for uninsured services - Saskatchewan Medical Association

for uninsured services - Saskatchewan Medical Association

for uninsured services - Saskatchewan Medical Association


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SECTION M:ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERYFeeAnae611M Removal of subdeltoid calcareous deposits $313.50 42 L612M Removal of subtrochanteric calcareous $313.50 42 LdepositsRemoval of calcareous deposits -- other joints -- see Arthrotomy614M Puncture <strong>for</strong> aspiration or needling with or $31.00 * 0 Lwithout irrigation or injection of medication620M Radical excision of bursae -- <strong>for</strong>earm, viz. $541.40 42 Ltenosynovitis, fungosa, Tbc., and othergranulomasExcision of bursa621M -- olecranon $500.00 * 42 L622M -- prepatellar $500.00 * 42 L623M -- subacromial $350.00 42 L624M -- ischial $430.10 42 LMuscles630M Quadriceps plasty $900.00 42 L631M Repair of ruptured limb muscle -- belly, $387.30 42 Lorigin, or insertion(<strong>for</strong> lacerations -- see 890L, 896L)Tendons, Tendon Sheaths and FasciaIncisionDrainage of tendon sheath640M -- one digit $400.00 * 42 L641M -- single palm and/or wrist, ulnar or $500.00 42 Lradial bursa -- in hospital642M Injection of tendon sheath $57.20 * 0 L643M Incision of fibrous sheath of tendon <strong>for</strong> $500.00 42 Lstenosing tenosynovitis644M Division of iliotibial band -- open $320.00 42 LreductionOber and Yount fasciotomy, combine (orSoutter procedure) with spica cast, pinsin tibia, wedging of casts, etc.645M -- unilateral $1,660.00 42 L646M Compartment Pressure Monitoring $154.10 D LHip adductors-- unilateral649M -- percutaneous $300.00 42 L650M -- open $750.00 42 L-- bilateral651M -- percutaneous $400.00 42 L652M -- open $900.00 42 L-- with peripheral obturator neurectomy653M -- unilateral $302.00 42 LIntrapelvic obturator neurectomy655M -- unilateral $354.00 42 M657M Sever (or similar procedure) of shoulder $1,600.00 42 L<strong>for</strong> Erb's palsyExcision671M Excision of lesion of tendon or fibrous $500.00 * 42 Lsheath, or ganglionRadical excision of bursae, <strong>for</strong>earm, viz.tenosynovitis, fungosa, Tbc., and othergranulomas -- See 620MSMA FEE GUIDE -M14 - April 1. 2012

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