Current Allergy and Clinical Immunology - March 2008

Current Allergy and Clinical Immunology - March 2008

Current Allergy and Clinical Immunology - March 2008


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PRODUCT NEWSTHE VISUALISATION OF HYGENIC CLEANLINESSThe most impressive inventions have always been the simplest.The vacuum cleaner itself is a good example. NowMiele has gone one step further: a vacuum cleaner with anintegrated Allergotec hygiene sensor is the icing on the cake.The quality of the air we breathe fluctuates permanently onaccount of all kinds of outside influences. The higher theconcentration of micro-organisms in the air, the poorer thequality. They can trigger off respiratory problems <strong>and</strong> allergicresponses. These tiny particles settle on carpets, upholstery,curtains <strong>and</strong> bedding <strong>and</strong> ride piggy-back on ubiquitousdomestic dust.Now the time has come to welcome another world-first tothe Medicair range of products. The floorhead provided withthe S5280 Medicair vacuum cleaner now features theAllergotec hygiene sensor, a device which automaticallydetects particulate contamination levels. During vacuuming,a microprocessor monitors the particle count in the air intakeas an indication of the potential allergy burden. This informationis relayed to the user in the form of a ‘traffic-light’indicator using the colours red, amber <strong>and</strong> green. ‘Red’ –keep cleaning, ‘amber’ – almost clean <strong>and</strong> ‘green’ – you canmove on, the area vacuumed is now ‘hygienically cleaned’.In addition, the model also sports an Active HEPA filterwhich ensures that even the smallest particles stay in thedustbag <strong>and</strong> are not re-released into the room. As well asensuring superb levels of hygiene, the Active HEPA filteralso guarantees odour-free room air, thanks to its layer ofactivated charcoal. As the collar on Miele dustbags is selfclosingon removal from the dust compartment, personswho react highly sensitively to dust can rest assured that thedust stays where it belongs – in the dustbag!Automatic suction control allows the vacuum cleaner toadapt with ease to different floor coverings. The Allergotecfloorhead adapts to both carpeting <strong>and</strong> smooth floors bymeans of a footswitch at the transition from the one floortype to the other.Miele (Pty) Ltd South Africa, PO Box 69434,Bryanston 2021, tel 011-548-1900,Cape Town, tel 021 946 3148/9,E-mail: info@miele.co.za, www.miele.co.zaGlaxoSmithKlineFURTHER ACCEPTANCE FOLLOWSGLAXOSMITHKLINE’S SERETIDE PRICEREDUCTIONGlaxoSmithKline’s decision to reduce the price of itsflagship asthma medication, Seretide, is showingencouraging signs of success. Seretide is used in thetreatment of chronic asthma <strong>and</strong> was already one ofthe most prescribed chronic medications in SouthAfrica at the time of the 20% price reduction. Medicalschemes, as well as medical practitioners <strong>and</strong> healthcareprofessionals, are also starting to adopt Seretideas the medication of choice, now that it is moreaffordable. Medical institutions are following suit <strong>and</strong>the cumulative effect is that more <strong>and</strong> more chronicasthma sufferers in South Africa are gaining accessto the medication.Following the price reduction, one of South Africa'sleading medical aid schemes, Medscheme, includedSeretide in its Restrictive Formulary from 1 February2006. The result is that all Medscheme-administeredasthma patients now have access to Seretide.Restrictive formularies are primarily used to determineprescriptive needs of the lower to middleincome groups, which means that the use of Seretideis likely to be extended to asthma sufferers who previouslywould have had no means of gaining accessto the medication. In the light of the Department ofHealth’s drive towards creating lower income medicalschemes, the inclusion of Seretide in a major healthscheme's Restrictive Formulary gains extra significance.It is still too early to ascertain the extent towhich chronic asthma sufferers in previously disadvantagedcommunities are now able to acquireSeretide, but as time elapses this should becomeeasier to determine.S3 SERETIDE® 50/100 ACCUHALER® - 33/21.5.4/0413SERETIDE® 50/250 ACCUHALER® - 33/21.5.4/0414SERETIDE® 50/500 ACCUHALER® - 33/21.5.4/0415SERETIDE® 25/50 INHALER - 35/21.5.4/0411SERETIDE® 25/125 INHALER - 35/21.5.4/0412SERETIDE® 25/250 INHALER - 35/21.5.4/0413.Composition: ACCUHALER® - Each blister contains a mixture of salmeterolxinafoate equivalent to 50 µg of salmeterol <strong>and</strong> microfine fluticasonepropionate (100 µg, 250 µg or 500 µg). Contains lactose asexcipient.INHALER- Each single actuation provides salmeterol xinafoate equivalentto 25 µg of salmeterol <strong>and</strong> 50, 125 or 250µg of fluticasone propionate.GlaxoSmithKline South Africa (Pty) Ltd; (Co. reg. no.1948/030135/07)Private Bag X173, Bryanston. 2021 Tel +27 11 745 6000. Fax +27 11745 7000. September 2005. For full prescribing information, pleasesee package insertFor more information, please visit www.gsk.com orcontact: Dudu Ndlovu, Head: Corporate Affairs, tel011-745-6101, Fax 011-388-6101,e-mail dudu.d.ndlovu@gsk.com<strong>Current</strong> <strong>Allergy</strong> & <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Immunology</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>2008</strong> Vol 21, No. 1 57

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