for uninsured services - Saskatchewan Medical Association

for uninsured services - Saskatchewan Medical Association

for uninsured services - Saskatchewan Medical Association


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SECTION S:OPHTHALMOLOGYVisitsFee5S Initial Assessment $130.00-- of a specific condition includes:pertinent family history, patienthistory, history of presentingcomplaint, functional enquiry,examination of affected part(s) orsystem(s), diagnosis, assessment,necessary treatment, advice to the patientand record of service provided7S Follow-up assessment $79.00-- includes: history review, functionalenquiry, examination reassessment,necessary treatment, advice to the patientand record of service provided8S Neuro-Ophthalmology follow assessment $92.20-- includes history review, functionalenquiry, examination reassessment,necessary treatment, adviceto the patient and record of service provided (only payable toto physicians with approved training inneuro-ophthalmology)9S Consultation $164.00-- includes all visits necessary, historyand examination, review of laboratoryand/or other data and writtensubmission of the consultant'sopinion and recommendations tothe referring doctor10S Neuro-ophthalmology consultation $246.00-- includes all visits necessary, historyand examination, review of laboratoryand/or other data and writtensubmission of the consultant's opinionand recommendations to the referringdoctor (only payable to physicianswith approved training inneuro-ophthalmology11S -- repeat $88.0012S Low vision assessment (limited to one benefit $262.00per beneficiary per 12-month period)6S Routine examination of eyes $136.00-- means an examination of the eyes that shallinclude: case history; visual acuity; externalexamination; assessment of extraocularSASKATCHEWAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONGUIDE TO FEES - S1 - April 1, 2012

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