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Modular Check Ball Valve Drawing9101623283334233Modular Check Ball ValveServicingBefore servicing the check valves,first shut off the suction line and thenthe discharge line to the pump. Next,shut off the compressed air supply,bleed air pressure from the pump, anddisconnect the air supply line fromthe pump. Drain any remaining fluidfrom the pump. The pump can now beremoved for service.To access the modular check valve,remove the elbows (items 16 frompump composite repair parts drawing).Use a 1/2" wrench or socket to removethe fasteners. Once the elbows areremoved, the modular check valvescan be seen in the cavities of the outerchamber (items 13).Next remove the check valve seal(item 33). Inspect the seal for cutsor pinched areas. Replace seal asneeded.Disassemble the component parts ofeach modular check valve. Inspect thecheck valve retainer (item 28) for cuts,abrasive wear, or embedded materials.Replace as needed.Inspect the check balls (items 2) forwear, abrasion, or cuts on the sphericalsurface. The check valve seats(items 34) should be inspected for cuts,abrasive wear, or embedded materialon the surfaces of both the externaland internal chambers. The sphericalsurface of the check balls must seatflush to the surface of the inner chamferon the check valve seats for the pump tooperate to peak efficiency. Replace anyworn or damaged parts as necessary.Remove the check valve seal(item 33). Inspect the seal for cuts orpinched areas. Replace seal as needed.Re-assemble the modularcheck valves.Place a check valve seal (item 33)into the cavity of the outer chamber(item 13). Make sure the chamfer sideof the seal faces out. Insert the modularcheck valve into the outer chamberwith the retainer facing up. Install acheck valve seal (item 33). Make surethe chamfer side of the seals face thechamfer on the check valve seat orretainer.The pump can now be reassembled,reconnected and returned to operation.IMPORTANTRead these instructionscompletely, before installationand start-up.It is the responsibility ofthe purchaser to retainthis manual for reference. Failure tocomply with the recommendations statedin this manual will damage the pump, andvoid factory warranty.m07nmdl1sm-rev0513 Models M07 Non-Metallic Page 22

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