Gildrie Book Of Dundee Anno 1570 Vivas Rex 1729

Gildrie Book Of Dundee Anno 1570 Vivas Rex 1729

Gildrie Book Of Dundee Anno 1570 Vivas Rex 1729


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The said Day the late Dean of Gild in absence of the present Dean of Gild made intimation to<br />

the members of Court that there was a gratt conventione of Burrows to be holden at Edr. on<br />

Tuesday next to which there was and Commissioner chosen And therefore desired they might<br />

propose such informatione to be recommended to be our said Commissioner as might be for<br />

the advantage of the publict or promoting of trade. The Court after reading of the Burrow<br />

missive discerned the Commissioner to be particularly informed that the staple port should<br />

still remaine at Camphire as formerly and that the conservatory should be exacted upon the<br />

neat product all charges being desired As also that the abbreviate of the acts of the quall or<br />

particular conventione of Burrows be printed: And siclike that the remaining power be<br />

imprinted anent the insufficiency of the rask of orknay butter and of yr weight of the butter of<br />

any cask.<br />

Att Dundie the twentie first Day of May 1696 yearis<br />

Alexr Blair Dean of gild assisted wt Thomas Mudie & Thomas Stewart pnt Baillies of Dundie &<br />

George Crokatt Councelloris to the Gild his Assessors who payt to the ground of ane tenet of<br />

land lyeing on the westsyde of the Overgate of the Burgh of Dundie now Reypaireing by Henry<br />

Craffoord of Monorgan and bounded in manner a length Contained in his right and infeftment<br />

yrof; being ther Conveened for Decideing of the right expreslie of the backside wall of the sd<br />

tenement contravened by the said Monorgan & doctor John Watsone Doctor of Medecine in<br />

Dundie proprietor of ane tenement of land lying the west side of the sd store tentment Having<br />

taken both pties claimes & aiths given in yranent to yr consideratione. And having seen &<br />

revised ye rights and evidents of both the sd tentments Doe fynde the Authors of the sd Doctor<br />

John Watsone to have the privilege of building ane gabell wall upon the backside wall of the<br />

sd foretentment Conforme to ane sasine of the sd north tenement In favours of James<br />

Goldman burges of Dundie. And Margers Jack his spokes Authors to the sd John Watsone<br />

Dated in anno jaj vj seventie three years. And having seen and considered the booths doors<br />

and pend in the backside wall of the sd tenement and fynding several stones lyeing near the<br />

top of the sd backside wall The Dean of Gild being assisted as aforesd Haveing taken the<br />

foresd sasine to his consideratione together evidences aforesd sufficiently declareing the right<br />

& propertie of the backside wall to belong to the sd foretenement. And being yrwith weil and<br />

ripeely advised Decerned & ordained And hereby Decerns and Ordaines the right and<br />

propertie of the sd backside wall of the sd foretenement to pertaine & belong to the sd Henry<br />

Craffoord of Monorgan and ordained and hereby Ordaines to the said Henry Crawfoord of<br />

Monorgan to carrie up the the sd Doctor John Watsone his lumb upon the south gabell of his<br />

sd tenement upon the propertie charged & expensys of the sd Henry Crawfoord Declaring<br />

allwayes that the carryeing up of the sd lumb shall nowayes incour or induce any right of<br />

propertie of the sd backsyd wall In favours of the sd Doctor John Watsone but that the samen<br />

is done allenarly for good neighbour. As also the sd Alexr Blair Dean of Gild foreseeing the<br />

good of both prprs tenement ordained and hereby odraines that the sd Henry Crawfoord of<br />

Monorgan to one line indecipherable.<br />

Included in this <strong>Book</strong> but in transcribed in a separate file titled “Grievances”, in a beautifully<br />

scribed hand is an Act of the Guildry dated 10 th January 1730.<br />

There are also tables of Guild rents, Mortcloth, disbursments, casualties etc. of the Guild<br />

along with their accounts.<br />

Working from the reverse side of the book the following extracts are deemed to be of interest.<br />


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