Quality Control & Six Sigma - ESD

Quality Control & Six Sigma - ESD

Quality Control & Six Sigma - ESD

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IN THE NEWSAssociation ExecutivesHonor <strong>ESD</strong> with <strong>Six</strong> AwardsThe Michigan Society of Association Executives (MSAE)honored <strong>ESD</strong> with three Diamond Awards, two Gold Awardsand one Silver Award at the 5th Annual Diamond AwardsBanquet on September 21, 2006. <strong>ESD</strong> President David S.Meynell and Past President Charles M. Ayers, F<strong>ESD</strong> joinedthe <strong>ESD</strong> staff in attending the banquet.For the second year in a row, in the $500,000–$2 MillionBudget category, <strong>ESD</strong> won first-place Diamond Awards forWeb Site (www.esd.org), Electronic Newsletter (<strong>ESD</strong> E-News)and Membership Development (the <strong>ESD</strong> Engineering andTechnology Job Fair). The Job Fair is hosted by the <strong>ESD</strong> YoungEngineers Council and generated over 400 new <strong>ESD</strong> studentmembers last year.<strong>ESD</strong> took a second-place Gold Award for Technology Centurymagazine in the Magazine Publishing category. In the Meetings& Expositions category, <strong>ESD</strong> received both the Gold andthird-place Silver awards for the Energy Conference and Exhibitionhosted by DTE Energy and <strong>ESD</strong> and the 2006 EconomicForecast for Design and Construction, respectively.Thank you to the hard-working volunteer members whosecommitment and service earned these recognitions. If you areinterested in joining committees such as those working withthe above events or publications, please contact Laura Govan at248-353-0735, ext. 4120 or lgovan@esd.org.Board Member Retires,Replacement NamedAugust Olivier has stepped downfrom his position as a memberof the <strong>ESD</strong> Board of Directors,effective September 1, 2006, simultaneouswith his retirement fromGeneral Motors Corporation,where he served as Director ofCapital Projects. We congratulateMr. Olivier on his retirementOlivierand thank him for his service toour Society.As his replacement, the <strong>ESD</strong>Board unanimously approvedthe recommendation of theNominating Committee andappointed David C. Munson,Jr., PhD, Robert J. Vlasic Deanof Engineering, University ofMunsonMichigan, to fill the vacancy untilJune 30, 2008.Before assuming his role as Dean of the U-MCollege of Engineering, Dr. Munson served as aprofessor and chair of U-M’s Electrical Engineering &Computer Science Department. Dr. Munson is highlyregarded for his research in digital signal and imageprocessing. He has spent much of his career workingon imaging systems, especially synthetic apertureradar. He earned his bachelor’s degree in electricalengineering from the University of Delaware. Heearned his MS, MA and PhD in electrical engineeringfrom Princeton University.We welcome Dr. Munson to our Board andcongratulate him on his new deanship.Accepting the Diamond Award for Best Electronic Newsletter are(from left) Dale Thomas, <strong>ESD</strong> Managing Director of Communications;Shelly Smith, <strong>ESD</strong> Manager of Communications and MemberBenefits; Leslie Smith, <strong>ESD</strong> Director of Programs; and SusanShanaman, <strong>ESD</strong> Future City Coordinator.Harley Ellis Devereaux andGreenWorks Studio celebratedGreenWeek 2006 in September.This five-day informationalseries was devoted to spreadingthe good works of going green.Information from each sessionis available to you by contactingChris Meter at 248-233-0200 orcmeter@hedev.comwww.esd.org | The Engineering Society of Detroit |

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