Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

Download Full 2008-2010 Catalog - Lincoln Christian University

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4. COURSE DESCRIPTIONSCE 605. Human Development and Ministry. A course designed to provide thestudent with an understanding of developmental and learn- ing theories and theirimplications for the education and pastoral ministry.CE 606. Education for Spiritual Formation. A course studying spiritualformation from various perspectives (psychology, history, theology, Bible), withapplication to personal life and congregational ministry.CE 607. Worship and Spiritual Formation. A course designed to aid thestudent in developing an understanding of worship as it relates to spiritualgrowth, discipleship, and pastoral care. Attention is given to private worship, theimpact of baptism on the life of the believer, the importance of ritual to communityand the practice of the Lord’s supper. (Same as WS604)CE 652. Expository Teaching. A study and practicum on advanced teachingmethods based on exegetical and literary principles in the Old and NewTestaments.CE 661. Theology of <strong>Christian</strong> Education. The relationship between contentand pedagogy will be investigated. Various educational models will be studied asthey arise from Biblical revelation. The impact of various types of theology on theteaching ministry will be included. The student will be encouraged to form his orher own theology of <strong>Christian</strong> education.CE 662. Historical Foundations of Education. A study of the historicaldevelopment of educational thought and expression, with emphasis on emergingeducational theories and philosophies that have influenced <strong>Christian</strong> education.CE 700. Family Life Education. A course designed to give the student anoverview of the church’s ministry to couples and families. These areas areexplored: 1) marriage and family life from a Biblical perspective, 2) strategy fordeveloping a family life ministry in the local church, and 3) creative resources forministry to married couples and families.CE 706. History of <strong>Christian</strong> Spirituality. An investigation into thedevelopment of <strong>Christian</strong> spirituality with special attention to key spiritual masters,developments, and documents. Students will journal their spiritual reflections firstthrough selected sections of <strong>Christian</strong> Spiritual writers through the ages and thenthrough the writings of a particular spiritual master. (Same as CH706)CE 750. Marriage Enrichment. A course designed: 1) to lead a couple topersonal marriage enrichment through learning to communicate effectively,resolve conflict, meet each other’s emotional needs, and build each other up; and2) to equip the couple to enrich the marriages of others. (Same as PC750)55

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