SafetyMAP:Auditing Health & Safety ... - WorkSafe Victoria

SafetyMAP:Auditing Health & Safety ... - WorkSafe Victoria

SafetyMAP:Auditing Health & Safety ... - WorkSafe Victoria

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3.11 Emergency preparedness andresponseUnplanned incidents can still occur in themost effectively managed health and safetymanagement system. Emergency planningensures that if an incident does occur, theorganization can respond in a way thatdefuses the situation and mitigates theimmediate and ongoing effects. In someindustries there may be catastrophicconsequences if response managementplans fail to deal with emergency situations.A necessary part of emergency responseplanning is having crucial informationreadily available for emergency authorities,such as a manifest showing the location,type and quantity of dangerous goods at thesite. The success of the response alsorelies on the placement, type and integrityof the emergency equipment, including thewarning alarms.Regular testing and review of emergencyprocedures provides confidence that theresponse will be effective and proceedaccording to plan.3.11.1 Potential emergency situations have beenidentified and emergency procedures aredocumented and regularly reviewed.3.11.2 The organization has allocated overallresponsibility for control of emergencysituations to specified individuals andcommunicated this information to allpersonnel.3.11.3 Employees receive training and practice inemergency procedures appropriate totheir allocated emergency responseresponsibilities and the degree of risk.3.11.4 Competent persons have assessed thesuitability, location and accessibility ofemergency equipment.3.11.5 Emergency and fire protection equipment,exit signs and alarm systems areinspected, tested and maintained atregular intervals.3.11.6 A dangerous goods manifest or inventorysystem is in operation.3.11.7 The organization has assessed its first aidrequirements, and the first aid system inplace is appropriate to the organizationalrisks.3.11.8 The organization has systems in place toassist employees who are exposed tocritical incidents at work.PART 2: AUDIT CRITERIA 27

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