for uninsured services - Saskatchewan Medical Association

for uninsured services - Saskatchewan Medical Association

for uninsured services - Saskatchewan Medical Association


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SECTION K:NEUROSURGERYFeeAnae648K Reanchoring a flipping pump $690.00 42 M649K Replacement of pain pump $920.00 42 M650K Removal of pain pump and catheters . $690.00 42 M651K Replacement of Pulse generator -- rechargeable $806.00 42 M652K Replacement of Pulse generator $576.00 42 M-- non-rechargeableMiscellaneous658K Vertebroplasty $1,188.00 42 M659K -- each additional level -- add $400.00 42(Maximum of 3 additional leels)660K -- in addition to another spinal procedure $452.00 42661K Kyphoplasty $1,840.00 42 M662K -- each additional level -- add $1,150.00 42(Maximum of 1 additional level)663K -- in addition to another spinal procedure $600.00 42664K Spinal duraplasty $566.00 42 M665K Syringosubarachnoid shunt $1,800.00 42 H666K Syringopleural or syringoperitoneal shunt $2,200.00 42 H667K Management of intradural congenital lesion $2,240.00 42 H-- includes diastematomyelia, tethered cord,lipoma668K Intradural rhizotomy $2,200.00 42 H669K Meningocele repair $1,464.00 42 M670K Myelomeningocele repair $1,956.00 42 M671K -- if plastic surgeon per<strong>for</strong>ms closure $1,000.00 42 M331K Team Spinal Surgery -- where procedures requires 50 percent of Firstthe presence of two spine surgeons working inSurgeon's Claimequal capacity - not <strong>for</strong> routine assisting.-- Can be billed by all neurosurgeons andand orthopaedic surgeons.Premiums677K Acute spinal cord injury (ASIA, A, B or C 15 percent of Surgeryless than 6 weeks)678K Monitoring $600.00 42- Electromyogram (EMG)- Motor Evoked Potentials (MEP)- Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SSEP)679K Spine surgery supplement <strong>for</strong> patients with a $336.00Body Mass Index, (Weight [kg]/Height[m]2)greater than 40- Maximum of one 679K supplement perpatient per day.- Supplement 679K may be billed by spinesurgeons with all K Section spine proceduresdone in the operating room.680K Spinal stereotaxy <strong>for</strong> tumor, trauma, revision, $1,150.00 42 Mpediatric, and greater than 3 levels of de<strong>for</strong>mity681K Revision surgery -- add 30 percent of Decompression682K Revision surgery -- add 30 percent of FusionSMA FEE GUIDE - K8 - April 1, 2012

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