Abstract Book

Abstract Book

Abstract Book


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R. Paine, D. Heinold; AECOM, Westford, MA<br />

U.S. EPA’s recently proposed and promulgated revisions to National Ambient Air<br />

Quality Standards (NAAQS) for PM2.5, SO2 and NO2 provide implementation challenges<br />

regarding the application of dispersion models to assess compliance.<br />

Given that these new NAAQS are substantially lower than the standards they replace, the<br />

customary degree of overestimation that is intentionally designed into the present<br />

Modeling Guideline methods are likely to limit our ability to conduct accurate and<br />

unbiased air quality compliance assessments. Due to the shrinking margin of compliance<br />

associated with these new standards, the skill of regulatory models will be more severely<br />

tested, and refined methods to incorporate background concentrations will need to be<br />

developed. Given that long-term average PM2.5 concentrations have contributions from a<br />

variety of near-field and more distant sources, there is a need for EPA to incorporate the<br />

mechanisms leading to secondary particulate formation into regulatory models.<br />

The promulgated 1-hour standard for NO2 will require more refined methods to estimate<br />

NO to NO2 conversion over short transport distances than is provided in the AERMOD<br />

screening-level methods. Improved methods applicable to urban areas or the vicinity of<br />

major roadways will be required.<br />

The proposed range of the 1-hour SO2 standard is well below the current 24-hour<br />

NAAQS and will test the ability of dispersion models to accurately simulate peak shortterm<br />

concentrations from point sources. Given that there is substantial variability in SO2<br />

emissions due to variability in fuel sulfur content, statistically robust ways of accounting<br />

for this variability need to be explored.<br />

Use Of MODIS Satellite Measurements Of Land Use, Albedo And Leaf Area Index<br />

In CALMET (99)<br />

C. Bell, K. Onder, S. Lataille; Golder Associates, Calgary, AB, Canada<br />

Recent development in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, located in northeastern Alberta,<br />

has drawn growing concern from stakeholders on the cumulative effects of emissions<br />

from mining and upgrading projects on air quality. In order to assess potential cumulative<br />

air quality changes, refined dispersion modelling is necessary.<br />

The CALPUFF modelling system is currently the model of choice in the Oil Sands<br />

Region. Characterizing the meteorological conditions with CALMET is dependent on<br />

proper definition of the geophysical parameters such as land use, albedo and leaf area<br />

index (LAI). The characterization of these parameters is important for defining the<br />

boundary layer conditions in CALMET. In past air quality assessments completed by the<br />

authors in the Oil Sands Region, land use was derived from the Natural Resources<br />

Canada (NRCan) Land Cover Map of Canada1 for the year 2000 and the geophysical<br />

parameters were assigned based on values from literature and CALMET defaults.<br />

Recently, high temporal and spatial resolution MODerate-resolution Imaging<br />

Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite data have become available. MODIS measurements<br />

provide sufficient spectral information to extract land use, albedo and leaf area index<br />

directly at a temporal resolution of two weeks and a spatial resolution ranging from 500<br />

m to 1 km. This study provides a review of the geophysical parameters generated from<br />


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