Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

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and creative methodology.4. COURSE DESCRIPTIONSPR 602. Preaching for Contemporary Listeners. A specialized study of thecontemporary context of preaching. Students will examine con- temporarythinking, current preachers and possible approaches to preaching to thecontemporary listener. (Same as TH602)PR 603. History of Preaching. A general survey of the history of preaching,giving special attention to the theological trends, movements, and significantpersonalities in the preaching tradition from the prophets to the present.PR 604. Creative Biblical Preaching. A course for those who have previouslystudied in the field of homiletics. The previous experiences of the students willdetermine the areas of homiletical thought given attention. Special attention willbe given to creative forms and delivery.PR 650. Preaching from the New Testament. A team-taught course designedto provide the student with the skills to interpret and preach responsibly from thebooks of the New Testament. Greek proficiency or NT610 is prerequisite; PR 601is also prerequisite unless special permission is granted by the instructor. (Sameas NT650)PR 651. Preaching for Wholeness. A team-taught course that addresses thepower of preaching in the development of the listener’s wholeness (spiritual,emotional, familial, etc.) (Same as PC651)PR 652. Preaching from the Old Testament. A team-taught course designedto provide the student with the skills to interpret and preach responsibly from thebooks of the Old Testament. (Same as OT752)PR 660. Leading From the Pulpit. This course explores how to developa preaching plan that uses Biblical proclamation to lead the congregation inaccomplishing the church’s stated mission, vision, core values, and specificgoals. We examine compelling reasons for planning our preaching, and we utilizevarious types of sermons in our plan, including expository, doctrinal, evangelistic,apologetic, ethical, biographical, pastoral, narrative, and sermons for specialoccasions.PR 661. Preaching and Pastoral Ministry. A course examining the relationshipof the pulpit to the life of the church. Issues of preaching as vision casting,leadership development, shepherding, counseling, discipleship, evangelism,stewardship, etc., will be addressed. The relationship of planned preaching to thestrategy of the church will be discussed.79

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