Gildrie Book Of Dundee Anno 1570 Vivas Rex 1729

Gildrie Book Of Dundee Anno 1570 Vivas Rex 1729

Gildrie Book Of Dundee Anno 1570 Vivas Rex 1729


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Vigesimo quarto Die septembris 1609<br />

Whilk day ye Deane of gild and his assessors hes statute yat ye absentis fra ye gild courtis sal<br />

contene an pay to ye commonuse of ye gildrie fi yai be assessors fyve shillings and gif yai be<br />

common merchandis two shillings vj d. yar being warned lawfullie upon extraoedinar dayes<br />

and vpon extraordinary day wut [without] any warning wut ye gild bell and sall pay toties<br />

quoties to ye use foirsaid wut favoris.<br />

Decimo sextimo Julij 1610<br />

Whilk day ye Deane of gild hes intimat to ye merchandis conveined ane act maide in ye last<br />

convention of ye burrowes holden at Kraill ordaining all merchandis to keep ye staple at<br />

Capheir and na way to transport any staple goods to any uther port in ye Low countreis upon<br />

whatsoever pretext under ye paines contained in ye actes maid of befor. And sicklyk ane uther<br />

act maid anent friemen saillers with out tickets and testimonialls bearing yem to be frie<br />

brother of gild according to ye injunction given him at ye said late convention and yair upon<br />

asked actis.<br />

Decimo quarto januarij 1612<br />

Whilk day ye assessors of ye gild and bodie of ye merchandis hes desyred Robert Clayhills<br />

Deane of gild to buy ye coppie and extractt of all ye actes of ye burrowis to ye use of ye gild<br />

upon ye gildrie expenses wheranent thir pntis sallbe his warrand.<br />

Decimo sextimo novembris 1612<br />

Whilk day ye Deane of gild and his assessors nominat William Guthrie thesaurer to attend<br />

upon ye selling of ye smythie coalles for ye yeir to cum who hes accepted upon him ye said<br />

office.<br />

Whilk day ye Deane of gild and his assessors be ye tennor heirof declairis yat ye holiblood<br />

silver aught and sould be payed be ye merchandis inhabitants of yis brugh for all yaire goods<br />

subject in payment yairof whither ye sam goodes be shipped at yis port of any uther port<br />

within yis realme. And sicklyk statutes and ordaines that all ye merchands of yis brugh shall<br />

content and pay to ye collector of ye said holi blood silver ye dueties adetted be yem yrfor<br />

within aucht dayes next efter yai be required yrto be ye said collector in tyme cuming and gif<br />

yai refuse yat ye disobeyer sal double ye saids dueties and be compelled to mak payment<br />

yairof.<br />

Vigesimo secundo Die Decembris 1612<br />

Whilk day the Deane of gild and his assessors being conveined in ye tolbuith of ye said brugh<br />

hes statute and ordained with consent of ye bodie of ye merchandise pntlie conveined That ilk<br />

merchand and brother of gild yat sall have ye new mortclaith of velvet to ye honor of yaire<br />

burial within yis brugh sall pay to ye collector of ye gild thrie pound of ye len yrof and sicklyk<br />

ilk gentleman dieing within ye said brugh to whose burial ye use of ye said new mortclaith sall<br />

be desyred sall pay yrfor to ye said collector ten markis. And incaise ye len of ye said<br />

mortclaith be desyred to landward yat ye borrower yr of sall na way len ye said mortclaith to<br />

nane of ye use foirsaids unto ye tyme he receave payment of ye duties.<br />

Undecimo die mensis Julij 1612<br />

Whilk day Robert Clayhills Deane of gild of ye brugh of Dundie sittand in iudgement in ye<br />

tolbuith yrof with ane certaine number of ye assessors of ye said gild anent ye action and<br />

claime persewed at ye instance of William Davidson merchand burgess of ye said brugh<br />

agaisst Jhone Newton litster burgess of ye said brugh makand mention that whereupon ye<br />

twentie day of Julij jai vjc and eleven zeires ye said William as caur for Jhone Young<br />

merchand burgess of ye said brugh was decerned be decreit of my L[ord] Conservator in<br />

Flanders to content and pay to Jhone Wallace factor in Campheir ye soume of threttie sex<br />

pundis flemes money as ye said decreit proportis. And albeit it be of virtue yat ye said Jhone<br />

Newton be bund to relieve ye said William of all thing yat ye said Jhone Newton might have or<br />

crave of ye said William as his caur for ye said Jhone Young being within fourtie punds<br />

fleimes money and ye said Jhone Newton his bund money yairanent beires and yat ye decreit<br />

foirsaid be within ye soume. And yat ye said William hes oft and diverse tymes required ye<br />

said Jhone to content and back delyver to him ye foirsaid soume of threttie sex pundis fleimes<br />


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