SafetyMAP:Auditing Health & Safety ... - WorkSafe Victoria

SafetyMAP:Auditing Health & Safety ... - WorkSafe Victoria

SafetyMAP:Auditing Health & Safety ... - WorkSafe Victoria

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DEFINITIONSAuditA systematic and independent examination againstdefined criteria to determine whether health andsafety activities and related results comply withplanned arrangements, whether thesearrangements are implemented effectively andwhether they are suitable to achieve theorganization’s policy and objectives.Audit reportA written record of the audit, which accurately andconcisely documents the objective evidence andclearly communicates the findings of the auditor(s)for each of the criteria included in the audit.Competent personA person who has acquired through training,qualifications or experience, or a combination ofthese, the knowledge and skills enabling thatperson to perform the task required.ConformanceA judgment made by an auditor that the activitiesundertaken and the results achieved fulfil thespecified requirements of the <strong><strong>Safety</strong>MAP</strong> auditcriteria. While further improvements maystill be possible, the minimum requirementsare being met.Customer-supplied goods and servicesCustomer-supplied goods and services are thosewhich are supplied to the organization by acustomer. The organization then performs workon that product or uses that service as part ofanother task.DisputeA dispute may arise in relation to:• the identification of a workplace hazard;• the assessment of the level of risk of aworkplace hazard;• control of a workplace hazard;• statutory duty; or• workplace changes.EmployeesThe term ‘employees’ covers all those who workfor the organization, including casuals, part-timeworkers and long-term contractors.FacilitiesFacilities refer to washrooms, showers, lockers,dining areas, drinking water, etc. There may bespecific legislative requirements and details inbuilding regulations and codes.HazardA source or a situation with a potentialfor harm in terms of injury or illness, damageto property, damage to the environment, ora combination of these.Hazard identificationThe process of recognizing that a hazard existsand defining its characteristics.Hazardous substanceSubstances that have the potential to harm humanhealth. They may be solids, liquids or gases; theymay be pure substances or mixtures. When usedin the workplace, these substances often generatevapours, fumes, dusts and mists. Where there arelegislative references to hazardous substances thedefinition may vary from the definition given here.<strong>Health</strong> and safety management systemThat part of the overall management systemincludes organizational structure, planningactivities, responsibilities, practices, procedures,processes, and resources for developing,implementing, achieving, reviewing andmaintaining the health and safety policy, and somanaging the health and safety risks associatedwith the business of the organization.<strong>Health</strong> and safety policyStatement by the organization of its intentions andprinciples in relation to its overall health and safetyperformance which provides a framework foraction and for the setting of its health and safetyobjectives and targets.A dispute means a difference of opinion betweentwo or more parties on a health and safety issueand which remains unresolved.DEFINITIONS 11

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