Island Hopping Indonesia - Audley Travel

Island Hopping Indonesia - Audley Travel

Island Hopping Indonesia - Audley Travel

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<strong>Island</strong> <strong>Hopping</strong> <strong>Indonesia</strong> : Group TourFriday19 October, 2012Tjampuhan Hotel, UbudLocal women heading to a temple, BaliLake Bratan, Jatiluwih rice terraces and Pura Batukaru templegroup excursion with lunch at local restaurantToday you will travel the back roads, seeing the Balinese people going about theirdaily lives and seeing some less visited parts of the island. You will begin bytravelling to the cooler mountain area of Danau Bratan, visiting the market town ofBedugul and Pura Ulun Danu Bratan. This is a very beautiful and important templethat was founded in the 17th century and dedicated to Dewi Danu, the goddess ofthe waters. It is built on a small island near the edge of a lake and is one of themost iconic images in Bali. Hidden in forest on the slopes of Gunung Batukaru youwill find one of the most beautiful temples in Bali, Pura Batukaru. Mount Batukaru isBali's second highest mountain and due to it's remote location is less visited thansites such as Mount Batur and Agung. The temple was originally the state templefor the area where Tabanan was an independent kingdom and small pagodas arevery spiritual in design and feel. The small white water stream to the left of thetemple means that the sound if running water is always present and. From Batukaruthe meandering drive to the village of Jatiluwih is through magnificent scenery.Famous for the panorama of it's rice field terraces, the word Jatiluwih literallymeans "really, really beautiful" and there is plenty of time to photograph the areaand village.You will have a simple local lunch.Kecak dance performance Pura Dalem temple and dinnergroup excursion and dinnerOn the final evening of your tour through <strong>Indonesia</strong> you will have the opportunityto see one of the most famous of all Balinese dances.The Kecak dance is taken from the Hindu epic Ramayana, which tells the story ofPrince Rama and his rescue of Princess Sita, who has been kidnapped by the evilKing of Lanka, Rahwana, and somehow with the help of the white monkey army,Rama rescues his wife and defeats the evil Rahwana. It is unusual because it has nomusical accompaniment like many other <strong>Indonesia</strong>n dances do, instead, a troupe ofover 50 men serve as the chorus, providing the music for the story in a series ofconstant vocal chants that change with the mood of the actors and making awondrous cacophony of synchronized "chak-achak-achak" clicking sounds whileswaying their bodies and waving their hands. From that chanting noise of "chakachak-achak",then it gave the dance its name Kecak.The dance lasts roughly an hour and after the dance, you will be taken for yourfarewell dinner.Saturday20 October, 2012Ubud to Denpasar airportgroup transferHead back to the airport in time for your flight - a journey of approximately 90minutes.Denpasar to Singapore Terminal: 3Singapore Airlines - Flight No: SQ947 - Dep: 20:05 - Arr: 22:35 - (61 days later);Class: Economy class; Non-stop flightSingapore Terminal: 3 to London Terminal: 3Singapore Airlines - Flight No: SQ222 - Dep: 23:30 - Arr: 05:55 - (next day); Class:Economy class; Non-stop flightSunday21 October, 2012Arrive back in to Heathrow at 05.55Itinerary in detail 27

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