for uninsured services - Saskatchewan Medical Association

for uninsured services - Saskatchewan Medical Association

for uninsured services - Saskatchewan Medical Association


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SECTION T:OTOLARYNGOLOGYFeeAnaePolyp58T -- removal -- simple $62.10 * 10 L59T -- removal under local or general $203.30 * 10 Lanaesthesia61T Labyrinthotomy - total $1,243.30 42 L62T Endolymphatic sac surgery -- initial or $1,544.00 * 42 LrevisionMastoidectomy70T -- infant -- antrotomy $1,000.00 42 L71T -- simple -- complete any age $1,000.00 42 L72T -- radical -- classical -- revision $1,070.00 42 L74T -- revision -- same surgeon $1,000.00 42 L75T -- revision -- different surgeon $1,000.00 42 L76T -- revision -- with musculoplasty, add to 72T, $124.10 42 L74T, 75T or 87T77T Review of radical mastoid cavity -- removal $70.00 * 0 Lof cerumen and debris -- unilateralPost-aural fistula78T -- closing $200.00 42 L79T -- with sliding or pedicle graft $400.00 42 L80T -- stapedectomy with prosthesis (fenestration $1,500.00 42 Lof the oval window)81T Stapes mobilization $621.70 42 LSinus thrombosis82T -- operative management with mastoidectomy $861.40 42 L83T Tympanotomy, exploratory (internal) (not $467.60 42 Lpaid in addition to inner ear surgery)283T Tympanotomy with ossicular chain $800.00 42 Lreconstruction84T Myringoplasty -- per canal approach only $492.20 42 L85T Tympanoplasty with widening of external $990.80 42 Lauditory canal and exploration of atticwith or without antrotomy86T -- with ossicular reconstruction $1,200.00 42 L87T -- with radical mastoidectomy $1,800.00 42 L88T Myringotomy with insertion of tube (total $172.30 42 Lcare)NoseAntrum -- puncture and/or irrigation90T -- unilateral diagnostic or therapeutic $50.00 * 0 L92T Anterior packing <strong>for</strong> epistaxis (unilateral $92.00 * 0 Lor bilateral)93T Post nasal packing -- unilateral or bilateral $246.10 * 0 LSMA FEE GUIDE - T3 - April 1, 2012

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