Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

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LINCOLN CHRISTIAN SEMINARYDMIN 1003. Developing a Biblically Grounded Ministry. An advancedexegetical, theological, and practical analysis of key texts and topics related toleadership ministry. Class resources include reading and written assignments,classroom interaction and presentations, and insights from guest experts. (4hours)DMIN 1004. Developing a Culturally Sensitive Ministry. An advancedapproach to intentionally analyzing current cultural dynamics and trends in orderto help students more effectively assess, critique, reflect upon, and effectivelyimpact his/her ministry context. (4 hours)DMIN 1005. Developing an Effective Ministry Research Project. A seminarthat teaches students how to design, implement, write, and present an effectivefinal ministry research project. (2 hours)DMIN 1090. DMin Project. A major ministry integration project, conductedunder faculty guidance, which serves as the capstone assignment for the Doctorof Ministry degree. Students produce a substantial written document that includesa biblical, theological, and practical rationale for the project, a description of theproject design and implementation, an evaluation of the project’s effectiveness,and implications for further study by the student or others. An oral presentation tothe student’s faculty advisors follows the completion of the written assignment.DMIN 1091. Re-Registration of DMin Project. Students not completing theproject during the semester in which they register for it are required to re-registerunder the 1091 course number each semester until the project is completed andapproved. (0 hours)DMIN 1101. Understanding the People You Lead. An advanced introduction toorganizational leadership theory which helps students better analyze and transformtheir ministry contexts through enhanced awareness of organizational dynamicsas they relate to the practice of leadership. Course resources include readingsand written assignments, classroom presentations and interaction, case studiesfrom student ministries, and a post-residency ministry integration assignment. (4hours)DMIN 1102. Empowering the People You Lead. An advanced consideration ofthe biblical foundations for and practical applications of a team-based approachto ministry. The course will help explore and apply resources for developingthe “Priesthood of all Believers.” The course will focus on both the leader as anempowering person and the congregation as an empowered body. (4 hours)60

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