SafetyMAP:Auditing Health & Safety ... - WorkSafe Victoria

SafetyMAP:Auditing Health & Safety ... - WorkSafe Victoria

SafetyMAP:Auditing Health & Safety ... - WorkSafe Victoria

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3.3 Structure and responsibility- Training and competencySpecific requirements of tasks need to beidentified to ensure that the personsrecruited or utilised for these tasks are ableto fulfil these requirements. Theorganization needs to establish, implementand maintain procedures for identifying andreviewing health and safety training needs.Management are responsible fordetermining the level of experience,competence and training necessary toensure the capability of personnel andappropriate allocation of tasks. Employeeparticipation in the process helps to clarifyneeds and encourages ownership. Trainingincludes induction and refresher training.Personnel is a broad term that includesemployees, contractors, and nonemployeessuch as unpaid work-experiencestaff and visitors. <strong>Health</strong> and safetycompetencies could be developed indifferent ways including using existingindustry competency standards.3.3.1 The specific requirements of tasks,including medical constraints, areidentified and applied to the recruitmentand placement of personnel.3.3.2 The organization has established andimplemented procedures for theidentification of health and safety trainingneeds for all personnel (including anyprescribed by legislation).3.3.3 The organization has an inductionprogram for all personnel includingmanagement, which is based on theirlikely risk exposure, and provides relevantinstruction in the organization's healthand safety policy and procedures.3.3.4 The organization consults with employeesto identify their training needs in relationto performing their work activities safely.3.3.5 The organization trains employees toperform their work safely, and verifiestheir understanding of that training.3.3.6 Training is delivered by persons withappropriate knowledge, skills andexperience.3.3.7 Tasks are allocated according to thecapability and level of training ofpersonnel.3.3.8 There is a documented competency basedtraining program that provides employees(and volunteers) with the skills to performtheir work activities safely.3.3.9 Management has received training inhealth and safety management principlesand practices appropriate to their role andresponsibilities within the organization,and the relevant health and safetylegislation.3.3.10 Those representing the employer and theemployees on health and safety matters,including representatives on consultativecommittee(s), receive appropriate trainingto enable them to undertake their dutieseffectively.3.3.11 Refresher training (as required) isprovided to all personnel to enable themto perform their tasks safely.3.3.12 The training program is reviewed on aregular basis, and when there arechanges to plant or processes in theworkplace, to ensure that the skills andcompetencies of personnel remainrelevant.PART 2: AUDIT CRITERIA 19

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