Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

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LINCOLN CHRISTIAN SEMINARYResidencyThe Seminary requires students in any of its degree programs to complete atleast 24 hours of courses through the Seminary, i.e. not transfers. These 24 hoursmay be taken in several ways, but at least 9 of them must be through classes on ourcampus (i.e. not through independent study, distance learning, or thesis/extendedresearch paper). Students may appeal the residency requirement to their facultyadvisors in the case of any special circumstances.Schedule ChangesTo add or drop a course during periods of online registration, students maycomplete the desired change through their student portal. No fees result frommaking changes during this period. Changes made after this period are done bycontacting the Registrar’s Office. These changes do result in a fee charged tothe student’s account. To add a class after the first week of class, students mustget a Change of Schedule form from the Registrar’s Office, have it signed by theinstructor of the course, and return it to the Registrar’s Office.Refund of tuition and fees (if any) will be computed from the date the drop isinitiated (see “Refund Policy” in Chapter 7). Failure to officially withdraw from aclass will result in the assigning of an “F” and the loss of tuition and fees for thatclass. A student may not drop any course after four weeks without permission fromthe Registrar or an Academic Dean.Shared Credits in Two Degree ProgramsStudents who wish to complete two degrees at the Seminary may do soprovided they meet two basic guidelines: 1) they must complete the requirementsfor each degree, and 2) one full year (24 hour minimum) of class work must becompleted for the second degree. For example, students desiring to complete a75-hour Master of Divinity and a 48-hour Master of Arts program must meet alldegree requirements for each program, completing at least 99 hours total (75 forthe M.Div. and 24—half of 48—for the M.A.). Students pursuing a second degreebeyond the Master of Divinity degree are eligible for a 15% tuition discount on anyhours required after the first 75 hours. Please notify the Financial Aid Office whenregistering for such hours to ensure that the 15% tuition discount is applied (afterthe first 75 hours).Special NeedsThe Seminary accepts students who meet its admission requirements withoutregard to disability. Reasonable accommodations are provided for all students100

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