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Academic and Financial Information - Directories - University of ...

Academic and Financial Information - Directories - University of ...

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for advising instructors <strong>and</strong> students with misconduct issues.ii. Any case involving academic misconduct shall originatewith the instructor in whose course the alleged misconductoccurred. The instructor will report sanctions for academicmisconduct to the CCA who will report that misconduct tothe CCA <strong>of</strong> the student’s home college <strong>and</strong> to the OUJA. CollegeHearing Panels (each a “CHP”) make disciplinary recommendationsto the college dean, except in cases <strong>of</strong> dismissalfrom the university which must be approved by the appropriateprovost.4. Procedural overviewa. TimelinesAll listed timelines (i.e., fifteen days, forty-eight hours) excludeweekends, holidays, <strong>and</strong> term breaks when the universityis not in session.b. NotificationAll written notices to students shall be considered receivedupon delivery to a student’s current local or permanent addresson record with the university, by United States or campusmail, by bearcat on-line electronic messaging with deliverynotification, or to the student in person. Such notice shallbe deemed adequate unless the student shows just causewhy the receipt <strong>of</strong> notice substantially impaired his or herability to prepare for any hearing. It is the responsibility <strong>of</strong>the student to have his or her current local address on recordwith the university.c. St<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>of</strong> pro<strong>of</strong>The st<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>of</strong> pro<strong>of</strong> used to determine whether a studenthas violated the SCOC shall be based on a preponderance <strong>of</strong>evidence.d. Diminished capacityBeing under the influence <strong>of</strong> drugs or alcohol will not diminishor excuse a violation <strong>of</strong> the SCOC.e. Sanctions for violationsA student found to have violated the SCOC will be subject tosanctions ranging from university disciplinary academic actionto university disciplinary dismissal. More than one sanctionmay be imposed for a single violation. A single act mayconstitute a violation <strong>of</strong> more than one regulation.f. Disciplinary records fileAll disciplinary records <strong>and</strong> files, including those resulting in afinding <strong>of</strong> “responsible,” are maintained in the OUJA for a period<strong>of</strong> six years from the date <strong>of</strong> resolution. Records relatingto a disciplinary action for academic misconduct are maintainedby the director <strong>of</strong> the OUJA <strong>and</strong> CCAs as educationalrecords separate from a student’s academic record <strong>and</strong> aresubject to the protections <strong>and</strong> release provisions by the FamilyEducational Rights <strong>and</strong> Privacy Act (FERPA) <strong>of</strong> 1974 as itmay be amended from time to time.64g. Home collegeThe home college is the college in which the student is matriculatedat the time <strong>of</strong> the alleged misconduct.h. WithdrawalIf a student withdraws from the university before a disciplinaryprocess has been completed, the process may proceedin the absence <strong>of</strong> the student <strong>and</strong> a block may be placed onthe student’s future registration requiring that the disciplinaryaction would have to be completed before the studentwould be allowed to register again.i. RefundIn the event <strong>of</strong> a suspension or dismissal from the residencehalls or university, the regular refund schedule outlined inuniversity publications will apply.j. Policy on AmnestyThe <strong>University</strong> community encourages the reporting <strong>of</strong> conductcode violations <strong>and</strong> crimes by victims, especially sexualmisconduct. Sometimes, victims are hesitant to report suchconduct to university <strong>of</strong>ficials because they fear that theythemselves may be accused <strong>of</strong> policy violations, such as underagedrinking at the time <strong>of</strong> the incident. It is in the bestinterests <strong>of</strong> this community that as many victims as possiblechoose to report code violations to university <strong>of</strong>ficials. Toencourage reporting, the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Cincinnati does notcharge victims with non-violent violations, such as unauthorizeduse <strong>of</strong> alcoholic beverages, or Drugs or Narcotics, relatedto the incident the university may impose educational responsesrather than sanctions, in such cases, at the discretion<strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> Student Life.B. <strong>Academic</strong> misconduct1. <strong>Academic</strong> integrity <strong>and</strong> honor pledgea. In pursuit <strong>of</strong> its teaching, learning <strong>and</strong> research goals, the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Cincinnati aspires for its students, faculty <strong>and</strong>administrators to attain the highest ethical st<strong>and</strong>ards definedby the center for academic integrity as “a commitment, evenin the face <strong>of</strong> adversity, to five fundamental values: honesty,trust, fairness, respect, <strong>and</strong> responsibility.” (www.academicintegrity.org/).Although not all students are subject toa college honor code or pledge, every student is bound bythe academic misconduct provisions <strong>of</strong> this code which areenforced, in part, to assure academic integrity. When dishoneststudents cheat to gain unfair competitive advantageover other students, they cheat themselves out <strong>of</strong> a decenteducation.b. Some faculty members <strong>and</strong> academic units may requirestudents before taking tests or when submitting assignmentsto sign a pledge. The pledge may contain language such as:“On my honor I pledge that this work <strong>of</strong> mine does not violatethe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Cincinnati Student Code <strong>of</strong> Conductprovisions on cheating <strong>and</strong> plagiarism.” Honor pledges serveprimarily as a teaching tool; unless a college has a m<strong>and</strong>atoryhonor code, pledges are used at the discretion <strong>of</strong> the instructorwithout imposition <strong>of</strong> a disciplinary sanction for studentswho honestly do passing work but object to a signed

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