Gildrie Book Of Dundee Anno 1570 Vivas Rex 1729

Gildrie Book Of Dundee Anno 1570 Vivas Rex 1729

Gildrie Book Of Dundee Anno 1570 Vivas Rex 1729


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Item yat na huckster nor unfreman wtin yis brugh tapt great salt nor buy in great but to be<br />

debarred yrfra and for ewerie tyme yat yai transgresse being inhibit to pay two shillings<br />

Item it is declared yat ye Deane of gild and his officer pas throughout yis brugh four tymes in<br />

ye yeare or oftner as he sall find occasion or think it expedient and try and examin ye whole<br />

weichtes measuris and elvands within ye same and gif any beis found less or within ye<br />

common stone wecht and measure ye samen to be broken and ye owner yairof to pay for<br />

unlaw aught shillingis for ye first falt and for ye second falt pay 5 lib. to be put in ye said box.<br />

And ye third falt ye owner of ye wecht elwand or measure to tyne and forfault yaire libertie<br />

and freedome within yis brugh for ever and never heirefter to be reckoned or estimed amongst<br />

ye number of honest and famous merchandis but to be repudiate for ever.<br />

Item anent ye ordinance contained in our confirmation yat ye officer of ye gild sall have power<br />

to poynd and distresse ye with halders of all duties and unlawis pertaining to ye gild without<br />

any officer of law and na cryme to be input to him yrfor ratefie and approve ye samen in all<br />

pointes with yis addition yat alsweill he have being commanded be ye Deane of gild to poynd<br />

for any decreit betwixt merchand and merchand given and permitted be ye Deane of gild and<br />

his assistants merchandis as for any wther unlaw or deuties pertaining yrto and who deforces<br />

him in his office pay 5 lib. to ye box and to be counted and reckned ane contemner and<br />

despysor of all good order if merchandis and to mak ane mends yairfor at ye sicht and<br />

discretion of ye Dean of gild and his assessors.<br />

Item it is desired and ordained yat ye Deane of gild once ewerie yeare or ofter as he thinks<br />

expedient sall call snd conveine befor him and his assessoris ye whole merchandis and brether<br />

of ye gild of yis brugh. And try and examen yem vpon yaire conscience be yair handes<br />

upholden and ye great suorne gif yai have trafected handled or vsed merchandise or any<br />

unfremen or any unfremens goods to ye effect ye persone fund to transgress may be punished<br />

conforme to our old tres and actis yrvpon yat yrby yr be na good order perverted. And we ye<br />

merchandis and brether of gild undersubscryved for us and ye rest of ye merchandis and<br />

brother of ye gild of yis brugh and our successors merchandis and frie to ye gild of ye samen<br />

consentis confirmes and approves ye foirsaid ordinances pointes and articles in all thinges for<br />

ye causes foirsaid and mantenance of our liberties and priviledges haid of old. In witness of ye<br />

whilk thing and in tocken of ye ratification and confirmation and als in sure token of our good<br />

obedience heirto we have subscryved ye samen with our handes as efter followes at Dundie ye<br />

fyft day of September ye yeare of god jai vc thriescoir threttieune yearis.<br />

The 10 Day of October 1576<br />

The whilk day ye Deane of gild and his assessors above written conveined in ye counselhous<br />

and yaire hes visited read ratified and approves ye whole actis and statutis concerning ye gild<br />

and fredome yairof with thir additions as followes.<br />

Item in ye first anent ye order of ye election of ye Deane of gild it is added yrto at everie yeare<br />

ye Deane of gild on office sall cause warne ye whole merchands and brether of gild of this<br />

brugh to conveine in ye kirk and revestrie upon ye Monday nixt efter ye election of ye provest<br />

and baillies at aucht houres before noone and yaire be common voice sall leit and elect sick as<br />

sall be thocht meit to be in ye office of Dean of gild and wthers to beare office with him for ye<br />

next yeare yrefter and gif ye Deane failles to command to his officer to mak ye warning<br />

lawfullie to ye said day sall pay ten pound money and gif ye officer failles yairin he getting<br />

command he sall pay fourtie shillingis and ewerie brother of gild being warned and conveines<br />

not at ye said day and hour appointed sall pay ten s. whilk sall be put in ye box to be applied<br />

with ye rest of ye gild silver.<br />

Item it is statute and ordained yat vpon ye same day of ye election of yeDeane of gild thaire be<br />

elected and chosen with him ane merchand to be ane collector or thesaurer to ye gild to pass<br />

be leit and voice conforme to ye order whose office sall be to collect and gather in ye whole<br />

dewties and silver pertaining to gild and sicklyk to deburse and give furth as he sall be<br />

directed be ye Deane of gild and his assessors receaving ye Deane of gild his precept yrvpon<br />

and vpon ye thurisday befor ye day of election ye Deane of gild and collector in office sall mak<br />

yr comptis of yaire intromission and debursements in pns of assessors and sick wther auditors<br />

as sall be adjoined unto them and upon ye day of ye election ye rests found awane be them to<br />

be delivered to be put in ye box in presens of ye brether of gild conveined and who disobeyis to<br />


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