Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

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Discipline or Dismissal5. ACADEMIC POLICIESThe Student Covenant describes several situations that might lead to thediscipline or dismissal of a student for a variety of reasons (see Student Covenant;see also Due Process below). Behavioral matters are typically addressed by adiscipline committee composed of the Deans, the Associate Dean of StudentFormation, faculty and student representatives. Academic matters are typicallyaddressed by one or both of the Deans and/or others they may delegate (particularlyfaculty).Situations of a primarily academic nature that might lead to discipline ordismissal include, but are not limited to, attendance problems, plagiarism (seebelow), violating probation (see below), disrupting classroom decorum, etc.Discipline may be invoked by a faculty member or by a Dean and may involve anyof the following: apology and change of behavior, resubmission of an assignment,compensatory work, reduced grade, failure of assignment or course, dismissalfrom class or the Seminary, or other appropriate action. A student may appeal afaculty disciplinary action as outlined under the “Appeals” policy above.Due ProcessAlthough denial of due process by a private religious institution is notconsidered a violation of U.S. Constitutional law, the Seminary makes this privilegeavailable to students, within the guidelines set forth in this section. Students agreeto abide by the regulations in the Student Covenant and the academic policies inthis catalog by virtue of their enrollment. Students who violate the Seminary’sregulations or policies may be disciplined (as described above under “Discipline”).Students subject to disciplinary action may request a hearing with the one(s)making the decision, and the decision-maker(s) will hear the student in a fair andtimely manner, which constitutes “due process” for <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> Seminary.Additionally, a student may appeal any resulting disciplinary action under theguidelines described above in the “Appeals” policy.Educational Rights and Privacy<strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> Seminary abides by the regulations of the FamilyEducational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. This act governs howstudent educational records should be handled. Graduate students may request tosee their educational records by contacting the Registrar’s Office. This informationis not released to any outside party without the student’s written permission orwithout a legal cause, unless it is considered “public” or “directory” information(e.g. name, address, phone number, email address, name of specialization, type ofprogram, years enrolled, advisor’s name, and/or honors received). Even “public”95

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