SafetyMAP:Auditing Health & Safety ... - WorkSafe Victoria

SafetyMAP:Auditing Health & Safety ... - WorkSafe Victoria

SafetyMAP:Auditing Health & Safety ... - WorkSafe Victoria

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Element 2: Planning2.1 Legal requirements and practicalguidanceThere are legal requirements which directlyapply to certain activities, products orservices of organizations. Sometimesadditional practical guidance is madeavailable in the form of codes of practice orpublished standards. In some cases, thereare also industry agreements orexemptions which must be considered. It isvital that each organization knows whichare applicable, and how their contentaffects that organization. The legalrequirements may relate to employees,contractors and suppliers. There may be aneed for the organization to obtain ororganize individual licences, certificates ofcompetency, registration or approvals. Insome cases, the organization is alsorequired to submit or notify particularinformation to public authorities.It is important also for the personnel in theorganization to know and have access tothe relevant information, and for it to beincorporated into the documents thatdescribe how employees are to performtheir work.2.1.1 The organization identifies and monitorsthe content of all health and safetylegislation, standards, codes of practice,agreements and guidelines relevant to itsoperation.2.1.2 The organization’s procedures, workinstructions and work practices reflect therequirements of current health and safetylegislation, standards, codes of practice,agreements and guidelines.2.1.3 All personnel in the organization areadvised of, and have ready access to,current health and safety legislation,standards, codes of practice, agreementsand guidlines.2.1.4 The organization and/or individual satisfieslegal requirements to undertake specificactivities, perform work or operateequipment including any:a) licence;b) certificate of competency;c) notification;d) registration; and/ore) approval.2.1.5 Changes to health and safety legislation,standards, codes of practice, agreementsand guidelines generate a review ofexisting procedures.As these requirements change, so theorganization needs to keep abreast of thechanges and make the necessaryadjustments.[Note: ‘Legal requirements’ may refer to actual legislation,and to certain agreements with authorities and interestedparties. ‘Practical guidance’ includes codes of practice,standards, guidelines and industry practices.]PART 2: AUDIT CRITERIA 15

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