Gildrie Book Of Dundee Anno 1570 Vivas Rex 1729

Gildrie Book Of Dundee Anno 1570 Vivas Rex 1729

Gildrie Book Of Dundee Anno 1570 Vivas Rex 1729


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Item yat no man saill nor pasa out of ye realme in ony merchandise but ane famous and<br />

worthifull man havand of his own half loft of guides or sameikle feiring and governance under<br />

paine of 10 lib to be raised to our soveraine lords profeit of ilk persone doand in ye contraire<br />

heirof.<br />

That na ship be frachted wtout a charter pairtie xvij c.<br />

Item it is lykwyse statut and ordained yat in tyme to cum yaire be no ship frachted without a<br />

charter pairtie contained in ye pointes underwritten yat is to say yat ye mr of ye ship sall find<br />

sufficient steirmenn timmermen shipmen convenient for ye ship and yat ye mr find frie to ye<br />

merchandise fyre watter and salt on his cost and gif yaire happens ony convention or debaite<br />

betuix ye mr and ye merchandis yat yai sall underly ye iurisdiction and ordinance of ye brugh<br />

wherto ye ship is frachted without any exception and yat no merchands guides be reason nor<br />

spilt with unreasonable stowing as with speakis nor yat no guides be shorne nor stricken vp in<br />

no wayes in to ye mr his default or his servandis under ye paine of tinesll of ye saids fracht and<br />

ainending of ye skaith to ye merchandise and yat ye mr suire na guides vpon his ower loft ye<br />

whilk and he doe yese guides sall pay no fracht nor no guides under ye ower loft to scott nor<br />

lot with yese guides in caice yai be casten and yat ower ilk ship exceeding v last half a seck<br />

frauch under ye paine of v lib to be raised to our soveraine lord ye kinges use of ilk persone<br />

doing in ye contraire heirof and yat no drink silver be taken up be ye mr nor his doers under<br />

ye paine above written and homeward a tune frach to ye kirk work of ye towne yat yai are<br />

fracht to.<br />

<strong>Of</strong>f saillers to have ane half a last of guides ccvij cap.<br />

Item it is statut and ordained ya ye actes of parliament made of befor upon ye great multitude<br />

of simple unhonest persones sailors furth of all burrowis south and north in ye pairtes of<br />

flanders holland or zeland micht be put to dew execution sa at na man saill in ye saids parties<br />

in way of merchandise but famous and worshipfull men havand ilk ane of yaire own half a last<br />

of guides or havand sa meikle in steirage or governance under ye paine of 10 lib. to be raised<br />

to our soveraine lords use as ye old actis proported. And als yat na merchand sall within ye<br />

foirsaid partes but gif ye be a frieman of a brugh and indweller of ye samen under ye said<br />

paine and yat searchers might be limit heirvpon havand power to execut and search ye actis<br />

and raise ye paine and inbring ya samen till our soveraine lords checker als oft as yai be found<br />

doane ye contraire heirof and ye commissionaris think expedient yat in ilk bruj ye provest<br />

baillies and customers be searched and ansr heirfor.<br />

That craftsmen using merchandise renounce yr craft 128 cap.<br />

Item it is statut and ordained yat ye act of parliament towching ye craftismen vsane and<br />

deilland with merchandise might be put to execution sa yat he yat is a craftisman ather to<br />

forbeare his merchandise or els renounce his craft but ony dissimulation or colour under ye<br />

paine of escheat of ye merchandise yat he vses occupyieng his craft and yis escheat to be<br />

brocht be ye said searchers to our soveraine lords vse and compt yairof to be made to ye<br />

checker.<br />

<strong>Of</strong>f frachting of shippis and ye paines yrof cxxx cap.<br />

item it is statut and ordained be ye thrie estaites in yis pnt parliament yat ye act of frachting<br />

and laidening of shippis might be put till execution efter ye tenor of ye samen and yat na<br />

guides be fuired be ye mr vpon his own loft nor ye merchandise guides to be strucken vp nor<br />

unreasonable specked nor riwen under ye paine of 20 lib. to ye kinges vse and yis to be<br />

searched be ye officaris of ye brugh and ye head frachtisman of ye ship ye whilk sall ansr<br />

yairfor.<br />

That commissioners of burrowes compeir togither once in ye yeare in<br />

Innerkeithing cxxxij cap (1487)<br />

Item it is statut and ordained be ye whol thrie estates yat yearlie in tyme to cum certane<br />

commissioners of all burrows both south and north conveine and gather together once ilk yeir<br />

in ye brugh of Innerkeithing on ye morne efter saint James day with full commission and yaire<br />

to commune and treat vpon ye weilfire of merchandise ye good actis and statuts for ye<br />

common profeit of burrows and to provide for remeid vpon ye skaith and injuries sustained<br />

within ye burrowes and what brugh yat compeires not ye said day be yaire commissionares to<br />


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