended receiver. Duffield<br />

smashed right tackle for eight.<br />

ball on Boyne's 18.<br />

romped around left end for nine<br />

Coon punted and Duffield threw<br />

With Shaler trying twice at<br />

yards and Sclneui, or. another<br />

Wright on Boyne's 40. Panek Yearn picked up better than<br />

•ho line and Arner going to<br />

end-around, fumbled and recov­<br />

stopped Shaler who tried end three yards at left tackle, Flem­<br />

right, Boyne made a total of<br />

ered for a four yard loss. Yearn<br />

next time and got five yards. ing get the same distance over<br />

four yards in three attempts.<br />

Yesm stopped Arner 2 yard center and Kuras took a pass<br />

short of a first down, and Duf­ for a yard loss. Fleming smashed<br />

field threw Wright for a loss over center again for five yards<br />

Gaylord taking the ball on the and a first down on Boyne City's<br />

SNOW<br />

Ramblers' 49. Duffield circled eight yard stripe. Duffield reach­<br />

left end for nine yards as the ed up with one hand and spear­<br />

quarter ended, 0 to 0. ed Yearn's pass and was on the<br />

Second Quarter<br />

one yard line before he was<br />

Schreur made it a first down downed.<br />

on Boyne's 30 on an end-around Fleming and Yearn both bored<br />

and Yearn got five at right<br />

TIRES<br />

into the line with only inches<br />

guard. Coon was thrown for a gained and on the third attempt<br />

three yard loss to left.<br />

Yearn lost two yards. Boyne<br />

took the ball on its three yard<br />

Yearn faded back to the Boyne<br />

mark and Litzenberger punted<br />

35 and passed to Duffield who<br />

immediately, Jim Hopkins com­<br />

stretched for the catch and took<br />

ing back with the return to<br />

a few steps to Boyne City's two<br />

Boyne's 39.<br />


yard stripe before he was downed.<br />

Duffield got eight yards and<br />


Fleming crashed over center<br />

Ifearn passed to Kuras who took<br />

I ior a touchdown. The aiiempi<br />

{tv»«» Kail in n nice runni!?* c?te'<br />


for conversion by placekick with<br />

Duffield kicking, failed when the<br />

pass from center was juggled.<br />


Gaylord led 6 to 0.<br />

Litzenbzerger took the kickoff<br />


but slipped and fell on his 25.<br />

Shaler circled right end for<br />

seven, then went to lpft for two<br />


more. Howard got a first down<br />

and it was the Ramblers' ball<br />

TRACY'S<br />

on their 36. Duffield broke up a<br />

pass. Arner broke away to right<br />

for five yards. Kujawski took<br />

a pass on the 49 but the gain<br />

was nullified by backfield in<br />

motion and a five yard penalty<br />

Center<br />

Phone was assessed against Boyne City.<br />

Standard Service<br />

US-27<br />

478 Kujawski did it again, getting<br />

behind the Gaylord secondary,<br />

but Boyne drew another backfield<br />

in motion penalty.<br />


.a<br />

1<br />

veterans from the strong 1948- in the second period on a safe­ better than at any time this<br />

49 team to draw from.<br />

ty when Holborn, back to punt, season.<br />

Holborn Scores Thrice recovered a bad pass for a safe­ Vanderbilt's record is three<br />

Floyd Holborn, star backty for the Ellsworth six. won and tnree lost in the league<br />

field man who was on the side­ Holborn scored twice in the with a split with Cheboygan St.<br />

lines because of injuries much third quarter, once on a 20-yard Mary's,<br />

of the football season, turned canter and again on a six-yard<br />

in three of the Vanderbilt thrust through the line. Mac-<br />

Only two members of the In an effort to raise funds for<br />

touchdowns against Ellsworth uregor scored from the eight<br />

squad, MacGre^or and Bob Sly. the athletic association of Jo­<br />

and John JMacGregor, the other. yard line in the final quarter.<br />

are seniors. The rest of the hannesburg high school, a don­<br />

Lionel Ailore booted three drop Only Two Graduate<br />

team should return for 1950. key basketball game<br />

Most are juniors, Holborn. Al­<br />

kicks for extra points, con­<br />

The coaches, Tom Provost len Ashley, Dale Bagdley, Swain<br />

tributing six points in all.<br />

and Jack Steffan expressed Russ. Ailore, Alvin Black and<br />

First touchdown came in the great satisfaction with the show­ Stanley Robinson. None of<br />

opening quarter when Holborn ing made by the Yeliowjackets, tlmsu making up the team had<br />

went 15 yards to cross the final downfield blocking being sharp­ ; ny previous experience in foot­<br />

stripe. Ellsworth got its points er and all-around play being ball.<br />

and went to the 16. It was a 15<br />

yard gain, just as the third<br />

quarter ended with Gaylord<br />

leading 6 to 0.<br />

Fourth Quarter<br />

On an end-around Duffield<br />

raced to left for five yards and<br />

Yearn smashed into the line for<br />

a scant first down. Shaler<br />

climbed over the Gaylord line<br />

and stopped Coultes for a two<br />

yard loss almost before the Gaylord<br />

quarterback got the ball.<br />

The next play, a line buck by<br />

Fleming, put the ball on the<br />

yard mark and Yearn drove<br />

over on the third down.<br />

Duffield placed kicked the extra<br />

point and Gaylord led, 13 to<br />

0.<br />

The Gaylord kickoff was returned<br />

to the Boyne 28 by Howard<br />

and after Boyne failed to<br />

gain in three downs, Litzenberger<br />

punted to Hopkins on the<br />

Gaylord 45. Duffield got nine<br />

yards at end and Fleming made<br />

it a first down on Boyne's 39.<br />

Duffield gathered in Yearn's<br />

pass for 15 yards and a first<br />

down on the Rambler 24 stripe.<br />

Fleming and Yearn hit the line<br />

for a scant first down in three<br />

tries but penalties put Gaylord<br />

back to the 18. Howard intercepted<br />

a pass intended for Hopkins<br />

on the Boyne 10 and Shaler<br />

raced 20 yards to the 30 around<br />

end. Wright fumbled and McKiliop<br />

recovered on the Boyne 25<br />

4 will be<br />

held on November 4 at 8 p. m.<br />

in the school gym. Local players<br />

will participate.<br />

Arrangements for the game<br />

were completed between Del<br />

Morse of I^nsing and Frank A,<br />

Dixon, superintendent.<br />

The winner will receive one White Stag hunting suit absolutely<br />

free for the heaviest buck killed in Otsego County during the<br />

<strong>1949</strong> deer hunting season. For the lightest buck, one sheepskin<br />

lined zippered Gun Case.<br />


You must be registered here before deer is killed. Deer must be<br />

weighed in at our store.<br />

m*<br />

tlEElK*<br />

FORTHE<br />






















Schreur lc Litzenberger<br />

Panek<br />

It Mathers<br />

Tolman<br />

Hopkins<br />

IK<br />

c<br />

Bowers<br />

Moore<br />

McKillop rg Brooks<br />

Fosdick<br />

Duffield<br />

rt<br />

re<br />

Talboy<br />

Kujawski<br />

Coultes qb Howard<br />

Yearn<br />

Ih Arner<br />

Coon<br />

rh Wright<br />

Fleming fb Shaler<br />

Touchdowns Fleming and<br />

Yearn Point after touchdown.<br />

Duffield. Officials: Willard Cornell<br />

and R.<br />

Grayling.<br />

Geigler, both of<br />

Football Scores<br />

Mt. Pleasant 27, Manistee 14<br />

Traverse City 19. Big Rapids 0<br />

Cadillac 53. Ludington 13<br />

Reed City 46, Houghton Lake 6<br />

Petoskcy 38, Canadian Soo 18<br />

Cheboygan 19. Evart 13<br />

Alpena 40. Sault Ste Marie<br />

(Mi.h.) 20<br />

Onaway 18. Hillman 0<br />

Roger: City 40. Piaeonnmg 0<br />

BIG BUCK<br />

And Little Buck<br />



BOOTS<br />






& STOVES<br />

Be Sure Before You<br />

Shoot<br />

Hunt For Fun<br />

Licenses Issued<br />

Open Every Evening<br />


BE SURE XO<br />

LYMAN &<br />



MARBLES & RED-<br />






Mooney's Sporting Goods<br />

Gaylord, Michigan

ESTABLISHE D 1875<br />

Otsego County Herald Times<br />

Published Every <strong>Thu</strong>rsday by the<br />

Gaylord Printing Company — Phone 456 and 457<br />

Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Gavlord.<br />

Michigan under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1379<br />

WILLIAM F. SCHALLER. Publisher.<br />

C. O. REED. Managing Editor<br />

National Advertising Representative,<br />

Michigan n ress Service, Inc.,<br />

East Lansing, Michigan<br />

Meeting An Obligation<br />

The Timberiine<br />

By C. O. R.<br />

- ----- r r -<br />

vjcij-iuiu muihers are 10 be highly commenden<br />

—1 i:j ;_. . »L... » -. . i • .i i -ii<br />

— •»«. unveil in men (.iiilai<br />

!<br />

tor the<br />

• I •• '.«m II »mmmmwm% MSJ .*«»«- HHWB •!• men nuiurfn s w ~!f?re<br />

| through requests they have made for better protection for<br />

youngsters going to and from school, and for more play­<br />

ground equipment. Such interest is a healthy indication of<br />

| good and responsible citizenship.<br />

With the city of Gaylord bisected by one of Michigan's<br />

! heaviest tTaveled trunklines, a trunkline that carries almost<br />

j a continuous line of cars for several days during the deer<br />

j hunting season, the request is easily understood and quite<br />

| timely since the deer season will be upon us soon. The city<br />

| council, at the last meeting, indicated that something would<br />

1 be done for the protection of the youngsters during the<br />

j peak of the deer season traffic.<br />

Mothers have asked for consideration of the Safety<br />

Patrol idea sponsored by the Automobile Club of Michigan.<br />

» We nre inclined ta see that Supt. Carl E. DeMeritt"s conten-<br />

• tion that safety patrols operating several blocks away from<br />

} the school building as would be necessary at the heavily<br />

I traveled corners, might not work out satisfactorily. This is<br />

!<br />

disputed by some. However, we do feel that the Safety Pa­<br />

trol idea haa great merit and provides the boys taking part<br />

t with a sense of responsibility that should prove most help-<br />

, ful in forming character. For this reason, we believe a Safe-<br />

i ty Patrol is a good thing in any school.<br />

The appeal for playground equipment has brought out<br />

• the undisputed fact that the Gaylord schooi playground is<br />

1 too small. This, according to a member of the school board,<br />

will be remedied if the new school building i* erected on the<br />

proposed new site.<br />

In the meantime, the youngsters at Gaylord Rural<br />

i Agricultural Schooi will have to put up with the present<br />

J abbreviated playground and its lack of equipment, ii ap-<br />

i pears, unless the appeal of the mothers is heeded and what<br />

I equipment can be accommodated on the space now avail'<br />

I able is installed.<br />

i<br />

There appears to be no argument against the need for<br />

additional playground equipment. Some small rural schools<br />

I have as much or more than the Gaylord school. However,<br />

f if there is not enough room for sufficient playground equip-<br />

! ment, this is just another argument for obtaining a new school<br />

• building on a site of ample size, as quickly as possible.<br />

In any event, the mathers of Gaylord should not let<br />

, this healthy interest in the welfare of their children die out.<br />

I We believe the school authorities should and will welcome<br />

L their cooperation and help in solving the many problems<br />

r which beset our education system in the community. These<br />

mothers are meeting an obligation to their community and<br />

\ iheir chiSaren in a practical way.<br />

I Who Gets The Benefits?<br />

In 1948 one of the biggest automobile manufacturers<br />

| made profits of 9.4 cents pere $1 00 of sales. This profit —<br />

I less than 10 per cent — is the incentive that keeps this busi-<br />

l ness at work. Let's look at the people it benefited.<br />

First were the employes, who collected $1,343,000,000<br />

:n wages and salaries.<br />

The next group that benefited was Federal, state and<br />

local governments that took $464,000,000 in tav«.<br />

Finally the owners — 434,000 of them — received<br />

$2<strong>11</strong>,000,000.<br />

This is the way the cash benefits from this company<br />

were shared: Owners, $1.00; Government Tax Collectors,<br />

$2.18; Employes. $6.37.<br />

The rustcmers bought be'ter automobiles than they<br />

could buy forty years ago. and they paid only a little more<br />

.1 L - ir<br />

• horcfp hsd been fed.<br />

You see, on trail rides, first<br />

thing in the morning you feed<br />

the horses. On • this particular<br />

morning they got an issue of<br />

oats, brought in Louis Thien's<br />

"chucV' wagon, and it was fol-<br />

| lowed up with a ration of hay.<br />

First to take off in the morn­<br />

ing was Mel Clute who was<br />

driven in the chuck wagon back<br />

*.o Vanderbilt where he caught<br />

the bread truck for a ride to his<br />

store, since he is doing his own<br />

butchering these days. Estel.<br />

leading Mel's pony, and Al, left<br />

next for the Weber place, and<br />

then Mike and Leo took off for<br />

Vanderbilt with Louis Thren<br />

going their way, too. The trail<br />

ride was splitting up. Gerald and<br />

Del decided to stay around and<br />

"police" up the cabin and prob­<br />

ably Gerald figured to mend a,<br />

paling ir. the corral that Major!<br />

brake during the night.<br />

At any rate, the riders that |<br />

started back lo the Hidden Va] j<br />

ley stables included Don Mc­<br />

Carroll, Elwood Thren, and<br />

Wayne Reed. We were there but<br />

hardly clasjed as a rider by<br />

then. It :\z.z the teu^h*"* nari<br />

for some o' the tender muscles<br />

that functioned so superbly the<br />

day before, just refused to do<br />

their work properly today. Once<br />

we dismounted and walked a<br />

quarter-mile to give Major a<br />

rest. (Ob yeah?) Wayne cut loose<br />

ji.ct after u.*> v»t onto US-32 and<br />

took a shortcut lo the Sehl place<br />

where he stables his horse. El­<br />

wood went right on in with<br />

Blue, his mount, and of the nine<br />

that started from Hidden Valley<br />

stables, there were only two in<br />

the first crowd to return<br />

Years ago we heard about a<br />

western novel called "Riders of<br />

The Furple Sage." We can tell<br />

you one thing that if you are a<br />

tenderfoot and a green rider,<br />

something else will turn purple,<br />

too. So we figure that one of<br />

these days maybe we will write<br />

a book about "Rider of the Pur­<br />

ple Bottom." And it may be<br />

sort of an autobiography.<br />

One of the stalwarts who was<br />

missed was A. M. "Mitch" Gor­<br />

don who scored such a success<br />

on the first trail ride. Rean<br />


<strong>Thu</strong>rsday. November 'A. <strong>1949</strong><br />

Mooney and Ken Siftfon<br />

also unable to go ano missed a<br />

meal iii»«e. It locks to us<br />

trailriding is due to become an<br />

institution in Otsego county and<br />

when it does, it should prove a<br />

most interesting attraction foj<br />

our nany visitors.<br />


In loving memory of our (] a> *<br />

, H 7«i iunr.p It<br />

tnat th:s column has become<br />

partisan, .hen scan this item:<br />

Governor Williams has changed<br />

strategy in his <strong>1949</strong> campaign<br />

for re-election. No longer does<br />

bt try to put Republicans on<br />

the defensive for an anticipated<br />

JSO.OCO.OCO tnmay deficit in­<br />

flation's return to <strong>1949</strong> economy.<br />

plus : Tune M IBTptai •••' 525.<br />

357.<strong>11</strong>, in the state treasury*,<br />

have combine down<br />

the expected deficit. Treasurer<br />

D. Hale Brake ha .sked<br />

Ihe governor to "repudiate" the<br />

4 per cent corporation tar in<br />

view of the imoroved fin.,<br />

ok.<br />

Tha federal g,. •, $5<br />

billion deficit makes Michigan<br />

look like a piker. Even a $25.-<br />

000.000 Lansing deficit by June<br />

.t0. ild be peanuts by<br />

ion Who's worried about<br />

wg bad wolf, anyway? Not<br />

•V<br />

that made Brick Famous<br />

I F you want to know what's "the<br />

newest thing" in automobile<br />

engines, look at the Ruirk engi&e:<br />

pictured here, and you'll see the<br />

words "valve-in-head."<br />

But it happens that this isn't new<br />

with Buick. As a matter of fact,<br />

the valve-in-her engine was in­<br />

vented back in 1902—U.S. Patent<br />

No. 771095 —and immediately,<br />

Buick adopted the principle, which<br />

became the first in a long string of<br />

"Buick firsts."<br />

Not everyone went for the idea-<br />

then. In spite of the fact that this<br />

engine "breathes" more freely —<br />

gets fuel in and exhaust gases out<br />

more «.•!> — outn hung onto<br />

their pet ideas.<br />

Then came the airplane, with its<br />

need for maximum power from<br />

every drop of fuel—and every<br />

rrtslcer r:f internal combttsti •• - : --<br />

plane engines adopted the valve-<br />

in-head principle.<br />

And more recently—with the hope<br />

that higher-octane fuels will be­<br />

come available »a lot of automo­<br />

tive engine designers are taking a<br />

new look at the valve-in-head idea.<br />

B,<br />

»ut just for the record, we'd like<br />

to point out that Buick got there<br />

first.<br />

And ever since, Buick has gone<br />

steadily ahead, huilding up a name<br />

as "valve-in-headquartrr* " Btodk<br />

engineer* reshaped pistons to put<br />

Fireball Aallop in these engines.<br />

They stepped up compression<br />

ratios as fast as better fuels came<br />

along.<br />

So perhaps you'll want to rc-<br />

member^ when you hear the term<br />

"valve-in-head," that this is the type<br />

of power that made Buick famous.<br />

If others want to climb on the<br />

bandwagon, we say "more power<br />

to them"—and no pun is intended.<br />

But Buick has been doing more<br />

with valve-in-head right from the<br />

start.<br />

And-we might add-it stands to<br />

reason that Buick is not through<br />

making this type ol engine better<br />

M..U ULUCI,<br />

mm CUMIY THAN £&fi<br />

f*»"U WN»» 1 rmm, »*r. *,***», t.„, u*mr «~>*o.<br />

*«.- *st*.r -«,.—*,#„ -r# hmtlf mrtrK „.,„ ^ <strong>11</strong>4 th*m r<br />

Phone 72 H. BEN GOCHA<br />

Gaylord<br />

121 S. Court St<br />


RJT. R. R. Lamb. Minister<br />

Gaylord<br />

10:00 Morning Worship<br />

10:00 Junior Church, Mrs. Glenn<br />

Smith, leader.<br />

<strong>11</strong>:10 Sunday School, Robert<br />

Beecher, Supt.<br />

6:30 MYF, Juniors and Seniors<br />

Bible Study Hour, Wednesday<br />

evening 8:00<br />


ELMIRA<br />

Rev. Jerome A. Szydlowsk?<br />

1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays, Mass<br />

at 8 a.m.<br />

2nd and 4th Sundays, Mass at<br />

10 a.m. Holy days, 8 a.m.<br />

Bohemian Settlement<br />

1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays, Mass<br />

at 10 a.m.<br />

2nd and 4th Sundays, Mass at<br />

8 a.m.<br />

Holy days, 10 ttM<br />

rat<br />

'BIBLE<br />

«".:rTl,n. 1^ nan «"-4i; 42:0-9; y-,<br />

n : a 7-9; LJke 4:14-21.<br />

DEVOTIONAL READING: Psalrn 46:<br />

1-<strong>11</strong>.<br />




Allen Schrcur, Pastor<br />

10:00 a.m. Preaching Service<br />

10:00 a. m. Church School<br />

<strong>11</strong>:15 a.m. Class Study<br />

7:30 p. m. Wednesday evening |<br />

Fellowship Service.<br />

Womens Department every<br />

<strong>Thu</strong>rcH •« -»» "-fin r. m<br />

God Our Comfort<br />

Lesson tor November K, <strong>1949</strong><br />


Rev. Ralph C. Claus. Paster<br />

' Morning worship — <strong>11</strong> a.m.<br />

j Sunday school — 10 a.m.<br />

ASSEMBLY OF GOD UHURf you today is<br />

• y dear.<br />

But we would not call you<br />

back, dear Dad<br />

Your suffering heie was much<br />

s>ad.<br />

So we will try to do our bpst.<br />

Until we too, shall >><<br />

to rest.<br />

In loving memory of Joe<br />

His wife, Grace I.eadbeater,<br />

Gordon ,|n '' daug!<br />

Retta, and Milton Ashenden.<br />

— 35<br />

Alpena — Mrs. Mini Jacobs.<br />

died Octobe<br />

Alpena — Mrs. Otto Gjour<br />

28.<br />

Pellston — R •'<br />

Emma Cook. 70 •<br />

:<br />


Cash oi Time Payments<br />

It's always best to see what<br />

you buy. Stop in or phone<br />

for an appointment.<br />


Phone 23-M. Gaylord. Mich.<br />

Dist. Mgr. . r "i<br />



Sault Ste. Marie. Mich.<br />

• va*a WQVK<br />

Mrs. Arthur Estelle<br />

Correspondent<br />

Phone 247 -F4<br />

Recent visitors at th-<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Roth Sr .<br />

were Mr. and Mrs. Jack S<br />

letter of Manistee. Mr. Soneletter<br />

is a member of'the US C<br />

Guard in Manisti e.<br />

Mrs. Maude <strong>Thu</strong>mni recently<br />

visited her son, Ray <strong>Thu</strong>mni in<br />

Onaway, and was present at Or­<br />

der of Eastern Star installation<br />

ceremonies, during which he r<br />

son was installed worthy patron<br />

rmisfice.<br />

T<br />

} LAINbAdlbU<br />


vniip PMII rn nr«i ro<br />

i a<br />

3A Y*>arc Commercial<br />

0W ,ea ' 5 industrial<br />

Wiring Experience Residential<br />



Rev. Francis Kaminski<br />

Sunday Misses — 6 a. m., 8<br />

a.m., 10 am. high mass, and<br />

<strong>11</strong> 30<br />

*' okday Masses — 7 a. m<br />

and 8 a. m.<br />

n<br />

is<br />

Phone, Gaylord 141-J Licensed Contractors<br />

Michigan Public Service<br />

Company<br />


Year after year, many of our clients systematically add to<br />

their hoidinos of this company's common stock. lis record of<br />

continuous dividends and excellent future provide every as­<br />

surance of a consistent and satisfactory investment return.<br />

We have prepared and will gladly mail to vou a reDort pro­<br />

viding data demonstrating the stability of this security.<br />

Michigan Public Service Company stock can be purchased<br />

today to yield approximately S'-zTr- As an exampie. 100<br />

snares would give you an income ot M4U.U0 per year, or<br />

$35:00 ev«ry three months. If you have S500.00 or more !c<br />

invest, act at once. We have an active market on this se­<br />

curity, either buying or selling, at all times.<br />

Name ._ _<br />

Address<br />



922-26 G. R. National Bank Bldg.. Grand Rapids. Michigan<br />


J , •n the hallowed memory of<br />

iring peace<br />

to the world, ledicate<br />

tins Armistice Day! As we<br />

struggle to keep thai peace.<br />

us alwaj nember<br />

those who gave mag-<br />

nificenl | portunity.<br />

is resolve that we will<br />

do ":r: utmost to perpetuate<br />

that for which they so brave­<br />

ly gave their lives.<br />

This bank will not be open<br />

for business on Armistice<br />

Day.<br />

Gaylord State Bank<br />

Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation<br />

Cay lord —:— Michigan<br />

r^.<br />



Chevrolet offers you this wide choice of trucks and among them you<br />

have your best opportunity to select the model which most exactly Alls<br />

your requirements. Study the picture carefully—and consider this —<br />

Only CHEVROLET Offers you ALL these great TRUCK advantages • • •<br />

* 3 V/ay Thrift — No<br />

other truck offers greater<br />

economy ot ownership<br />

i.. lower operating cost<br />

. . . lower maintenance<br />

COit . . . and *= ic^S'-i<br />

list prices In me entire<br />

truck field.<br />

• The RIGHT truck fcr<br />

your job — Chevrolet<br />

builds trucks for every<br />

job ... 81 models on 9<br />

different wheelbases with<br />

Capodttol ranging from<br />

4.000 to 16,000 lbs.<br />

G.V.W.<br />

3 Quality—The unsur­<br />

passed quality and<br />

craft'.manship built into<br />

Chevrolet Trucks give<br />

PLUS VALUES of strength<br />

and durability in every<br />

feature of body, cab,<br />

engine and chassis.<br />

• Performance—Chev­<br />

rolet Advance-Design<br />

Trucks deliver prime<br />

power—plus economy<br />

with Chevrolet's Volve-in-<br />

Head engine —the<br />

world's most economical<br />

engine for its siie.<br />



Phone<br />

432<br />



101<br />

W. Main St.

Legal Authority Tells Of<br />

New School Legislation<br />

Compliments of<br />

P and L Hardware<br />


Gaylord Phone 219-M<br />

Suppliers of Hardware<br />

tui uic ncuiuuciea<br />

City Auditorium<br />

StflB<br />

V V V h<br />

the<br />


Remember<br />

After You've Seen<br />

Minstrel Extravaganza<br />


at<br />


G-ylu.w<br />

Our Compliments to<br />

Gaylord<br />

For Their New<br />


:••: x-x-X".<br />

Otsego Lumber Co,<br />

VLORD<br />

siding therein and attending approved<br />

high schools in another<br />

district. Previous to last year<br />

'h( payment of such suition was<br />

optional with the electors of<br />

such district.<br />

Transportation of Stvdanis<br />

The law regulating the transportation<br />

of ?rtJidents. either by<br />

buses owned or contracted for<br />

by the district, was also amplified<br />

to provide *oi UM tranapui-<br />

*^tinr* «%# e+.,A* — *~ ,,;J:«- ;»<br />

Editor's Note: This is the jtaining to our schools enacted<br />

seventh in a series of arti­ I by the IS ") legislature.<br />

cles on laws which were pass­ During the current year the<br />

ed at- the 1940 session of the schools wflj receive in excess or<br />

Michigan Legislature. They $82,000,000 appropriation under<br />

affect you and every resident the sales tax diversion amend­<br />

of Tviiuhigan. The entire seues ment, or nearly jia.lKHJ.COO :r.<br />

is'prcpsrcu S3 a pu~.:c scrv ucM o> ihe appropriation lor<br />

ice of the State Bar of Michi­ last \ear. Inasmuch as total such district but attending prigan<br />

undej the direction of revenu? from ihe sales tax for vate cr parochial schools. Fur­<br />

Russell A. Searl, Lansing, the fiscal year just ended apnishing of sueh transportation<br />

Chairman of the State Bar proximated $195,000,000 the leg­ is left to the di&retion of the<br />

Committee on Legislation and islature in 1950 will be required school board but no charge can<br />

Law reform. The articles are to increase' such appropriation be made therefor anc. if fur­<br />

objective in nature fa in thf<br />

in which this<br />

Prei<br />

in those<br />

' >n of<br />

only if ad<br />

Federal Granxs-In-Aid<br />

entering into any agreement<br />

anv federal agerwy whtroby<br />

that agency shall directly or<br />

indirectly control the administration<br />

of such public schools<br />

r the courses of study therein.<br />

Ferris Institu:<br />

institute, which for<br />

. been operated as a<br />

• ition. became a<br />

titution by the passage<br />

ling the gift<br />

pror-<br />

> be<br />

I in t<br />

•pria-<br />

tinn WM marii* fo<br />

tion at this session of the legislature<br />

since at the pre-'-nt time<br />

none teemed n<br />

(The !.<<br />

•viil deal with tax-<br />


Term in S< igan<br />

Glenn «"-oulding,<br />

Vanderbilt. was six nmnih. m<br />

•<br />

Gaylord Library<br />

Hours Announced<br />

Mrs. George G. Germa-ine,<br />

Gaylord librarian, announces<br />

that the Gaylord City Lrbrary<br />

would begin a new schedule of<br />

hours for the winter months on<br />

November 8.<br />

"The library will be open<br />

PT, . ,_ . _ .. • g I !•—1» #WN~,<br />

JUCouctjA aim fc^%*v.~ ***-w- — *- - —<br />

2-5 and 7-9 p. m.; <strong>Thu</strong>rsdays, the winter term starts Novem­<br />

from 12-5 and 7-9 p. m.<br />

ber 29 after Thanksgiving recess.<br />

Mrs. Germaine said that<br />

Ferris, which becomes a state<br />

many new books are being add­<br />

school in July 1950. has the<br />

ed daily including many of best­<br />

heaviest enrollment in its hissellers<br />

and books foe all ages.<br />

tory.<br />

~-"X»5->---~<br />

139 W. Main<br />


^w*^ii*W*q****^fWf|WWW^I^^ mmmmmmm<br />

LEGAL<br />


<strong>Thu</strong>rsday. Novaetber 3. <strong>1949</strong><br />

Order of Publication<br />


In the Circuit Caaxl for the<br />

County of Otsego<br />

In Chancery<br />



Vs.<br />






ASSIGNS,<br />


At a session of said' Court<br />

held at the Courthouse in the<br />

City of Gaylord in said County<br />

on the 18th day of October,<br />

<strong>1949</strong>.<br />

Prcrent, Honorable John C.<br />

Shaffer. Circuit Judge.<br />

v 'ii reaumg and filing the bili<br />

of complaint in said cause and<br />

the affidavit of Robert 3. Baird,<br />

Attorney for the Plaintiff, at­<br />

tached thereto, from which it<br />

satisfactorily appears to the<br />

court that the defendants above<br />

named, or their unknown heirs,<br />

devisees, legatees and assigns<br />

proper and necessary part­<br />

es defendant in the above en­<br />

titled cause, and,<br />

It further appearing that after<br />

diligent search and inquiry it<br />

cannot be ascertained, and it is<br />

not known whether or net said<br />

defendants are living or dead,<br />

or where any of them may re­<br />

side if living, and. if dead,<br />

whether they have personal<br />

representatives or heirs living<br />

^.^ v..».j ~. some v.1 mem<br />

may reside, and further that the<br />

present whereabouts of said de­<br />

fendants are unknown, and that<br />

the names of the persons who<br />

.re inciuaea therein without be­<br />

ing named, but who are embrac­<br />

ed therein under the title of<br />

unknown heirs, devisees, lega­<br />

tees and assigns, cannot be as­<br />

certained after diligent search<br />

and inquiry.<br />

On motion of Robert S. Baird.<br />

_ Attorney for Plaintifr, it is<br />

- ordered that said defendants and<br />

- their unknown heirs, devisees,<br />

legatees and assigns, cause their<br />

appearance to be entered in this<br />

cause with:r. three months from<br />

the date of this order, and ha<br />

default thereol that said bill uf<br />

complaint be taken as con­<br />

fessed by th distillation test of Michigan<br />

Sta'e College, or this material<br />

\ ill be rejected.<br />

All proposals must be in<br />

sealed envelopes, and the en­<br />

velopes plainly marked as to<br />

the material bid upon, and the<br />

name of the bidder.<br />

. •«». soaru reserves L»e ngn.t<br />

to r -ject any and all proposals,<br />

arid .o waive defects in the pro­<br />

posals, also to make award in<br />

any manner deemed for the best<br />

interests of the County.<br />

Address all inquiries to the<br />

Ot lego County Road Commis­<br />

sion, Gaylord, Michigan.<br />

Signed:<br />


Moved by Fleming, supported<br />

by tsutcrier, mat tne foregoing<br />

resolution be adopted.<br />

Ayes — Gingell, Fleming and<br />

Butcher.<br />

Najes — None.<br />

Motion prevailed.<br />

On motion by Butcher, the<br />

Board adjourned at 3.30 P. M.<br />

Signed:<br />


Herbert Gmgell, Chairman<br />


Darrell II Fleming, Member<br />


Jess G 3utcher. Member<br />


John F. Bruder, Deputy Clerk<br />

WASHED<br />

* a ii n<br />

O H ft U<br />

AND<br />

GRAVEL<br />




Bui'dinq Stone, Road Gravel.<br />

Dirt Fill<br />

Office Ph. 416 Ras, Ph. 146<br />

If i*'« a PhAtnnmnh<br />

Gestae*<br />


STUDIO<br />

Portraits - Commercial<br />

Candid - Aerial<br />

Color<br />

Guaranteed Satisfaction<br />

3<strong>11</strong> W. Mein - Gaylord, Mich.<br />

Phone 283 I<br />

"Banquet" roll table paper.<br />

Superior quality at no higher<br />

|price thnn tsmpm paper. Gavlord<br />

Printing company. Phone 456<br />

122 N Otsego ave.<br />

Furnished or unfurnished apart­<br />

ment, flat, house or cabin,<br />

within walking distance of Jun­<br />

ior High -School. Couple with<br />

12 year old son wish to estab­<br />

lish business headquarters in<br />

Gaylord on or before November<br />

20. Must be pleasant and rea­<br />

sonable in price. Would also like<br />

space 12x15 ft. in store. Address<br />

John A. Whittaker 2797 Phillips<br />

Ave, Berkley, Michigan. 34-2<br />

Large corner lot in Gaylord<br />

cuy limits with water and<br />

electricity available. Write Box<br />

375, c-o Herald Times giving<br />

price and details. 33-TFX<br />

Haul anything. Long or short<br />

trips. Night or day. Carl<br />

Pruitt, Phone 16. Elmira, Michi­<br />

gan. 34-4X<br />

Children to have their portraits<br />

tpken fcr the baby contest.<br />

Enter your child now. All chil­<br />

dren from 6 month- tc 6 "esrs<br />

tligible. Nine prizes to be<br />

awarded. For complete details,<br />

call Hale's Studio. 283-J. 35-1<br />

Someone to transport 20 tons<br />

baled hay from Midland. Av­<br />

erage weight per bale, 125<br />

pounds. Earl Muma. Arbutus<br />

Beach, or write P. O. Box 6<strong>11</strong>.<br />

Gavlord. 35-2X<br />

Lost<br />

Man's all leather glove for left<br />

hand, October 26, in Gaylord.<br />

Rpwarrf if returned to Gaylord<br />

Printing Company. 35-X<br />

Male Blue Tick hound, large.<br />

Near Sparr. Bruce Seidell,<br />

Route 1, Gaylord. Telephone<br />

2J7-F3 35-X<br />


Dr. D. M. Hird<br />

137 W. Mitchell S:.<br />

Phone 233-J Gaylord<br />

G. F. DeLaMater Co.<br />


and Engineers<br />

Registered Civil Engineer<br />

Registered Surveyor<br />

506 N. Center St.<br />

Gaylord. Michigan<br />

MOREY'S<br />


Phone 245-F22<br />

Household appliance repair,<br />

electric motor repair, gen­<br />

erator repair, electrical ma­<br />

terials, light fixtures, ra­<br />

dio repair by experienced<br />

man.<br />


All Work Guaranteed<br />

1 mile south of Gaylord<br />

pji US-27 — nexi io Vin's<br />

Bar.<br />

Northern Michigan<br />

Headquarters for<br />


Motors -<br />

f^MWMOWirr^j<br />

| SERVICE 1<br />

IIC^&EWJ<br />

\^Wy<br />

^*»^^<br />

Sendee - Parts<br />

Original parts.<br />

Factory made<br />

tools.<br />

Trained<br />

Mechnics<br />

Right prices.<br />

R A L *»*« ttWtru.<br />

Phone 2361 Petoskey<br />

ffcWM 2SS-J Audro.n Bid*<br />

DR. R. R. BENTZ<br />

Optometrist<br />

Gaywrrf, Miction<br />

OfFICC "OURS<br />

•-U, IS !»..*»» TkwMn<br />

M*«., Wrtf , mmhn by •pp*.mtm»m%<br />

Serving the Businessmen of Northern Michigan<br />

Top O'Michigan Credit Bureau<br />

Credit Reports Bonded Collections<br />

Gayiord Phone 283-M<br />

For Sale<br />


1942 Chevrolet<br />

Aero Sedan<br />

A-l Condition<br />

$545.00<br />

Northern Auto<br />

Co. of Gayiord<br />

For Sale<br />

||«»«*««ifi«%aft«««»i<br />

1m*m^m*••••••«» mm i<br />

FOR SAUL—uu Burning hot<br />

water heaters, electric water<br />

systems, shallow and deep well,<br />

complete with tank. Also elect­<br />

ric pump Jacks, steel furnaces,<br />

septic tanks, bathroom fixtures<br />

roofing, brick siding, building<br />

supplies. Al Thorsen Lumber Co..<br />

East Jordan. Phone 99. 49-tf<br />

National cash register. Used. As<br />

is, $75. Edward G. Strolle,<br />

Devine Oil Company. 31-TFX<br />

1940 Chevrolet tandem truck.<br />

Will consider car in trade. Ed­<br />

win Schmid, -1 mik west of<br />

viaduct, south of Vandrrhilt<br />

35 X<br />



1948 Buick Super 4 - door.<br />

Radio, heater, white side<br />

walls. Very low mileage.<br />

Excellent condition.<br />

1941 Pontiac Club Coupe.<br />

Radio and heater.<br />

1941 Plymouth 4-door. Radio<br />

and Heater.<br />

1936 Ford. Nearly new mo-<br />

•or.<br />

H. Ben Gocha<br />

Gaylord<br />

Phone 72 121 S. Court<br />

Cord wood. Furnace, stove or<br />

fireplace. All hardwood. Mail<br />

orders to Lee Bennett, 7>'OCm. Mi\u><br />

if wanted. Mrs. George An­<br />

gus, 124 W. Third street, 3<br />

blocks bowth of post office, sec­<br />

ond house east. 34-4X<br />

Blonde bedroom suite with two<br />

double beds, brand new: May­<br />

tag washer: roll-top desk: elec­<br />

tric range; bookcase; lamps, ta­<br />

bles, and many other items too<br />

numerous to mention. 508 S.<br />

Otsego. 35-2<br />

Blue sofa with matching chair<br />

and ottoman. Looks like new.<br />

3<strong>03</strong> N. Hazel or phone 57J.<br />

35-IX<br />

Cozy 7-room hcuae, unfurnish­<br />

ed. Garage. Corner Second<br />

and Otsego. Write P. O. Box 583<br />

Gaylord for appointment. 34-X<br />

Six room completely modern<br />

home, furnished. Call 415 fo*<br />

further information. 34-TF<br />

Huniing cabin, iiirai Waters.<br />

William Veilinde, Waters,<br />

phon- 239-F14. 34-2X<br />

Unfurnished apartment with 2<br />

bedrooms, living-room, kit­<br />

chenette, and full bath. Hot<br />

water. Electric range nnd heat.<br />

er furnished. $45 a month. Call<br />

245-F2. 35-1<br />

Good Hotpoint electric range.<br />

Good condition. Two Coleman<br />

lamps, almost new. Phone 196.<br />

Gaylord. 35-1<br />

Combination wood or coal and<br />

bottled gas range, $25.00. Will<br />

trade for apartment size bottled<br />

gas stove. J. W. Mathews, Jo-<br />

i hannesburg. 35-X<br />

I TJMMI 9 e»j. ft, Stewart-Wnrrw»r<br />

refrigerator, $80; used Elec-<br />

trolux Gas refrigerator, $70; re­<br />

built Montgomery Ward wash­<br />

er. $29.95. Used Console radio,<br />

$15. Glen Electric, phone 488.<br />

Gavlord. 35-TF<br />

Part of log duplex on US-27<br />

near Arbutus Beach. William<br />

Verlinde, Waters, phone 239-<br />

F14. 35-2<br />

Modern cabins, one and two<br />

bedrooms. Gas, oil heat, Fngi-<br />

daire, showers. Birchen Cabins,<br />

US-27. south of Gaylord. 35-1<br />

Portable registers for use<br />

with continuous register forms.<br />

Steel at $17.50. Plastic at $12.95.<br />

Gaylord Printing company.—adv.<br />


st<br />

The Paint Shop<br />


Painting and Decorating<br />

131 W. Main Phone 172-R<br />


Very nice corne- lot, <strong>11</strong>4 x 208 feet, with basement<br />

26 x 34 feet. Wale*, electricity, and telephone available.<br />

Good street. E**t tide. Cash or terms.<br />

Very desirable buUdlng lot. 99 x 209 feet. Utilities.<br />

Cash or terms.<br />


PHOffE 41-W<br />


Medium size rabbit hounds,<br />

nicely started. Also, one reg­<br />

istered 13" female beagle, start­<br />

ed. Bruce Seidell, Sparr, Michi­<br />

gan. 34-2X<br />

Turkeys. 40 cents a pound. Lve<br />

weight. Al! young stock. T.<br />

B. Thompson, three - quarter<br />

miies south of Gaylord on US-<br />

27, first house :;r.j!h Of Luth<br />

t ran church. 35-2X<br />

Its lime to lay •« your *'inU-r<br />

supply of our choice health<br />

giving apples. Special sale: two<br />

bushels No. 1 Snow apples for<br />

$1.50. Utility Spy and Jonathan<br />

75c. Also popular varieties in<br />

long keeping grades. Hemsfnset<br />

Fruit Farm. Bellairc. 35-2<br />

3C-3C Winchester lif'.e. earaeUent<br />

condition. Jack Dunaski, ph.<br />

44-M, Gaylord. 35-2<br />

Block wood for cookstoves or<br />

heaters. A. C. Manglos, Phone<br />

Elmira 6-F<strong>11</strong>. 33-3X<br />

Personal<br />

Our Toyland and Gift Shop, now<br />

open. Use our Lay-Away plan.<br />

P A- L, Hardware, Gaylord.<br />

35-TF<br />

Attention<br />

Complete Stock<br />

of Car Parts<br />

also<br />

Motor Rebuilding<br />

Gaylord<br />

Auto Parts Co.<br />

• PHONE 262<br />


» vr»<br />


Call Bob the Plumber<br />

Bob Giffin<br />

for all your plumbing need;.<br />

• Complete bath installations<br />

• Water systems<br />

• Hot Water Heaters<br />

• Septic Tanks<br />

Call Rudy for all your heat­<br />

ing and furnace repair. Com*<br />

plete line of automatic «-..-*t-<br />

ino contrnla in ••«•><br />

24-Hour Service on Automatic<br />

Heat<br />

Deitering & Soli<br />

»4Mi!e S. on US-27<br />

Phone 24S-F13 Gaylord<br />

Business Services<br />

Have your properly surveyea<br />

before buikbof, by your<br />

registci cd county surveyor.<br />

Stanley O. Thorsen, Vanderbilt,<br />

phone 2453. 28-4X<br />

Personal<br />

One of Gaylord's most desira­<br />

ble homes, half block from<br />

school, for sale. Stanley Styies.<br />

owner 34-2<br />

X-Ray & Fluoroscope Office<br />

Service Phone. <strong>11</strong>6<br />

DR. D. E. rOUMTAlN<br />

— Chiropractor —<br />

(Office 4 doors east<br />

of Post Office)<br />

Office Hours — Daily<br />

10 a. m. to 12 noon<br />

2 p. m to 5 p. m.<br />


Open Evenings • Mon.. Wed..<br />

and Friday. 7 >». uu io 6 p. m.<br />

ANTIFREEZE . . . . $1 per gallon<br />

Bring your own container<br />

NEW BATTERIES .... $9.95<br />

and your old battery<br />

Model A mufflers anJ used tires.<br />

Several good used cars. Cheap transportation.<br />


Mile sooth of Gaylord on US-27<br />

' • • • • > • • '<br />


3 — .... „j At/« T»»VM city water<br />

and sewer in good location just 1 block<br />

from Main Street. This is an attractive<br />

California type stucco home with 2 bed­<br />

rooms and bath. Lots of garden space,<br />

a nice lawn and a 2 car stucco garage.<br />

Priced right at $5,500.00.<br />

Doyle Realty<br />


Phone 229F5<br />

C P. Glasser. Mgr.<br />


Phone 20F21<br />

M. R. Gondeck. Mgr.<br />

mmm<br />

Grusczynski Announces PMA| Beef Breeders<br />

Nominating Meeting Dates Annual Meeting<br />

All Nmiomnni' St<br />

VII iivvuaiiifui v<br />

Dates of community meetings for the purpose of se-<br />

Icctinc candidates for '•o ,r " v, •••»!»». D-«NJ.._.:__ AH .1 A 1<br />

•vi-ting •-**•• — .*-.**.


MonoST League<br />

Hal's Sunoco Service<br />

W<br />

21<br />

Rendezvous .. 21<br />

Pat's Dairy Bar 18<br />

Vin's Bar 17<br />

Kiwanis 14<br />

Horse Shoe Lake Bar #1 12<br />

Knights of Columbus 6<br />

Standard Products si 3<br />

/J/7 VI OflO, MtCH. TttOX* Aril<br />

Program for flu* Wssk of Ncv. i to 10<br />

2 SMASH HITS <strong>11</strong><br />

i Su*ty)£Mo«ty m<br />

V La*t Feature *<br />

U Siarts 10:00 p.m.<br />

•<br />

Tu#.(M<strong>Thu</strong>i%<br />

Last Feature<br />

Starts 10:00 p.m.<br />

Any boy or girl 12<br />

yean old or under<br />

•nay qualify (or<br />

this contort! It's<br />

«a*y to win ...<br />

foods of fun, loot<br />

START<br />

TOD AT!<br />

Every prlio it here<br />

now al your friend!/<br />

ttxoll Drug Store.<br />

See thorn all I Iring<br />

your friends with<br />

you. lot us show you<br />

how eo*y tt is to<br />

«rin • frond prize!<br />

(Matinee Saturday<br />

2:00 P. M. cont.)<br />

'The Cowboy and<br />

The Indians"<br />

—Starring—<br />



'Follow Me Quietly'<br />

—Starring—<br />



¥ * *<br />

(Mft.tine* Sunday ?:0O<br />

P. M. cont)<br />

"The Kid from<br />

Cleveland"<br />

—Sle-Tlno—<br />



"Task Force"<br />

—Starring—<br />



HiW €S<br />


•rend Prise ftr leys SCHWINN tlKI<br />

TWO &i4aiz TABLE RADIOS<br />

On* For Girls • One For Poys<br />

Beautiful Marbleized Plastic Cos*.<br />

CmS.'JUStUOK! . fOft XtGLAX *0¥S!<br />

DOLL<br />

Complete.<br />

with layette.<br />

Woshablo.<br />

*RAWiNG<br />

SET<br />

teat artist's ootel<br />

•Ad everytfc-n?<br />

ptl .-ai'.<br />

•gpv ELECTRIC<br />

9 I it ellUWR<br />

til tody Stovo.<br />

HMI l*4i«**r,<br />

* tenuis. Really cooks!<br />

ly A C. Gilbert. Includes<br />

•Itclric motor.<br />

,Zg^<br />

BASKET<br />

BALL<br />

U*. C!f:«:s!. with kmflej roiv*,<br />


Mode of genu*<br />

iiH cowhide.<br />

fuU-siso.<br />

tVYv<br />

$[[ ALL 7H£Si PRlltS . AND MOVE, 700 AT PEfALL<br />

7f Standings For The Year<br />

10 Team High Three Games —<br />

<strong>11</strong> Hal's Sunoco Service 2471, Ren-1<br />

14 dezvous 2409.<br />

16! Team High Game — Rende-1<br />

22|zvous 899, Hal's Sunoco Service I<br />

25 I 877.<br />

Individual High Three Games)<br />

—A. Catalano 614, R. Earl 572.<br />

Individual High Game — D.<br />

Adair 225, P. Harrison 215.<br />

Tram Hirh Threp Oampi? —I<br />

Rendezvous 2351, Hil's Sunoco<br />

Service 2348.<br />

Tram High Game — Hal's<br />

Sunoco Service 857, Rendezvous<br />

809.<br />

Individual High Three Games<br />

— R. Earl 572, P. Catalano 528.<br />

Individual High Game — J.<br />

Kondratrowicz 2<strong>11</strong>, R. Earl 206.<br />

High Scores For The Week —<br />

J. Kondratrowicz 2<strong>11</strong>, R. Earl 1-<br />

77-189-206, P. Catalano 184-205,<br />

R. Hunt 196, P. Harrison 175-196.<br />

J. Bray 195, B. Johnson 176-191,<br />

ir Dntfrel fin: playground and I munitv advisory council, orathleiic<br />

plant, Mr. Makel has I ganized in Linden by Mr. Makel.<br />

U^esneeitabpg^/<br />

# That tractor battery of yours<br />

••^--T-i* c*ua uuc iiicae dayo. Tractor*<br />

have to keep on rolling but they<br />

can't with dead batteries. Call on<br />

us for any help you need. We're<br />

trained to handle all your farm<br />

Paul H. Kammeyer<br />

Phone' 469 Gaylord 133-135 W Main<br />



/ h^ Ready<br />

—<br />

• • -<br />

•<br />

Personal Mention<br />

Mrs<br />

among those from Clyde Wilks<br />

No. 1518 auxiliary, who attended<br />

'he 13th distiiet rally at<br />

Indian River on October 30.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Willie m Nor-.<br />

:i left Saturday tor Newark.<br />

O where they will visit then<br />

in-law and daughter, Mi.<br />

and Mrs Floyd Boughman and<br />

members of the family<br />

for the winter.<br />

Mr. and M=s Frank O. Rock-<br />


Per 100 lbs. $9.25<br />

FLOUR<br />

Best Minnesota<br />

Hard Wheat Flour<br />

100 lbs. $7<br />

Bv the pound. 5 lbs., 25 lbs., 100 lbs.<br />

Demings SALMON Alaska Red<br />


Still a Hard To Get Item and we have a<br />

good supply on hand.<br />

GOLDEN CRUST — the standard by which<br />

all other breads are judged. It's best by test<br />

of tasie. Farm Fresh Eggs<br />

Gayiord Bakery<br />

Phone 442 236 W. Main<br />

BARGAIN!<br />

12 inch Kitchen Knife<br />

49 c<br />

8 inch hollow yround siainless sieel blade. 4 inch form<br />

fitting hard wood handle.<br />

Ideal for bread knife and carving knife.<br />

We have purchased 150 of these knives and ire of­<br />

fering them at 49c each, BEGINNING FRIDAY,<br />

NOV. 4.<br />

This is a bona fide value that is wortn at least $1.50.<br />

You have to see it to appreciate it. You won't believe it<br />

otherwise.<br />

Don't be disappointed . . . Come in early and gel yours<br />

while they last!<br />

Joe's F*re$tott* Store<br />

Combination Door<br />

While They Last<br />

2 ft. 8 in.<br />

$15<br />

by 6 ft. 8 in.<br />

Otsego Lumber Co.<br />


Across from NYC Depot Phone ?T5-J<br />

well sptal the weekend In<br />

iven with their son .iw!<br />

m-Iaw. Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Jan't.- Korku<br />

[ Miss Clycu. ( k returned<br />

[Monday after accompanying her<br />

j brother, Cecil Cook, to the University<br />

hospital in Ann Arbo.<br />

I where he is under observation<br />

j Mr. and M*ss Cook were accompumtu<br />

MJ Saginaw u.v 1*<strong>11</strong>. ttllU<br />

Mrs. Fred Cook who visited relatives<br />

and friends there during<br />

tho w*»*>WfnH<br />

Mrs. Lucy Quay left for Flint<br />

Senday to visit her son-in-law<br />

and daughter. Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Charles Flewelhng.<br />

Miss Delores Panawicz of Alpena,<br />

was a recent guest of Miss<br />

Jan Bennett.<br />

Mrs. Anna Kararr.ol was admitted<br />

to Mercy hospital in<br />

Cr.\\iing on Tuesdry where she<br />

is unde:£o»ng treatment.<br />

Miss Dorothj Lingemann visited<br />

friend* Herbert E. Miller and<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Grover at<br />

the Graver home in Roseville<br />

last <strong>Thu</strong>rsday and Friday.<br />

Mrs. Joseph Pew : nski accompanied<br />

by Mrs. Lucy Jasinski<br />

and son. JfefBtf, re-turned home<br />

on Monday after spending the<br />

weekend in Roseville, where<br />

they attended the wedding of<br />

their niece. Evelyn Adams and<br />

Stanley Zmick Jr. on October 29.<br />

Mrs. Zmick is a granddaughter<br />

of Anthonv Pewinski of Gayiord<br />

Her mother is the former Antoinette<br />

Pewinski. Mrs. Joseph<br />

Pewinski and Mrs. Jasinski and<br />

iui son also visited relatives jn<br />

Utica and Detroit before returning<br />

home.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Mack Sowers<br />

had as their guests last weekend,<br />

their daughter. Miss Gertrude<br />

Sowers, Miss Helen Jones<br />

and Mijs Jean Huffman, all of<br />

St Joseph.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. G. F. DeLaMater<br />

spent the past weekend in West<br />

Brand) end Roscommon. In We»t<br />

Branch they attended installation<br />

ceremonies of the Zion<br />

Chapter. Order of Eastern Star,<br />

at which Mrs. DeLaMater was<br />

acting chaplain. They were<br />

guests of their daughter, Mrs.<br />

Gladys Carter in Roscommon.<br />

Mrs. Nancy Hill, who was injured<br />

recently in an automobile<br />

accident, is reported recovering<br />

at her home in Vienna.<br />

Miss Maxine Guidon and Miss<br />

Willow Brown, both of Battle<br />

Creek, were here to spend the<br />

weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A.<br />

M. "Mitch" Gordon.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Matt Dickerson<br />

attended the State Grange annual<br />

convention at Jackson last<br />

week, as delegates of Otsego<br />

county granges. Also attending<br />

from Gayiord were Mr. and Mrs.<br />

G. F. DeLaMater.<br />

Wayne Schonschack. a recent<br />

employee at the Herald Times,<br />

has passed his navy entrance<br />

examinations and is now stationed<br />

at Great Lakes Naval Base<br />

in Illinois, according to word received<br />

from his mother, Mrs.<br />

Elmer Hindt of Atlanta. Wayne<br />

was graduated by the Gayiord<br />

Rural Agricuitural school, this<br />

past June.<br />

Miss Vila Hallenius of Dearborn<br />

and Carl Hallenius of<br />

Niles, were in Gayiord over the<br />

weekend visiting their mother.<br />

Mrs. Rebecca Hallenius.<br />

Mrs. Jeanne Culliton and son,<br />

Steven, left here on Sunday for<br />

Fremont, O. to spend the winter<br />

with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Roy Ballenger. Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Ballenger were in Gayiord over<br />

the weekend and Mrs. Cuiinon<br />

returned home with them.<br />

Mrs. Anne Karamol, head of<br />

the hot lunch department at<br />

Gayiord Rural Agricultural<br />

•1, h-is been confined to her<br />

apartment on West Main street<br />

the past two weeks and was<br />

not expected to resume her duties<br />

again for another week. Her<br />

duties at school were taken over<br />

bv Mrs. Lena Vitter.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Fr^nk Barber<br />

had as guests last weekend her<br />

I,...;!,.:. J..H:.-N II. Dfii&mwre of<br />

Bay City, and her sister-in-law,<br />

Mrs. Maggie Dinsmoore of Gilford.<br />

Houseguests of Mr and Mrs.<br />

Chris Frieberg were Mrs Mane<br />

Franey, Miss Vera Fredericks,<br />

Miss Bea Soda and a guest, all<br />

of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. |<br />

left Monday to visit his<br />

son-in-law and daughter, Pr»<br />

and Mrs. R. W. Albi in Chicago.<br />

Dr. and Mrs. AlbJ<br />

leaving soon for Seattle. Wi»sh.<br />

where he has established prac-<br />

Weekend travelers included<br />

Mr. ««id MTS. SuWjuw G- oinuie<br />

and family, who visited his son<br />

and daughter-in-law, Mr. and<br />

M>v Ed«iiu H. Stroile m<br />

Sault Ste. Marie.<br />

Mrs. E. M. Kenny and son,<br />

Joseph of Detroit visited her<br />

v.n, Pgul J Kenny here last<br />

WC-'K<br />

Mr. and Mr.?. Boeman Simmons<br />

and family of Grand Rapids<br />

were here with his mother,<br />

Mrs. Keto Simmons, last<br />

weekend.<br />

William Seotl who wne H.c.<br />

missed from Little Traverse<br />

hospital in Petoskey recently<br />

returned to his residence at 210<br />

East Main street.<br />

Miss Eleanor McGarry, Miss<br />

Ruth Grieve, and Miss Ellen<br />

Haist, all instructors in Bay<br />

City schools, were guests of<br />

Supl. and Mis. Cail Z. DeMt-iiil<br />

and family last weekend. The<br />

three teachers had previously<br />

worked wjth Mr. DeMeriTt~Tn<br />

Flushing.<br />

William A. McDonald, who<br />

operated the Snap Shot Photo<br />

Service in the Widiig building<br />

for more than a year, returned<br />

to the home of his parents, Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Arthur P. McDonald<br />

in Detroit, due to the illness<br />

of his father. His brother and<br />

sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Bruce McDonald visited friends<br />

here Monday through Wednesday<br />

this week.<br />

Party In Gym<br />

At Johannesburg<br />

Johannesburg gym was no<br />

place for the timid last Monday<br />

night, when nearly 75 youngsters<br />

disguised as witches, skejtons,<br />

ghosts, hoboes, clowns, animals<br />

and other characters leered at<br />

the spectators and at one another<br />

from behind frightening<br />

masks.<br />

It was the annual Hallowe'en<br />

party staged by the Johannesburg<br />

Parent-Teachers' Association,<br />

originally scheduled tfn lbs<br />

school yard around a huge bonfire,<br />

but moved indoors because<br />

of cold weather.<br />

The youngsters marched<br />

around while a committee of<br />

judges selected the best costumes<br />

and a total of 40 prizes were<br />

given out. Refreshments were<br />

served following the prize<br />

awarding.<br />

s. Laurence. Drouillard wa%<br />

ir. charge of the event and assisting<br />

her on the various committees<br />

were Albert Weber, PTA<br />

president: Mrs. Stanley Sommers,<br />

Mrs. Isadore Kobylczakj<br />

Mrs. Ronald Clark. Mrs. Wes<br />

Palmer. Mrs. William Barbour,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. C. Van Horton,<br />

Mrs. Lyle Bird, Mrs. Peter Kwapis,<br />

and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eckci.<br />


Through an error in interpreting<br />

information, it was announced<br />

last week that John<br />

Ames & Son had sold their auto<br />

repair shop on M-32 west of<br />

Gayiord to Gary Bacsh of Traverse<br />

City and Joseph Passinc of<br />

Riggsville. Mr. Ames informs the<br />

Herald Times that the business<br />

was leased, noL t>oid. Tiie new<br />

proprietors have named it the<br />

Gayiord Body Shop. Both Mr.<br />

Basch and Mr. Passino plan to<br />

move their families which have<br />

two and six children lespectively,<br />

to Gayiord as soon as<br />

living quarters can be located.<br />

Grayling — Military services for<br />

Wilber H. Sterling 35 years old,<br />

were November 1. He was found<br />

dead of what officers said was<br />

strangulation, at his home, Oc-<br />

;..;..i 30. Officers are continuing<br />

inquiry.<br />

Baby gifts, children's wear,<br />

gift wrappings. Hott's Tot Shop,<br />

Boyne City. Across from Northern<br />

Auto company. — adv. tf<br />

a Auto Paint<br />


$49*5®<br />

Bumping Extra<br />


Offer Expires Nov. <strong>11</strong>, <strong>1949</strong><br />


by<br />

Mike Skindzie!<br />

Gayiord Body Shop<br />


West Gayiord on M-32 Phone 70-M<br />

\<br />

Arthur C. Wards Observe<br />

64th Wedding Anniversary<br />

Mrs. Glenn Smith<br />

naiiy apeaner<br />

Several<br />

rr, °mbc<br />

Wilka Post No. 1518, Veterans<br />

of Foreign Wars, joined 200<br />

members from 17 Northern<br />

Michigan counties at the 13th<br />

diatrict rally in Indian R<br />

October 30. Cochran - Roberts<br />

Post No. 7439 and its auxiliary<br />

were host and hostess.<br />

The meeting was opened with<br />

a welcoming address by Rep.<br />

Hugo Nelson of the Emmet-CheboygCr.<br />

district, ...m Iai«r» o^.uivc<br />

briefly on veteran legislation.<br />

Ernest F. Fry. department junior<br />

v'cc-commandcr and James<br />

Tribbey, department inspector,<br />

were principal speakers.<br />

Mrs. Glenn Smith of Gayiord,<br />

state legislative chairman of<br />

the auxiliary, was principal<br />

speaker at the auxiliary session.<br />

Her topic was "Socialized Modi-<br />

£ine".__Members__Ql_lhe_ Indian<br />

River auxiliary served a banquet<br />

dinner preceding the meeting.<br />

Attending from Gayiord were<br />

Ted Werts, local commander:<br />

Rupert Porter, district chaplain;<br />

Matt Dickerson, district . service<br />

officer: Glenn Smith, Alvin<br />

Hanes, A. H. Fahlstrom, Edward<br />

Baessler, Mrs. Fahlstrom.<br />

district auxiliary chaplain, Mrs.<br />

Hanes. Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Dickerson,<br />

Mrs. Clyde Patch, Mrs.<br />

Werts, Mrs. Hazel O. Huntley,<br />

and Mrs. Peter Catalano.<br />



that default has beer, made ir.<br />

the payment of a certain mortgage<br />

given by Albert J. Baker<br />

and Norma E. Baker, husband<br />

and wife, to the First National<br />

Bank of Petoskey, a corporation,<br />

of Pc oskey, Michigan, dated<br />

August 29, 1947, recorded in the<br />

office of the Register of Deeds<br />

of Otsego County, Michigan,<br />

September 2, 1947, in Liber 21<br />

of Mortgages on pages 329 and<br />

330, upon which mortgage there<br />

is now past due and unpaid $1,-<br />

150.00 of principal and $45.05 interest,<br />

making a total claimed<br />

to be due and unpaid of $1,195.-<br />

05, and that pursuant to the<br />

terms thereof the said mortgage<br />

vvill be foreclosed by a statutory<br />

sale of the premises therein described,<br />

to-wit: Lots 78, 79, 80,<br />

81. 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 95<br />

and 96, of Hartwell's original<br />

plat of the Village of Elmira,<br />

•according to the recorded plat<br />

thereof, Otsego County, Michigan,<br />

— and that such sale will<br />

be held at the front door of the<br />

court house in the City of Gaylord<br />

in said County and State<br />

(that building being the place<br />

where the circuit court for said<br />

county is held) on the 29th day<br />

ot November, <strong>1949</strong>, at ten o'clock<br />

in the forenoon.<br />

Dated: August 25, <strong>1949</strong><br />



Mortgagee-<br />

By: T. Chalmers Curtis,<br />

Vice-President.<br />

John S. Clark<br />

Petoskey, Michigan<br />

Attorney for Mortgagee 26-12<br />

"My Ironrile helps me<br />

keep tipoff/fglooA*<br />

Mt« Mr*. J. ]• Mono<br />

30440 irwklio K&.J<br />

t'ruili. V illMf. MKkifa<br />

"I have a youthful appearance,<br />

and I feel thai a lot of credit<br />

for my young 1o**k g»e« to my<br />

Ire • ite Automatic Ironer. This<br />

wonderful machine i* the<br />

grealeit health-. Iabor< and time<br />

ftjvcr I own. With its Urn completely<br />

usable open ends, my<br />

Ironrite will iron every thing I<br />

can %»a»h, quickly and beanlifnily—from<br />

linens to shin*,<br />

Iriiiy w«sn dreaaes and rained<br />

curtains."<br />

I«w 4mr» fjaial ——ty eniH umt.<br />

A* alM«l a I R»>. M—mr I<br />

Ironnle<br />


CAN WASH<br />

GLEN<br />


Phone 488<br />

202 W. Main Gayiord<br />

=<br />

Pioneer residents of' O'<br />

county, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G.<br />

Ward observed ilitii G4lh wedding<br />

anniversary on October 28<br />

*>t their heme '.veil of Ga.viun.!.<br />

Many friends and neighbors<br />

visited them on the occasion.<br />

The couple were married in<br />

Portland, Mr. Ward's home in<br />

1885. Mrs. Ward, who is the<br />

former Emma Jane Barden, w.is<br />

born in Montcalm county. Mr<br />

Ward, who is 85 years old, and<br />

Mrs. Ward came to Otsego<br />

county in February 1891 and<br />

with the exception of a fewyears<br />

spent in Canada and Idaho<br />

made their home here.<br />

The Ward's farm adioins that<br />

6f their grarsdr.cn. Arthur Estelle.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ward have<br />

one daughter, Mrs. Reva Esteile<br />

and one son. Day Ward of Kamiah.<br />

Id.; three grandchildren,<br />

besides Mr. Estclle, Ivan Ward of<br />

Tacoma. Wash. Mrs. Margie Olson<br />

of Clarkston, Wash., and<br />

Mrs. Mable Currin of T,ewi«tnn.<br />

Id.; and eight great grandchildren.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ward are members<br />

of Hayes Grange and the<br />

Otsego County Pioneer Association.<br />

Charlton Grange<br />

Installs Officers<br />

Alfred Platz will be installed<br />

master of Charlton Grange at<br />

ceremonies- conducted November<br />

9 at the home of Mr. and M r s.<br />

Clare Meadsker. Mr. and Mrs.<br />

H. Matt Dickerson, delegates to<br />

the State Grange Convention in<br />

Jackson, will be installing officers.<br />

Others installed will be Elwin<br />

Clark, overseer; Marie Dufficld.<br />

lecturer; Edwin Kesk'ne.<br />

steward: Orvel Duffield, assistant<br />

steward; Edith Meadsker.<br />

chaplain; Esther Brj-son, treasurer:<br />

Beryl Hov, secretary; Leslie<br />

Hoy, ga'.vzeepcr; Doothy<br />

Platz, Ceres; Elizabeth Keskine,<br />

Pomona: Lorena Buxton. Flora;<br />

and Helen Clark, lady assistant<br />

steward. Clare Meadsker is<br />

chairman of the executive committee<br />

and Heien Ciark, news<br />

reporter.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buxton<br />

entertained the group when elec-<br />

Attention<br />

Complete Stock<br />

of Car Parts<br />

also<br />

Motor Rebuilding<br />

at<br />

Gayiord<br />

Auto Parts Co.<br />

PHONE 262<br />

n<br />

HfcKALD TIMES' PAGE 4 <strong>Thu</strong>.sdav. Novtuber 3, <strong>1949</strong><br />

VIENNA<br />

Joseph Buc is very proud of<br />

his 253 bowling game which is<br />

second only to H. Stccves' 256,<br />

the highest game score in all<br />

three men's leagues in Lewiston.<br />

He is also tied with Mr. Sleeves<br />

for high three games at 613. Mrs.<br />

„... V,-.- >.'i»h h. 1Q5<br />

which is highest game of both<br />

women's leagues. She is second<br />

with a 500 score for high three<br />

games. Millie Hclzerman is high<br />

with 502.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hill and<br />

Mrs. Alfred Hill spent two days<br />

last week in Detroit<br />

Mrs. Minnie Palmer of Johannesburg<br />

is «stavir.e with her sonin-law<br />

and daughter. Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Jejs Hill for the winter.<br />

Clayton Thompson ot Saginaw,<br />

spent the weekend at his cabin<br />

here.<br />

tion of officers was held on October<br />

12. Following the meeting<br />

a pot-luck luncheon was served<br />

»ru\ eardfl were played.<br />

Mrs. Leonard Gaertner is in<br />

Flint this'week vuiting her husband,<br />

who is emi,i0yed there.<br />

Recent vacations at their<br />

cabins on Little FW|r Lake were<br />

Mr. and Mrs. L. Brooks and fa:::<br />

ily and Mr. ami Mrs. W. J.<br />

Csmpbe" of P-.vn C.t,, and<br />

Mr. and Mrs. T. P. MacFarlane<br />

and Mr. and Mrs L. R. Koebbc<br />

, *• __:i„. ~t» ' -^ •<br />

mm ITf"T--JI **— "' 1/eilUll.<br />

Louis Ona was a visitor last<br />

weekend of Art Toll of Little<br />

Bear Lake.<br />

Mr. and Mrs William Jones<br />

of Traverse City, were weekend<br />

guests at the homo of his brother,<br />

Walter Jom<br />

Mrs. Alexander Seguin is<br />

spending a week visitma her<br />

family in Detroit.<br />

Mrs. Dainel Brown and daughter,<br />

Sharon, attended a childrens'<br />

clinic in Traverse City, last Friday.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Mac Samkowiak<br />

and family of Johannesburg,<br />

were Sunday dinner guests at<br />

the home of her sister. Mrs.<br />

Daniel Br.iwn and family<br />

Otis Wilbur has taken over the station which we<br />

have been leasing from him and operating^as BUD'S<br />

SERVICE. »<br />

i<br />

We will no longer be connected with this business I and<br />

we wish to thank our many friends for their patron*<br />

age during our stay at this address.<br />

Thank you,<br />

It has the Flavor you hove<br />

always wonted...sweet,<br />

country fresh, delicious<br />

Fioyci Knott<br />

1 J r • 1 m<br />

Margari<br />

• • • •<br />

4»*1<br />


BOWL-MIX DIXIE U ^^2?22?^N£<br />

The Capital City Product* Co.<br />

Maker-, of C.-s!!ty Ma.y.rioa (or oo Voar*<br />

£\GGER FOOD<br />

Sno-Kreem<br />

3 lbs. 79c<br />

Grab<br />

r.G.A.<br />

SAAP<br />

pi.b*.<br />

23c<br />

*/-<br />

I.G.A.<br />

SALAD<br />


qt, 45c<br />


uu&FOOD<br />

3-25c<br />

Pork Shoulder Roast, lb. 37c<br />

Side Pork, Fresh v lb. 45c<br />

Chuck Roast, lb.. . . 49c<br />

} *"<br />

Steak, Round or Sirloin, lb. 63c<br />

Boiagna, Ring, lb. . . 35c<br />

Bacon Squares, Swifts, lb. 29c<br />

2IGA STORES Serving Gayiord<br />




317 W. Main Phone 3<br />

The<br />



134 W. Mam Pbooe 39<br />

•»#<br />

i<br />

i<br />


<strong>Thu</strong>rsday, November 3, <strong>1949</strong><br />

Gayiord High Boosters<br />

The business and professional people of Gayiord and surrounding area, listed below, take this means to extend their<br />

beat wishes and support to the Gayiord High .School Blue Dexvls for a successful <strong>1949</strong> season. They urge every fan<br />

who is interested in seeing the team win, to attend every game possible and cheer the team to Victory.<br />

Gayiord Hi-Speed Co.<br />

Carroil A. Betts<br />

Bud's Service<br />

fi02 S. Otsego - Phone 474-F1<br />

Gsiggisssrg Brothers<br />

Family Shoes & Hosiery — Men's Wear<br />

Earl's Recreation<br />

Bowling 2-6 p.m. & 7-<strong>11</strong> p.m.<br />

Gayiord Bakery<br />

Home of Golden Crust Bread<br />

Ed McVannel<br />

Standard Oil Distributor<br />

Bettering & Son<br />

Plumbing - Heating — US-27 South<br />

Glasser Insurance Agency<br />

Insurance of all Kinds — Phone 450<br />

The Chatterbox<br />

Fine Foods<br />

Zeiihvr Gas & Oil<br />

Clayton Barber<br />

Gayiord Auto Parts<br />

Phone 262<br />

Jack & Ed's<br />

Hi-Speed Service<br />

Enjoy Nesbitt's California Orange<br />

Gayiord Printing Co.<br />

I r-i r ~L—i<br />

Gayiord High<br />

Fast<br />

•^l.VJ' Sv<br />

1QAQ Q~U~J~|-<br />

M. %* M%e U V 1 1 V U U I C<br />

Sept. 23<br />

Gayiord 7, Mancelona 14<br />

Sept. 30<br />

Gayiord 0, Harbor Springs 6<br />

Oct. 7<br />

Gayiord 0, Pellston 6<br />

Oct. 14<br />

Gayiord 0, Charlevoix 20<br />

Oct. 21<br />

Gayiord 13, Grayling 18<br />

Oct. Z»<br />

Gayiord 13, Boyne City 0<br />

Nov. 4<br />

Gtylord at East Jordan<br />

-lord an<br />

\S V7A VA<br />

East Jordan High School Field<br />

Gayiord Lumber & Fuel<br />

Main Street Building Store<br />

Friday, Nov. 4 - - 2:30 p. m.<br />

104f> -<br />

59—Jim Coon<br />

55—Jim Coultes<br />

67—Everett Duffield<br />

56—Jack Fleming<br />

60—Bob Fosdick<br />

53—Don Hansen<br />

66—Jim Hopkins<br />

52—Jerry Hopkins<br />

51—Bernard Kuras<br />

5c & 10c Roderick's $1 & Up<br />

The Biggest Little Store in Town<br />

Otsego Sales & Service<br />

Chrysler - Plymouth<br />

Bunk Inn<br />

Deluxe Hamburgers — Sealtest Ice Cream<br />

WifiriVc Parsn<br />

• ••«•• «£j tm m MB •••<br />

Elmer Wldriff<br />

VIVIV<br />

Harry Green Service Station<br />

Mobil Gas & Oil<br />

Gayiord 5c to $1 Store<br />

Variety — Quality — Economy<br />

Allen Schreur<br />

Oldsmobile - Chevrolet<br />

H. Ben Gocha Garage<br />

Buick - Pontiac - Dodge - Plymouth<br />

Final Game of the Season<br />

CJ....-J I* Pa— IItunaiu<br />

u. oiioiii:<br />

Distributor Gulf Products<br />

Resort Distributing Co.<br />

The Rendezvous Cafe<br />

Fine Foods & Liquors<br />

Banquets & Special Parties<br />

Standard Products Co.<br />

Tl us - ifiin<br />

63—Carl Moorehead<br />

65—Jim McKiiiop<br />

57—Lawrence Panek<br />

54—Jim Schreur<br />

58—Wayne Tolman<br />

61—Chuck Yearn<br />

64—Evan Hirsch<br />

Dick Lee<br />

Carroll Scott<br />

Leland Moorehead<br />

Otsego County Herald Times<br />

SUBS<br />

Dwiffht Sheltrown<br />

Gerald Stigleman<br />

Larry Northey<br />

Leonard Panek<br />

Bob Coon<br />

Willis CogsweU<br />

Nels Jensen. Jr.<br />

Bill Sutter<br />

Tom Warren<br />

Hal's Sunoco Service<br />

Blue Devils. Winners in '49<br />

Otsego Lumber Co<br />

For Prompt Deliveries Phone 275-J<br />

Al's Orug Store<br />

Prescriptions — Fountain Service<br />

Ivens Jewelry<br />

Diamonds — Watch Repair<br />

i # H


<strong>Thu</strong>rsday, November 3, <strong>1949</strong><br />

Attention<br />

Complete Stock<br />

of Car Parts<br />

aiso<br />

Motor Rebuilding<br />

ax<br />

Gaylord<br />

Auto Parts Co.<br />

PHONE 282<br />

'TO 4fi^lf-<br />

LOOK<br />



AT YOUR<br />

ALER<br />

Announces Leaders<br />

In Rexall Contest<br />

James Nelson, owner of Nelson's<br />

Rexall Drug Store, reports<br />

32 girls and 39 boys are entered<br />

ir his now Rexall contest<br />

for which many valuable prizes<br />

are to be awarded.<br />

Standings are shown in his<br />

advertisement in the He/ald<br />

Times this week. The contest<br />


ZglfOK crnnvi nftftoc A wiMnnwc<br />





in U!trd-V?e!ef Rays<br />

with Shman -focfc on<br />





titfactloR Guaranteed<br />

,You can identify a Genu in* .k<br />

• Warp Brother* Window Material<br />

by the Name "Warps", j<br />

and the Product Name printed<br />

•n tho Ed£« off Evory Yard. fc<br />

WINDOW MATERIALS Manufactured •* WARP BROS. Chicago'<br />


YOUR OW.X9 TRwCH<br />

*25 TO $200 MORE<br />

Tuecr CAI i/r nunc<br />



Why<br />

VontYou)<br />

"My old truck was just about ready for<br />

retirement, so when I heard about the<br />

big trade-in allowances ray rord Dealer<br />

v..i^ making, I decided to deal- If I had<br />

waited a few months longer, 1 would<br />

have had to take a couple of hundred<br />

dollars less for my old truck."—Roy Gigi.<br />

'When 1 decided to trade in my oid<br />

truck, I did a little shopping around to<br />

see how good a deal I could make. The<br />

best deal w?s at Ford! My old truck<br />

brought me $75 more from my Ford<br />

Dealer than it would have at three other<br />

places." —San HoMchman.<br />

"My old truck was facing some big repair<br />

bills. So, when I heard that my Ford<br />

Dealer was making big trade-in allowances,<br />

I went down to see. In addition to<br />

a dandy allowance, I figure I made a<br />

fa NI S200 on a Forrl Trnrlt tmifc Ii«*rf<br />

truck prices were slipping so fast that in<br />

90 days, the kind of truck I traded in was<br />

'•VOt-IK »G* M—»— wM a*VBPW«<br />

"When I heard ray Ford Dealer was<br />

making the best true!, deals in town, I<br />

deiided to check. 1 made up my mind on<br />

the spot, and I'm tickled pink I did. Used<br />

truck values have slipped in the last<br />

three months, so that I figure my quick<br />

thinking and fast action got me at least<br />

$ 175 exfa on a Ford Truck trade."<br />

—Andrew Limmiki.<br />

"Vi'hen he topped the best previous offer<br />

by $100, rav Ford Dealer proved he was<br />

making the best truck 'deal*' in town.<br />

But that isn't all! I figure I mtar another<br />

$150 by trading rather than waiting localise<br />

used truck values were slipping<br />

so fast." —U<br />



find our wi<br />

i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

r<br />

* ' . '," * " *"**,". \". \ \ *. *. * \ '• \ \ ' ' Wr^Cff^^irNx % > % » . ^ T . % * % \ - . > . . . .<br />

Peck Funeral<br />

Held In Gaylord<br />

Funeral services for Leland<br />

Peck. 31 years old, Gayloia,<br />

were October 30 at the Walker<br />

Dr. Daniel Epps<br />

Department Head<br />


jlltoM TOP QUALITY<br />

tffflf WiNDOWmATiRiALS<br />

* ^ Hold in Heat-Keep out Cold<br />

~I-~rr Ch.»p.r than alas* — Tot Storm<br />

• ^ lUBES* esSF^N Poors & Windows, Porch EncloBiiroa<br />

ISSMJ ij^F'i.EX'O'GLASS<br />




J t?-l Ik. I "<br />



See ivrdtSave Money i /<br />

Saves gas<br />

Ford cwnm hevs<br />

reported up to 30%<br />

saving* en fuel!<br />

Whether you got tho<br />

MS-h.p. V-e, tho 100h.p.V-S,orth«95-h.p.<br />

Six —you can count on<br />

Ford's thrifty truck<br />

engines to aive you<br />

top gas economy!<br />

•BONUS:<br />

Saves eil<br />

Ford's efficient now<br />

pc we. plants are de-<br />

Signed to cut down on<br />

oil consumption, too!<br />

From tho half-ton<br />

pickup to tho 145-h.p.<br />

BIG JOB, Ford gives<br />

you oil savings that<br />

n id up to money-intho-bank!<br />

Saves repairs Saves time<br />

Tho extra strongth aad<br />

greater woik reserves<br />

Bonus* Built into-very<br />

Ford Truck keep it on<br />

tho road longer . I .<br />

and keep repairs and<br />

thoso profit-oating<br />

breakdowns whoro<br />

thoy belong—few and<br />

far between!<br />

'Something given in addition to what it IHVOI or ttricHy due '-•rVebsfor<br />

Ford Bonus BulM performance<br />

guarantees<br />

that you'll bo on time<br />

—every timo" Ford's<br />

greater power In<br />

upper speed ranges<br />

lets you spend more<br />

time in "high," resulting<br />

in faster, schedulebreaking<br />

delivery!<br />

Ford Trucks Cost Less because<br />


Uting latest rogittration 4mtm on 9,10€/>00 trucks.<br />

lit* insurance experts prove Ford Truck* fast longer<br />

.[ 1<br />


I NOW OWN<br />

I<br />

(-eke)<br />



I<br />

I NAME<br />

I<br />

| CITY..<br />

L<br />


ADOtfSS<br />

BODY TYPf - I<br />

iyoor) {»eeei)<br />

BODY TYPE.<br />

MttEAGE-<br />



Northern Auto Company of Gaylord<br />

333 W. Main G. P. Lynch Phone 454<br />

"I<br />

Contributions<br />

Are Asked For<br />

CROP Auction<br />

Otsego county's CROP, Christian<br />

Rural Overseas Program,<br />

campaign this year, headed by<br />

Jacob Veen, county chairman,<br />




The Probate Court, for the<br />

County of Ots_-go.<br />

At a session of said Court,<br />

held at the Probate Office in<br />

the City of G»yl«wd in said<br />

County, on the 19th day of October,<br />

A.D. <strong>1949</strong>.<br />

Present, Hon. Frank Libcke,<br />

Judge of Probate.<br />

In the Matter of the Estate of<br />

MINNIE E. BARR, Deceased.<br />

It appearing to the Court that<br />

the time for presentation of<br />

claims against said estate should<br />

be limited, and that a time and<br />

place be appointed to receive,<br />

examine and adjust all claims<br />

and demands against said deceased<br />

by and before said Court:<br />

It is Ordered, That all of the<br />

creditors of said deceased are<br />

required to present their claims<br />

to said Court at said Probate<br />

Office on or before the 22nd<br />

day of December A.D. <strong>1949</strong>, at<br />

Ten o'clock in the forenoon, said<br />

time and place being hereby appointed<br />

for the examination and<br />

adjustment of all claims and demands<br />

against said dpr*e?sed.<br />

It is Further Ordered, That<br />

public notice thereof be given<br />

by publication of a copy of this<br />

order once each week for three<br />

successive weeks previous to<br />

said-day of hearing, in the Otsego<br />

County Herald Times, a<br />

newspaper printed and circulated<br />

in said County.<br />

Frank Libcke,<br />

A true copy. Judge of Probate.<br />

Frank Libcke<br />

judge of Probate. 33-3<br />

Grayling — Mrs. A. J. Nelson<br />

died October 31.<br />

lAJVtty SAys<br />

Install<br />

100 Expected<br />

For Hot Lunch<br />

Session Nov. 5<br />

An important meeting relevant<br />

to the school lunch program will<br />

be held in Gaylord November 5,<br />

it is announced by John Makel,<br />

It IV llraiiv CIAM<br />

Ml « MS U£ VlUlli<br />

PHONE 200<br />



itate department of public inatruction;<br />

Robert Coleman, district<br />

sanitary engineer, Ralph J.<br />

Budd, director of state commodities<br />

distribution center in Lan­<br />



Two people were injured seriously<br />

the past week by shot­<br />

Word has been received of the<br />

gun blasts in Northern Michigan.<br />

recent appointment of Dr. Daniel<br />

sing; and Chester Nay lor of the Eugene Schmidt, 20 years old,<br />

Epps, former Gaylord reoident,<br />

Sh-iw-Naylor Locker plant B Cheboygan, was hit in the leg<br />

as head of the visual education<br />

Boyne City, distributor of the by shot from a 12-gauge gun<br />

department of the National Col<br />

foods used in the program. said by officers to have been<br />

Funeral Home, conducted by the<br />

lege of Education in Evanston,<br />

in the hands of Dale France, a<br />

Rev Lewis N Onslow of Cal­<br />

<strong>11</strong>1.<br />

Mrs. Lucille Jacobsen, home hunting companion. Mrs. Everett<br />

vary Baptist church- Burial was<br />

economic: teacher at Gaylord<br />

in Fairview.<br />

Dr. Epps, who was graduated<br />

Schram, 19 years old, of Lincoln<br />

high school, will supervise the<br />

mm .. . ... ,<br />

bv Gaylord Rural Agricultural will relv on two sources of rev­<br />

was the other victim. A charee<br />

! rinoc nnt rlotvmH on lnrlr hut c\n<br />

COUntv svhnol eiiru»r«ntAr>H«»nt<br />

# _ *.:._ ««A» i..„-.i.....„<br />

I xvir. t-ri-K. in mi BOOna HlRf school in June iy4Z, received his enue to gain its desired goal, it<br />

of shot struck Mrs. Schram in<br />

tba ability of the youngsters died in Manistee county soon degree in optometry from the<br />

Mr. Makel said more than 100 on the program, it will fce serv­<br />

is announced by A. M. "Mitch"<br />

the thigh when her husband was<br />

themselves. It is open to any after he had left the hospital Northern Illinois School of Op-<br />

Northern Michigan cooks, super­<br />

Gordon, secretary and publicied<br />

at noon.<br />

removing a loaded gun from<br />

child up to and including 12 at Traverse City. He was a tomerty. Dr. Epps is the son of<br />

visors of school lunches, adty<br />

director.<br />

their cai alter a iiuuliug nip.<br />

ufiuivitm i • h w u* WMIM<br />

i jrS3!a uiu.<br />

ztstivc of G2"!ord bom Feb. the Rev. Jesse Epps, for pastor<br />

miuiauaiors oi schools using the<br />

These activities will be 'a<br />

14, 1918 and lived in this city of the Gaylord and Vanderbilt<br />

program, and other officers in­ Charlevoix, Emmet, Cheboygan,<br />

special offering in the churches<br />

Advertise and Realize most of his life, being giaduat- Methodist churchos, and Mrs.<br />

terested in participating in the Presque Isle, Montmorency, Al­ Onaway — Andrew Johnston,<br />

and a Community Auction • of<br />

t-u by Gaylord .high school in Epps of Detroit.<br />

program will meet in the Gaypena, Crawford, Roscommon, Os­ resident, of this area 58 years,<br />

rontnbutod^ article* of value, to lord school at 10 a.m.<br />

coda, Kalkaskr, Wexford, and died October 25 in a Bay City<br />

the diss of 1937.<br />

be held November 12, starting<br />

After being employed by the<br />

Main objective of the confer­ Missaukee counties are planning hospital. He was 70 years old,<br />

at noon, at the Gaylord Stock­<br />

Dow Chemical company in Mid­ HUSBAND OF OES<br />

ence Mr. Makel said is to get to attend.<br />

^nd former mayor of Onaway.<br />

yards south of the city. The<br />

land fir several years, Mr. Peck GRAND MATRON INJURED<br />

more schools interested in tak­<br />

stockyards are being contribut­<br />

returned to Gaylord to live.<br />

ing advantage of the program<br />

ed for the purpose by the man­<br />

Surviving Mr. Peck are the Gaylora friends have received<br />

to lesson the chances of malnuagement<br />

and Matt Dickerson<br />

widow, Jean; four daughters, word that Stanley Masten of<br />

trition in children. The program<br />

PAPA JOE'S<br />

has offered his services without<br />

Priscilla Ann, Carol Lee, Cheryl Clare, husband of Mrs. Stanley<br />

will I.elp the federal agricultural<br />

charge as auctioneer.<br />

Jean and Pamela Rae; his par­ Masten. grand worthy matron of<br />

department use up surplus foods,<br />

ents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peck: the Michigan Order of Eastern<br />

All proceeds of the Com­ Mr. Makel said.<br />

ond.a brother, Grover Peck, all Star, is convalescing in the hosmunity<br />

Auction will go *o<br />


of Gaylord.<br />

pital in Midland following an ac­<br />

CROr. Mr. Veen and the offi­<br />

Principal speakers at the con­<br />


cidental injury at the Dow<br />

cers which include the Rev.<br />

ference will be Mrs. Alice Smith,<br />

Joe Van Houdt, Prop.<br />

Alpena — Rites were to be here Chemical plant there on October<br />

Francis Kam.nski of St. Mary's<br />

chief executive of the women's<br />

for Mrs. Bonnie Zcmke, the for­ 30. Mrs. Maston is well acquaint­<br />

church, the Rev. Raymond R.<br />

division of the department of<br />

mer Edith Folpy. ,vhc died in | ed in Gaylord among members<br />

Lamb of the Gaylord Metho-<br />

public health, who will address B'EER'MM..,.Z..Z:. 3ft?J^ — UQUOR<br />

the group w.i "Nutrition:" and<br />

Grosse Point November 1. of the order. •<br />

ui.St CuUrCu, 5Hu t»iC K6V, ixO- Mrs. Helen Herren specialist on<br />

bert Henning of the Reformed evaluation of school lunches at<br />


Presbyterian church of Hether- Central Michigan College of<br />

ton. vice-chairmen, and Miles Education.<br />

Brown, treasurer, are making<br />


an appeal for those who have Other speakers are Mr. Makel;<br />

articles of valup they are will­ Carl Spitler, Petoskey school<br />

ing to contribute to the auction superintendent; Henry J. Poni'z,<br />

from Boyne City<br />

to do so.<br />

Things to be contributed<br />

should be in reasonably good<br />

condition said Mr. Gordon and<br />

should be taken to the Gaylord<br />

I'VE A DATE TO<br />

MEeT PHIl^AT^THE<br />

Prema-Top Shuffleboard<br />

US-27 Waters, Mich., PL. 239-F12<br />



Stockyards not later than 10<br />

3. m. Saturday, November 12.<br />

Anything that may be left out<br />

in the open and will not be<br />

damaged by weather may be<br />

brought as early as Friday<br />

morning or anytime thereafter.<br />

The CROP committee has held<br />

two meetings already to map<br />

its plans and is planning another<br />

and possibly more before the<br />

campaign ends.<br />


ALS DRUG<br />

STORE<br />




I<br />


TILE<br />

^2.<br />


FOOT<br />

IH»al fo. Living. Dining and<br />

Bod Rooms. Average ceiling<br />

easily applied in one day. No<br />

painting, no fuss.<br />


STAR<br />

Our Own Lean. Sliced, Breakfast<br />

BACON, lb. . . 39c<br />

Pure<br />

GROUND BEEF. lb. 39c<br />

Skinless<br />

FRANKS, lb. 39c<br />

Fresh<br />

Polish SAUSAGE, lb. 39c<br />

150 Towels per roll<br />

Roll Towels, 2 27c<br />

I Home Butchers!<br />

Let Us<br />

SMOKE & CURE<br />


To Be Assured of a No. 1<br />


ORDER NOW!<br />

STAR<br />

"Come As You Are"<br />

VFW Ha!!, Gaylord, Mich.<br />

(Sponsored by VFW Post No. 1518)<br />

Nov. 12,<strong>1949</strong><br />

DANCING 9 P. M. 'TIL 1 A. JA.<br />

Music by Stutz Bearcats<br />

Round and Square Dances<br />

Admission 50c person Includes tax<br />

Winchester Rifle with Scope<br />

and Hunting Coat Given<br />

The PENNIES you SAVE here<br />

will soon add up to DOLLARS<br />

Make us /our Headquarters for SOAPS<br />


DUZ, ETC 25c<br />


COFFEE, lb. 55c<br />

OLEOVlb. 19c<br />

TALL CAN<br />

RED SALMON 65c<br />

SUGAR, 10 lbs. 89c<br />

TALL CAN<br />

T. W. MILK lie<br />



qt. . . . . 55c<br />



46 oz. can 45c<br />

16 OZ. CAN<br />

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