Best of Greyhawk VII - Le Monde de Greyhawk

Best of Greyhawk VII - Le Monde de Greyhawk

Best of Greyhawk VII - Le Monde de Greyhawk

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ut in analogy to our emotions, anger, quarrels, etc.Deities like Boccob are specifically oriented towards the more abstract sort <strong>of</strong> magic (as opposed to WeeJas, whose magic seems connected to the un<strong>de</strong>rworld and <strong>de</strong>ath--Boccob appears to be the magic-user asmathematician/genius), while Olidammara appeals to the sort <strong>of</strong> roguery that can only be practiced in a citifie<strong>de</strong>nvironment, and Trithereon is unthinkable except in a loose fe<strong>de</strong>ration <strong>of</strong> states--not feudal at all.This preoccupation with good living and relationships with others seems apparent given the present state<strong>of</strong> life in the Flanaess, the gods <strong>of</strong> an urbane people who are more concerned with what the gods can bring to theirown affairs than with what they owe the gods.MBSubj: Re: Mystery Gods(Common) Date: 95-10-02 17:32:59 ESTFrom: SEPieperI always thought that the common gods were orginally worshipped by one ethnic group but over time theywere adopted by the neighboring peoples(i.e. Romans adopting Greek gods). Over the intervening centuries theoriginal ethnicity has become lost or confused. Now these gods, who are wi<strong>de</strong>ly worshipped, are called commongods.As for there being more Suel gods known then Baklunish, it could be because the Suel migrated through theFlanaess while the Baklunish stayed on the fringe. Or maybe it just has to do with the old adage, "Know thy Enemy".As we known the Suel were enemies to just about everybody, therefore they might be better known.SteveSubj: Re: Mystery Gods(Common) Date: 95-10-02 19:16:08 ESTAria13I agree with MB that the common <strong>de</strong>ities represent an urban movement. I think Sabretore also right inseeing these <strong>de</strong>ities as the product <strong>of</strong> the cultural mixing in the Flaneass. A new people are bringing forth new gods.How these new gods will relate with the established gods remains to be seen. I do not see the new gods asorganized into a pantheonic hierarchy. This gives the ol<strong>de</strong>r gods an advantage in both long standing loyalty andorganization. I see the new common gods as very much still cults. Large cults, rivaling ol<strong>de</strong>r faiths, but still cults.Only St. Cuthbert approaches a true religion, followed by Ehlonna, Olidammara and Trithereon.Aria13

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