Order of St. Michael Study Guide - Magdalene Circle

Order of St. Michael Study Guide - Magdalene Circle

Order of St. Michael Study Guide - Magdalene Circle

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The Practice <strong>of</strong> Taking Sanctuary (and Generation <strong>of</strong> the Sacred Heart)Abide in Primordial Meditation and let your mind and heart become clear; thenshift into contemplative meditation, drawing to mind the truth <strong>of</strong> the demiurgeand archons and their dominion, allowing deep concern to arise for the plight <strong>of</strong>the mind or soul-stream bound to the dominion <strong>of</strong> the demiurge (cosmicignorance) and the potentially endless cycles <strong>of</strong> transmigration throughout theGreat Cosmic Aeon – especially the possibility <strong>of</strong> inauspicious incarnations.Contemplate the play <strong>of</strong> cosmic and spiritual forces, and the dampening field orpsychic gravity generated by the vast array <strong>of</strong> negative forces and the great conflict<strong>of</strong> forces in this world, and look and see the need for the Holy Sanctuary <strong>of</strong> Graceand divine assistance in order for the mind or soul-stream to acquire the DivineGnosis that illuminates and liberates – the need for the “Gnostic Revealer”.Consider the good fortune <strong>of</strong> coming into contact with the Gnostic and Light Transmission in this life,and having the conditions necessary to take up the spiritual life and practice, and the grace <strong>of</strong> the HolySpirit that has lead you to be received by your Root Tzaddik into the Light Transmission lineage; thus,let a strong desire to make the most <strong>of</strong> this present opportunity arise in your heart.Recognizing your own plight <strong>of</strong> bondage to the dominion <strong>of</strong> the demiurge, contemplate the plight <strong>of</strong>the many peoples in this world – the billions and billions <strong>of</strong> sentient beings bound in this world and theimmeasurable sorrow and suffering in this world, and the inevitability <strong>of</strong> ageing, illness, injury anddeath; and contemplate the infinite expanse <strong>of</strong> realms, worlds and universes <strong>of</strong> the Entirety and thecountless sentient beings in them, all pervaded and bound up in the same sorrow and suffering.Recall that even many great cosmic forces, gods and goddesses, and apparently fortunate individuals,remain in bondage, regardless <strong>of</strong> the illusory appearance <strong>of</strong> “good fortune”; and let the awarenessdawn that only through the Sanctuary <strong>of</strong> Divine Grace, and invisible assistance provided by theenlightened ones <strong>of</strong> the Divine <strong>Order</strong>, does the possibility <strong>of</strong> illumination and liberation <strong>of</strong> souls comeinto being – remember the virtue <strong>of</strong> authentic spiritual teachings and practices that open the way toDivine Gnosis.With the awareness <strong>of</strong> the plight <strong>of</strong> all sentient beings in your heart, contemplate the need for theemanations <strong>of</strong> the Christ, the Gnostic Revealer, and the Apostles <strong>of</strong> Light in the realms, worlds anduniverses <strong>of</strong> the Entirety, and generate the holy desire to attain Divine Gnosis so that you mightbecome a holy apostle <strong>of</strong> light bearing forth the Divine Light, Healing and Peace to all beings, serving inthe harvest <strong>of</strong> souls, the Great Work.Generating this awareness <strong>of</strong> faith, hope and love through which a soul enters into the Sanctuary <strong>of</strong>Grace and cleave to the Spirit <strong>of</strong> Truth, take Holy Sanctuary:40

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