Interim Report 2012 - TodayIR.com

Interim Report 2012 - TodayIR.com

Interim Report 2012 - TodayIR.com

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Notes to Financial Statements30 June <strong>2012</strong>7. FINANCE COSTSAn analysis of finance costs is as follows:Six-month period ended 30 June<strong>2012</strong> 2011RMB’000RMB’000(unaudited)Interest on bank loans wholly repayable within five years 4,603 1,782Less: Interest capitalised (742) 3,861 1,7828. DIRECTORS’ REMUNERATIONDirectors’ remuneration during the reporting period, disclosed pursuant to the Listing Rules and Section 161 of the Hong KongCompanies Ordinance, is as follows:Six-month period ended 30 June<strong>2012</strong> 2011RMB’000RMB’000(unaudited)Fees Other emoluments:Salaries, allowances and benefits in kind 828 846Performance related bonuses Equity-settled share-based payment 495 419Pension scheme contributions 26 261,349 1,2911,349 1,291During the year ended 31 December 2011, under the share option schemes of the Company, one of the Directors was granted shareoptions in respect of his service to the Group, which was replaced by a modified share-based payment arrangement. Further detailsare set out in Note 29 to the financial statements. The fair value of such options, which has been recognised in the in<strong>com</strong>e statementover the vesting period, was determined as at the date of grant and the amounts included in the financial statements for the periodsended 30 June <strong>2012</strong> and 2011 are included in the above Directors’ remuneration disclosures.INTERIM REPORT <strong>2012</strong> 45

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