Amsterdam 2040

Amsterdam 2040

Amsterdam 2040

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A visionary scenario forthe future, a framework ofanalysis for todayCreditsPLAN <strong>Amsterdam</strong> is published bythe Department of Physical Planning(Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening, or DRO)and provides information about spatialdevelopments in the city and across theregion in eight thematic issues per year.The DRO is one of the City of <strong>Amsterdam</strong>’scentralized services and ensuresthe cohesive spatial development ofcity and region.The DRO is a member of the City of<strong>Amsterdam</strong>’s Development Alliance,a platform in which it collaboratesintensively with the departments ofInfrastructure, Traffic and Transport andof Economic Affairs, the <strong>Amsterdam</strong>Development Corporation, the ProjectManagement Bureau and the EngineeringBureau.Editing and coordinationKarin BorstDesignBeukers Scholma, HaarlemMain cover image/mapsDRO, Wouter van der Veur, Joris Vos,Bart de Vries, unless stated otherwiseotherwiseTranslationAndrew MayLithography and printingZwaan Printmedia, WormerveerThis publication has been prepared withthe greatest possible care. The DROcannot, however, accept any liability forthe correctness and completeness of theinformation it contains. In the event ofcredits for visual materials being incorrector if you have any other questions,please contact the editors: planamsterdam@dro.amsterdam.nlortel. +31 (0)20 552 7765. You can requesta free subscription by sending an e-mailto planamsterdam@dro.amsterdam.nl.Volume 17, no. 1, March 2011The magazine can also be downloadedfromwww.dro.amsterdam.nlThis edition of Plan <strong>Amsterdam</strong> isavailable in Dutch as well.The Structural Vision is a framework of analysis forspatial plans and provides the basis for setting thecity’s investment agendas, but first and foremost theStructural Vision is a visionary scenario for the future.In the Structural Vision, <strong>Amsterdam</strong> City Council setsout its ambitions for the period 2010 to <strong>2040</strong>.<strong>Amsterdam</strong> has deliberately opted for densificationof the city centre. The city has not chosen for growthby increasing its surface area but for intensificationof the existing urban territory and for transformationof business zones. By building 70,000 new dwellingswith accompanying amenities within the city’s existingboundaries we can expand the city centre milieu thatmakes the city so attractive. That is only feasible if wesimultaneously invest in the public space, public transportand greenery. People want to live in <strong>Amsterdam</strong>because of its combination of metropolitan bustle andlarge expanses of greenery within a short distance ofeach other. That is our strength, with which we draw inresidents and business enterprises.In the Structural Vision, <strong>Amsterdam</strong> emphaticallylooks beyond its borders. Problems, challenges andopportunities present themselves on the scale of the<strong>Amsterdam</strong> Metropolitan Area, so the Vision Mapcovers the whole territory between Zandvoort, Purmerend,Almere and Haarlemmermeer. This is the regionthat must operate as an economically robust entity onthe European and international stage, in order to beable to compete with, for example, the Ruhr Area.<strong>Amsterdam</strong> is the core city within this region and itsshowpiece.During the Structural Vision’s formulation, as manypeople and organizations as possible were encouragedto share their thoughts, using such means asthe internet campaign and the extended series ofchallenging public discussions. All the municipaldepartments concerned with spatial developmentcontributed to the definitive version of the document,making this vision a product that can truly be saidto belong to the whole city.The Structural Vision outlines the ambition for the longterm, which is why the vision must be continuouslyreadjusted in the light of current events, such as theeconomic crisis. Or, indeed, quite the contrary: inturbulent times, the vision for the future must providea framework of analysis to determine the plans thatought to be executed and those that are of secondaryimportance. The vision for the future should not beswayed by the issues of the day; it must map out howwe respond to them. Only then can <strong>Amsterdam</strong>become both economically strong and sustainable.Maarten van PoelgeestAlderman for Spatial Planning01 | 201103

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