Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

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4. COURSE DESCRIPTIONSCD 743. Church Development and Cultural Challenges. A course thatexamines Biblical patterns of the church in its encounter with culture and explorestheir contemporary application to churches facing cultural challenges. (Same asIC743)CD 751. Ministering in the Town and Country Church. An overview ofministry in the town and country community and church with an emphasis onunderstanding the varied types of contexts and how each affects pastoral work andstrategy. The town and country culture is experienced as well as studied duringthe class.CD 752. Leading the Town and Country Church. A look at how town andcountry residents think and the spiritual and social tools required to lead them. Thecourse examines the standard issues of church leadership as they apply to the townand country church. It also touches on the role of the pastor as community leader.CD 753. Faith Communication in a Town and Country Context. The oralculture and intimacy of the town and country context present a unique set ofcircumstances for preaching, evangelism, discipleship, and youth and children’sministries. This course explores the ways town and country culture impacts andreshapes the common methods and strategies for communicating the Gospel.CD 754. Pastoral Care in a Town and Country Context. Pastors in isolatedsettings find themselves facing a large number of pastoral care issues, some uniqueto the context, with less help than their suburban and urban counterparts haveavailable. This course looks at some of the stresses town and country life places onpastors and their families as well as those in the church, and explores ways pastorscan keep themselves spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy and therebyable to offer pastoral care to others.CD 755. Seminar in Town and Country Ministry. Students in this course willresearch a topic in Town and Country Ministry and present their findings to theclass in a collaborative learning environment. The instructor will suggest topicsand offer reading lists, and students may suggest topics of special interest.CD 892. Church Development Practicum. As part of the MA with a Ministryspecialization a student may contract with a church or church-planting agency towork under a supervising minister approved by the student’s advisor. The student,supervisor, and adviser will contract regarding learning/service goals. At least200 documented hours must be invested in fulfilling these goals. This practicumis especially important in conjunction with a specialization in church planting. (3hours)53

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