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January 2011 - Blackherbals.com

January 2011 - Blackherbals.com

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Continued from page 15 - The Availability of Protectionand Support Services Uganda_____. N.d.c. ", National Domestic Violence PreventionInitiative."http://www.raisingvoices.org/women/national_initiative.phpUganda. August 2007. Bureau of Statistics. UgandaDemographic and Health Survey 2006.http://www.measuredhs.<strong>com</strong>/pubs/pdf/FR194/FR194.pdf_____. 1995. Constitution of the Republic of Uganda.http://www.ugandaonlinelawlibrary.<strong>com</strong>/files/constitution/constitution_1995.pdfUnited Nations (UN). December 2007. UN Children's Fund(UNICEF). The State of the World's Children 2008.http://www.unicef.org/sowc08/docs/sowc08.pdf_____. N.d. Division for the Advancement of Women.Department of Economic and Social Affairs. "Convention onthe Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination AgainstWomen: States Parties."http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/cedaw/states.htmUnited States (US). 11 March 2008. Department of State."Uganda." Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for2007. http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2007/100510.htmWorldChanging. 1 December 2007. Takyiwaa Manuh."African Women and Domestic Violence."http://www.worldchanging.<strong>com</strong>/archives/007653.htmlAdditional Sources ConsultedOral sources, including: A coordinator from the Women'sUnited Nations Report Network (WUNRN) was unable torespond to a request for information within the timeconstraints of this Response.Internet sources, including: Canadian Physicians for Aidand Relief (CPAR), Georgetown Law (Washington), HumanRights Watch (HRW), Tides Center (San Francisco), UgandaWomen's Network (UWONET), Virginia Law Weekly(University of Virginia School of Law), Women of UgandaNetwork (WOUGNET), Women's enews.http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/country,,IRBC,,UGA,456d621e2,49b92b20c,0.htmlhttp://www.raisingvoices.org/files/DVinfosheet.pdf -☻☻☻☻☻☻Domestic Violence Statistics –Children Face Long-TermHarmLawrence DiVizioJune 22, 2010The overwhelming victims of domestic violence arewomen, but what is often ignored is the long-term impactthat it has on children in the home.Though they may not be the direct victim, it is painfullyobvious in study after study that the damage done to theyoungest victims is something that lasts a life time.According to domestic violence statistics <strong>com</strong>piled by U.S.Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs, whenthere are children in the home, 40 per cent of the time theywitness the event. Of this 22 per cent are on hand when anassault takes place.Domestic Abuse Affects ChildrenIt is through a further study undertaken by the UNICEF(United Nations Children's Fund, formerly the UnitedNations International Children's Emergency Fund) thatshows the true damage this causes. The study and resultingpublication; Behind Closed Doors: The Impact of DomesticViolence on Children is the first undertaken by the U.N. tocreate a global look at the problem.Of course there is the danger that the child be<strong>com</strong>es avictim of abuse in the situation, but further damage that isnot as apparent also takes place.According to the UNICEF study, “children who areexposed to violence in the home may have difficultylearning and limited social skills, exhibit violent, risky ordelinquent behavior or suffer from depression or severeanxiety.”And this damage can be done to children at much youngerages than had been previously thought.Infants and very young children exposed to the stress ofdomestic violence in the home can experience problems astheir young brains continue to develop, which the reportstated could, “impair cognitive and sensory growth.”Childhood Disorders and Domestic ViolenceIn a study undertaken for The David and Lucile PackardFoundation, by Joy D. Osofsky, it was found that a bevy ofproblems can be manifested in a small child exposed tosuch an environment. They can include, sleep problems,fear of being alone and problems with toilet training andlanguage development.Continued on page 20-16- Traditional African Clinic <strong>January</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

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