Integrating IEC 61850 at TVA Bradley 500kV Substation - RuggedCom

Integrating IEC 61850 at TVA Bradley 500kV Substation - RuggedCom

Integrating IEC 61850 at TVA Bradley 500kV Substation - RuggedCom

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<strong>Integr<strong>at</strong>ing</strong> <strong>IEC</strong> <strong>61850</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>TVA</strong> <strong>Bradley</strong> <strong>500kV</strong> Subst<strong>at</strong>ionfor Protection, SCADA and Enterprise Applic<strong>at</strong>ions.<strong>TVA</strong> has embarked on a program to dram<strong>at</strong>ically reduce thecost of building, refurbishing, oper<strong>at</strong>ing and maintainingtransmission subst<strong>at</strong>ions. At the same time, the project hopedto advance protection, control, monitoring and autom<strong>at</strong>ioncapabilities within it's transmission system. To d<strong>at</strong>e, the <strong>Bradley</strong><strong>500kV</strong> Subst<strong>at</strong>ion includes 34 Intelligent Electronic Devicesfrom five manufacturers, selectively connected to redundantfiber optic networks.Present project scope includes SCADA support, fourdistribution protection schemes, CB condition monitoring,transformer monitoring and a publish/subscribe server formultiple department access to d<strong>at</strong>a and functionality.Project Applic<strong>at</strong>ion Objectives: Open system Interoperability between IED's Capable functionality Performance time Secure overall system Flexible management/oper<strong>at</strong>ion Economically viable solution Common technology infrastructure Accommod<strong>at</strong>e multiple vendor IED's Reusable practices Effective d<strong>at</strong>a management system Reduced wiring, install<strong>at</strong>ion costs Local and remote downloads to IED's Improved O&M from remote and local System health/st<strong>at</strong>us monitoring St<strong>at</strong>us communic<strong>at</strong>ions between IED'sProject Output:A) Universal construction - new technology andprocess allowed for pre-wiring, pre-configured assemblytechniques. Asset loc<strong>at</strong>ions can now be standardized withtypical subst<strong>at</strong>ion control house space needs reduced inhalf. Other benefits include wire reduction, standardizedconstruction, shorter construction cycles, reducedengineering and labor requirements all whilemaintaining quality.B) Protection, Control, D<strong>at</strong>a Acquisition and Autom<strong>at</strong>ion -The subst<strong>at</strong>ion Ethernet LAN and <strong>IEC</strong> <strong>61850</strong> standardprovided an open, utility-centric communic<strong>at</strong>ionsenvironment supporting capable and timely, secure andflexible inform<strong>at</strong>ion transfers.C) Distributed Applic<strong>at</strong>ions - <strong>TVA</strong> can now leveragepeer-to-peer Generic Object Oriented Subst<strong>at</strong>ion Events(GOOSE) by partitioning certain applic<strong>at</strong>ions intocooper<strong>at</strong>ive modules and distributing them among thedifferent IED's.D) Applic<strong>at</strong>ions: SCADA Protection Selective d<strong>at</strong>a collection, reporting and logging Synchrophasor measurements Transformer monitoring Time-tagged, time-correl<strong>at</strong>ed, spooled event andpower system d<strong>at</strong>a collection Integr<strong>at</strong>ed , autom<strong>at</strong>ed control of CB's, LTC's,cap banks and voltage regul<strong>at</strong>ors. Power waveform analysis Scenario-response capabilities Subst<strong>at</strong>ion HMIE) Network Based O&M Practice-<strong>TVA</strong> can now betterisol<strong>at</strong>e and diagnose problems remotely, better allowingwork crews to be better prepared. O&M procedures cannow be aligned with network capabilitiesF) Testing methodology - With new network technologiesand increased system capabilities a new efficient testmethodology was developed to ensure proper systemoper<strong>at</strong>ion and functionality. Through the use of a test casesprocess, the communic<strong>at</strong>ions, protection, control andautom<strong>at</strong>ion schemes were confirmed.G) Reusable Practice - It is goal of the project to produce thefound<strong>at</strong>ion of a new subst<strong>at</strong>ion practice, oriented aroundthe <strong>IEC</strong> <strong>61850</strong> communic<strong>at</strong>ions standard, complementarytechnologies and practices.While the cost of refurbishment of primary equipment(breakers, transformers, LTC's, etc) <strong>at</strong> existing subst<strong>at</strong>ionswill remain expensive, there may be compelling reasons/advantages to the wholesale refurbishment of the secondarysystem (monitors, relays, RTU's, controllers, etc) with thenew <strong>IEC</strong> <strong>61850</strong> standardSummary:The <strong>IEC</strong> <strong>61850</strong> communic<strong>at</strong>ions standard provides the meansto integr<strong>at</strong>e communic<strong>at</strong>ions, inform<strong>at</strong>ion and applic<strong>at</strong>ions intoa coherent, flexible and very powerful framework for thesubst<strong>at</strong>ion secondary system.

The <strong>TVA</strong> <strong>Bradley</strong> <strong>IEC</strong> <strong>61850</strong> TeamTennessee Valley Authority (<strong>TVA</strong>) is the n<strong>at</strong>ion’s largest public power company, with 33,000 megaw<strong>at</strong>ts of dependablegener<strong>at</strong>ing capacity. Through 158 locally owned distributors, <strong>TVA</strong> provides power to nearly 8.5 million residents ofthe Tennessee Valley. For more than seven decades <strong>TVA</strong> has improved the quality of life in the Tennessee Valley. <strong>TVA</strong>touches millions of lives through a commitment to excellence and value in three key areas: Energy, EnvironmentalStewardship, and Economic Development.ABB's world-class protection and control solutions are anintelligent investment in every step you take for safeguardingreliable and profitable power transmission and distribution.This combined with our long experience in the field and fullscope of services and support makes ABB a leader and pioneerin Subst<strong>at</strong>ion Autom<strong>at</strong>ion and Protection solutions.AREVA's T&D division designs, manufactures and suppliesa complete range of equipment, systems and services for allstages in the transfer of electricity, from the gener<strong>at</strong>or to thelarge end-user. Our subst<strong>at</strong>ion autom<strong>at</strong>ion, protection andmeasurement solutions are field-proven and successfullyimplemented around the world. For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion, pleasevisit us <strong>at</strong> our IEEE Booth #1123 or <strong>at</strong> www.areva-td.com.GE Multilin is the first and the only vendor having <strong>IEC</strong><strong>61850</strong>protocol across the entire spectrum of protective relayingapplic<strong>at</strong>ions from Gener<strong>at</strong>or Protection, Line Protection to Motorprotection IEDs. The embedded <strong>IEC</strong><strong>61850</strong> protocol across theUR, URPlus and the 650 family of solutions requires noadditional protocol converters. Built on our strong leadership inUCA 2.0 implement<strong>at</strong>ion, GE today has projects in oper<strong>at</strong>ionsand in execution spanning the globe using <strong>IEC</strong><strong>61850</strong>.Subst<strong>at</strong>ion hardened Ethernet networking devices forelectrically harsh and clim<strong>at</strong>ically demanding environments.Ethernet switches, routers, serial servers, media converters.Exceeds <strong>IEC</strong> <strong>61850</strong>-3 EMI Immunity, meets IEEE 1613 Class 2error free performance, -40 o C to +85 o C oper<strong>at</strong>ing temper<strong>at</strong>ure,integr<strong>at</strong>ed dual redundant power supplies (no fans),

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