December 30, 2012 - St. Raphael

December 30, 2012 - St. Raphael

December 30, 2012 - St. Raphael

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SAINT RAPHAELTHE ARCHANGELCATHOLIC CHURCH______________________________________DECEMBER <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT_____________________________________________________________A YEAR IN REVIEW“We, the parish of Saint <strong>Raphael</strong>the Archangel, celebrate Jesus as thecenter of our life. Through our activeparticipation in the Eucharist, westrive to recognize Jesus in our dailylives and the lives of others. Ourcommitment is to grow as a parishfamily, and live this through our religious,educational, social and civicinvolvements, witnessing to all, ourfaith in God the Father, Son, andHoly Spirit.”WHAT’S INSIDECalendar Page 10Contributions Page 4Directory Page 2Neighborhood News Page 10Mass Intentions Page 4Mass Times Page 2Pastor’s Column Page 3Parish News Page 5Principal’s Column Page 7Readings for the Week Page 10School News Page 6Servers’ Schedule Page 46047 BISHOPS PLACE ● SAINT LOUIS, MO 63109PHONE 314-352-8100 ● FAX 314-353-6603WWW.STRAPHAELARCHANGEL.ORGPARISH@STRAPHAELARCHANGEL.ORG

CLERGY & STAFFRev. Msgr. Henry J. BreierPastorRev. Richard SurenIn ResidenceDeacon Gerald J. Geiser Permanent DeaconDeacon Roger Kreitler Permanent DeaconMrs. Kim VangelSchool PrincipalMrs. Linda MechlerSchool SecretaryMrs. Diane HalbertOffice ManagerMrs. Amy RuggeriCafeteria ManagerMrs. Lisa MitchellParish SecretaryMrs. Mirela ShamijaHousekeepingMr. Robert SchlueterMaintenanceMr. Josh KnauerMaintenanceMASS SCHEDULEWeekends: Saturday at 4:<strong>30</strong> pmSunday at 8:00 am and 10:00 amWeekdays: Monday through Saturday 7:00 amMonday through Friday 8:00 amHOLY DAYS AND HOLIDAYSCheck Bulletin For Mass TimesEUCHARISTIC ADORATIONFirst Friday of each month (with exposition)following 8:00 am Mass concluding at 2:00 pm withBenedictionSubsequent Tuesdays of each month (without exposition)7:00 am to 2:<strong>30</strong> pmPERPETUAL HELP DEVOTIONSTuesday mornings at 6:50 amCONFESSIONS15 minutes before morning Masses on Tuesday,Thursday & Saturday; and 4:00 pm to 4:25 pm SaturdayBULLETIN ARTICLESAll articles for the bulletin are due into the rectoryoffice by Noon on the Monday prior to the followingweekend’s bulletin, unless otherwise stated. Pleasesend all bulletin notices to:parish@straphaelarchangel.orgIn case there are any questions, please include yourname and phone number.RECTORY OFFICE HOURSMonday thru Thursday7:<strong>30</strong> am to 4:00 pmFriday7:<strong>30</strong> am to 1:<strong>30</strong> pmPHONE NUMBERS:Rectory 314-352-8100Msgr. Henry Breier ext 215Fr. Suren ext 214Office Manager ext 211Secretary ext. 210Fax 314-353-6603School 314-352-9474Fax 314-351-7477Prayer TreeEMAIL ADDRESSES:Msgr. Henry Breier:breier@straphaelarchangel.orgDiane Halbert:halbert@straphaelarchangel.orgLisa Mitchell:mitchell@straphaelarchangel.orgPlease call the rectoryPARISH INFORMATIONREGISTRATION:New members are encouraged to see one of theParish Priests, Deacons, or to call the Parish Officeto register.BAPTISM:Please contact the rectory just before or shortly afterthe birth of your child to make arrangements forBaptismal Instructions and arrange for a Baptismaldate.MARRIAGE:Those seeking marriage should contact the pastor atleast six months prior to the intended date of thewedding to begin the Church process of marriagepreparation.R.C.I.A.:Please call the rectory for class information.The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph <strong>December</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>

Dear Parishioners,PASTOR’S COLUMNThis past week our church gathered as a parish community to celebrate the Solemnity of the Birth of OurLord. I would like to extend my profound gratitude to all those who helped in the planning of these liturgies.Our 4:<strong>30</strong> pm Mass was standing room only. The children of our school led us in song and a few of ourparish families took part in the readings, petitions, and offertory. The 10:00 pm Mass began with carolsfrom our parish choir. On Christmas Day at 10:00 am, the choir returned again to grace us with wonderfulmusic. A special word of thanks to those who assisted in the decorating of the church and the setting up ofthe outdoor crib scene. All these decorations helped to make our celebration of Christmas so special.As we enter into 2013, we look back at <strong>2012</strong>. The cover of our bulletin this week provides us with a quickglimpse into our past. We have so much to be thankful for from the new members our church welcomed atEaster to the students who graduated from Saint <strong>Raphael</strong> the Archangel School. Too, there was sadness aswe said goodbye to many wonderful parishioners who left us to return to their heavenly home. They will begreatly missed, but in one way or another they made our lives better and brighter during their time on earth.Various parish activities from our Parish Picnic to our Watermelon Festival brought us together as a parishfamily and strengthened our bonds. The Advent by Candlelight, which began in 2010, grew into thisyear’s celebration that welcomed over 180 women who went home inspired. We continued with our secondyear of the Annual Angel Appeal to strengthen parish viability and raised over $60,000 in pledges, withcountless pledges of prayer and service to the parish. Our PTA Black and Gold Dinner Auction was a hugesuccess, largely due to the efforts of so many devoted volunteers. The Men’s Club continued to give of itselfby fundraising for the athletic programs and sharing countless hours of service. Our Ladies’ Club continuedas well to give of itself in many ways through building camaraderie and reaching out to those in need.The Quarter Auction sponsored by the Ladies’ Club was a huge success. Our parish grounds were improvedthrough the work of Patrick Murphy who re-landscaped the area around the trees by our gym as his EagleScout Project.The dedicated members of our Parish Saint Vincent DePaul Society continued in a very quiet, unassumingway to help those in need within our parish boundaries. Providing food, rent and utility assistance throughmoney raised by parish offerings is their mission. Your generosity enabled them to accomplish so much.We find ourselves now at the beginning of a New Year. Preparations are underway for our school OpenHouse on Sunday, January 27. I invite everyone to attend and see the many great programs our school hasinitiated.Please keep in your prayers our 8th graders and the members of our parish youth group who will be participatingin the March for Life in Washington, D.C. at the end of January. This is the first year the 8th grade isable to participate in this pilgrimage.May our Blessed Mother watch over us throughout the year with her divine protection. May we all seek tobe the best disciples and followers of Christ in <strong>2012</strong>. May we all seek to make this the best year possible.Monsignor BreierPICTORIAL DIRECTORYOur pictorial directories have finally arrived! If youhad your picture taken last November, or if you sentin your family photo, please stop by the rectory topick up your complimentary directory.PARISH FAMILY CHRISTMAS TREEPlease place your family Christmas card on theChristmas tree in the Baptismal area of the church.Join other parishioners as we build our Parish FamilyChristmas Tree.The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 3 <strong>December</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>

SERVERS FOR MONDAY, DECEMBER 31TO SUNDAY, JANUARY 6Monday, New Year’s Eve7:00 am Thomas Vollmer Katie Vollmer8:00 am Frank Neal Clare Neal5:00 pm Claire Baur Ray GoedekerSam GoedekerTuesday, New Year’s Day7:00 am Thomas Vollmer Katie VollmerWill Perryman9:00 am Thomas Bick Kelly FoleyNick KellarWednesday7:00 am Thomas Vollmer Katie Vollmer8:00 am Frank Neal Clare NealThursday and Friday7:00 am Emma Sonderman Henry LeGrand8:00 am Molly Mitchell Lilly MitchellSaturday7:00 am Emma Sonderman Henry LeGrand4:<strong>30</strong> pm Thomas Vollmer Katie VollmerConnor VogtSunday8:00 am Thomas Bick Ryan CierpiotPeyton Follis10:00 am Jessica Davis Frank NealClare NealCONTRIBUTIONSDue to the early bulletin deadline, contributions forthe weekend of <strong>December</strong> 22/23 will appear in nextweek’s Sunday bulletin.MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEKMonday, <strong>December</strong> 317:00 am SJ Hotze II8:00 am Miriam Deachan5:00 pm The Bismark FamilyTuesday, January 17:00 am The Sisca Family9:00 am Roy OpplandWednesday, January 27:00 am Sarah Smith8:00 am Special Intention—Richard CrossThursday, January 37:00 am Art Althoff8:00 am Jim BolandFriday, January 47:00 am James Wilke8:00 am Special Intention—The Schicker FamilySaturday, January 57:00 am Tom O’Driscoll4:<strong>30</strong> pm The Lawrence <strong>St</strong>one FamilySunday, January 68:00 am Parish10:00 am Sal CilufoSTEWARDSHIP REFLECTION“…the Gentiles are coheirs, members of the samebody, and copartners in the promise in Christ Jesusthrough the Gospel.” (Ephesians 3:6)Today we celebrate the fact that Christ came to allof us, not just the Hebrews. He made us all onebody with Him. Because God has given us differentgifts, we all have different yet equally valuable rolesto play in the Body of Christ. If one of us does notplay his or her role, the whole body suffers. Howwill you play your role this year?WEEKEND OF JANUARY 5/64:<strong>30</strong> pm 8:00 am 10:00 amPRIEST: Father Suren Father Suren Monsignor BreierLECTOR: Laura Geiser Alice Hoffmann Seneca NolanEUCHARISTIC Kathy <strong>St</strong>eck Carol Hughes Mary DupskeMINISTERS Jerriann Blassie Beverly Whitworth Amy RuggeriKathe Berger Mary Niemeyer Margie AuerVirgina Schaper Mary Reck Rosemary PhelanNancy McCarthyGina HorasTom YehlenDennis MatreciJanet SheldonCarolyn SkidmoreThe Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph <strong>December</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>

WEDDING BANNSIIIChristopher Burnett & Casey BrauerJanuary 5, 2013HELP NEEDEDHave you borrowed chairs from the gym for a recentevent? Our last count shows that we are missingabout <strong>30</strong>-40 chairs. If you still have some whitefolding chairs, we kindly ask you to return them tothe gym as soon as possible. Thank you so much foryour cooperation in this matter.PICNIC VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDWe are looking for volunteers to head up our ParishPicnic held in May each year. If you are interestedin chairing this event, please call Diane at the rectoryat 314-352-8100. Many hands make light work!Thank you for your consideration.MEN’S CLUBCongratulations to the <strong>December</strong> Men’s Club YouthRaffle winners:1. Celeste Williams2. Diana Bentz3. Joe BentzRemember, you cannot be a winner if you don’t play!The Men's’ Club recently elected two new officers.Congratulations to Brian Vollmer, President andMike Foley, Treasurer. A big thank you goes out toTim Lorson who has served as President for the pastfew years and to Rob Eickhoff who has served as actingTreasurer for the last year.Our Men’s Club has many dedicated parishioners andschool parents who actively raise money to help supportour school and parish. If you have not yet joinedthe Men’s Club, it’s never too late. The men meetevery 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in thecafeteria. It is only $10 per year to join and everymeeting is followed by a delicious meal!LADIES’ CLUBOur next meeting will be Thursday, January 17,2013 at 7:00 pm in the school cafeteria. Pleasebring your item for our Annual Elephant Silent Auction.Come join us for a great night out with foodand drinks. Don’t forget to bring your favorite appetizeror dessert and your favorite beverage.SHARE YOUR GIFTSThe <strong>St</strong>. Vincent De Paul Society will be hosting afood collection on Saturday, January 5 and Sunday,January 6 to benefit the food pantry at Visitation <strong>St</strong>.Anne Shrine located at 4515 Evans.Thank you for your continued support and generosity!THANK YOUThank you to the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raphael</strong> Youth Ministry for deliveringover 200 items from the Advent Giving Treeto Peter and Paul Community Services. A specialthank you to our parishioners for their continuedgenerosity.INFORMATION NEEDEDWe are currently updating our records withbirthdates, anniversary dates and email addresses.Please call the rectory at 314-352-8100 or email Dianeat halbert@straphaelarchangel.org with your information.Thank you!The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 5 <strong>December</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>

FAMILY MASSThe next Family Mass is scheduled for Sunday, January27 at 10:00 am. Make plans to attend this specialMass celebrating Catholic Schools Week! AfterMass, everyone is invited over to the cafeteria fordonuts, followed by tours of the school.FOLLOW USYou can now “Like” <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raphael</strong> the Archangel Parishon Facebook and follow us on Twitter.Twitter:@SRATodayFacebook:Saint <strong>Raphael</strong> the Archangel Parish and SchoolCATHOLIC FAMILY TUITION ASSISTANCEAny Catholic family wishing to apply for tuition assistancethrough the Archdiocese for the 2013-2014school year must obtain a “FACTS” application fromthe rectory.<strong>St</strong>udents must attend an Archdiocesan or ParochialElementary School or an Archdiocesan or ParochialHigh School to be eligible. The due date for the applicationis April 1, 2013 and must include a copy ofyour <strong>2012</strong> income tax return. Early Submission isencouraged and appreciated. The Catholic EducationOffice appreciates the support of the ACA and all ofits donors.SCHOOL OFSAINT RAPHAEL THE ARCHANGELFormed in Faith, Prepared for LifeThe mission of Saint <strong>Raphael</strong> School is to form our children in the Catholic faithwith Jesus as our master teacher. We, also, prepare them for the next stage of theirlives by striving for academic excellence through an ever-evolving curriculum. Werely on all the members of our school community - the parents, the priests, theteachers and the parishioners - to accomplish this endeavor.UPCOMING SCHOOL EVENTSWednesday, January 2—School Resumes PK-8Friday, January 4—All School Christmas MassFriday, January 11—All School MassFriday, January 11—Geography Bee, 11:00 amFriday, January 11—Early DismissalFriday, January 11—Report Cards Available Online after 3:00 pmSCHNUCKS ESCRIP CARDSPick up a Schnucks eScrip card and register yourcard online, selecting <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raphael</strong> as your schoolchoice. Schnucks will then donate back to ourschool: 1% on monthly purchases between $0-$<strong>30</strong>0,2% on monthly purchases between $<strong>30</strong>1-$600 and3% on monthly purchases between $601-$999.For more information, please contact <strong>St</strong>ephanie Davis,PTA President.ALIVE IN CHRISTAlive in Christ scholarship applications for the 2013-2014 school year will be available January 28, 2013.Alive in Christ scholarships provide financial assistanceto families who would like their children toattend a catholic elementary school in the Archdioceseof <strong>St</strong>. Louis. Scholarship award amounts arebased upon financial need and will be awarded on afirst come, first served basis.This program is open to families with new studentsentering Kindergarten through 4th grade or Catholicfamilies with students currently attending an Archdiocesanelementary school.Applications will be available at your school officeor online at www.archatl.org/ttef beginning January18, 2013. For more information, please call LauraGeorge at 314-792-7735 or laurageorge@archstl.org.The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph <strong>December</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>

CONTACT INFORMATION6000 Jamieson Avenue ● <strong>St</strong>. Louis, MO 63109 ● Phone 314-352-9474 ● Fax 314-351-7477Office Hours: M-F 7:00 am - 3:<strong>30</strong> pmMrs. Kim Vangel, vangel@straphaelarchangel.org ●Linda Mechler, secretary@straphaelarchangel.orgST. RAPHAEL THE ARCHANGEL SCHOOL OPEN HOUSEOn Sunday, January 27 from 11am-3pm, <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raphael</strong> will be hosting an Open House. Everyone is invited toattend.At the Open House, you can tour the school, view the students’ latest projects and meet the faculty andstaff. Visit our Preschool and see what the youngest <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raphael</strong> students are doing. After touring theschool, stop by the cafeteria for our award-winning chili.Registration for the 2013-2014 school year can also be turned in during the Open House. Invite your familymembers and neighbors to see for themselves how “<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raphael</strong> is growing.”For more information on the Open House, visit our website at www.straphaelarchangel.org.The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 7 <strong>December</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>

Meet me in <strong>St</strong>. Louiee!!!In what year did the Cardinals win their first world series?What kind of pet did John Q. Adams keep in the east wing of the White House?What high school did John Goodman go to?It's Trivia Night time again at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raphael</strong>'s School! Our faithful trivia callers have added adash of <strong>St</strong>. Louis trivia to the night of questions so gather some local lore along with some ofyour more entertaining friends for the Third AnnualMarcia Matreci Memorial Trivia Nightto benefit the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raphael</strong> PTASaturday, February 2<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raphael</strong> Gym6000 Jamieson AvenueDoors open at 6:<strong>30</strong> p.m.Trivia starts at 7 p.m.$160 per table of 8Checks payable to the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raphael</strong> PTAIncludes soda and snacks. Beer available for purchase or BYOB!A <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raphael</strong> PTA fundraiser . . .don't miss the fun!!Questions, contact <strong>St</strong>ephanie at 314-351-6473Complete this portion and return with payment to the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raphael</strong> Rectory (6047 BishopsPlace, <strong>St</strong>. Louis, MO 63109; phone 352-8100) or School Office to reserve your spot.Table Name: _________________________________________________Table Contact: _______________________________________________Contact Number: _____________________________________________The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph <strong>December</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>

Please detach the right side of this form and turn in tothe rectory office along with your payment.The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 9 <strong>December</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>

THIS WEEK IN THE PARISHMonday, <strong>December</strong> 31No School Christmas Break7:00 am - Church Mass8:00 am - Church Mass5:00 pm - Church New Year’s VigilTuesday, January 1No School Christmas Break—Rectory Closed7:00 am - Church Mass9:00 am - Church MassWednesday, January 2School Resumes PK - 83:15 pm - School Karate5:<strong>30</strong> pm - Gym Gr. 5 Girls Bball Prac.6:00 pm - Cafeteria <strong>St</strong>ep Class7:00 pm - Gym Gr. 7 Boys BBall Prac.7:00 pm - Rectory Men’s Prayer Group7:00 pm - Church Choir Practice8:<strong>30</strong> pm - Gym Men’s BasketballThursday, January 39:00 am - Rectory Quilters4:00 pm - Gym Gr. 6 Boys BBall Prac.6:00 pm - Gym Gr. 6 Girls BBall Prac.7:<strong>30</strong> pm - Gym 8th Grade SplitFriday, January 48:00 am—Church All School Mass9:00 am—Church Adoration2:00 pm—Church BenedictionSaturday, January 58:00 am - Cafeteria <strong>St</strong>ep ClassSunday, January 610:00 am - Rectory Preschool ReligionCHRISTMAS TREE PICK UPLet the Cub Scouts of Pack 212 (sponsored by <strong>St</strong>.Ambrose) take the worry out of disposing of yourChristmas Tree. We will come to your house andtake the tree off your hands throughout the month ofJanuary.Suggested donation $15 – Thank you!Donations go directly to funding the boys' programs.Cash or check payable to “Pack 212”Please remove all decorations, tinsel, nails, etc. Toarrange pickup, please call 314-265-3641 oremail Pack212BSA@gmail.com.READINGS FOR THE WEEKMonday: Rom 10:9-18; Mt 4:18-22Tuesday: Is 11:1-10; Lk 10:21-24Wednesday: Is 25:6-10a; Mt 15:29-37Thursday: Is 26:1-6; Mt 7:21, 24-27Friday: Is 29:17-24; Mt 9:27-31Saturday: Is <strong>30</strong>:19-21, 23-26; Mt 9:35 — 10:1,5a, 6-8Sunday: Bar 5:1-9; Ps 126; Phil 1:4-6, 8-11;Lk 3:1-6HOLY DAY/HOLIDAY MASS SCHEDULENew Year’s Day—Holy Day of ObligationMonday, <strong>December</strong> 31 - Vigil5:00 pmTuesday, January 17:00 am and 9:00 amFIRST FRIDAY ADORATIONThe parish has Eucharistic Adoration in Church everyfirst Friday of the month, after 8:00 am Mass until2:00 pm. It is followed by Benediction. Everyoneis welcome to come for individual prayer during anypart of the day.The next First Friday Adoration is Friday, January 4.HOLIDAY LECTORSNew Year’s Eve, <strong>December</strong> 315:00 pm—Mary ReckNew Year’s Day, January 17:00 am—Bob Ahrens9:00 am—Alice HoffmannThe Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph <strong>December</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>

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