Universal Salt Iodization (USI) - FTP Directory Listing

Universal Salt Iodization (USI) - FTP Directory Listing

Universal Salt Iodization (USI) - FTP Directory Listing

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32 FEATURESwww.unsystem.org/scnduty had been paid. Kiwanis leaders met with leaders of the Russian Government and strongly advocatedthat a solution to the impasse be found. This created a strong movement within the Government to the pointthat the chief of the Customs Committee—a position comparable to that of a vice-prime minister—announcedthat the committee waived for one year all excise duties, providing time for UNICEF to negotiate a permanentsolution (Brockley 1999).In addition, in Kiwanis nations where IDD threatens, Kiwanis leaders have been strong advocates of universalsalt iodization. In the Philippines, for example, Kiwanians have taken an active hands-on role both at the localand national levels. Kiwanis leaders meet regularly with UNICEF and others to develop strategies that willresult in their people getting adequate iodine in their diets. Kiwanians have conducted meetings withGovernment leaders, and they continue to lobby for strong enforcement of a commitment for salt iodizationthroughout their country. Philippine clubs conduct health missions in rural villages, where their lessons onhealthy diets include distribution of iodized salt and IDD information (Carson 1996).Sustaining the successAs the Kiwanis organization reached and surpassed its $75 million goal, it began to turn its fundraising focuson securing the sustainability of the progress it helped achieve in the fight against iodine deficiency. TheKiwanis International Foundation established an IDD sustainability fund, which continues to receivecontributions from Kiwanians who want to ensure and bolster the gains made against iodine deficiency. As ofDecember 2007, Kiwanis International had raised a total of nearly $100 million to help fight IDD.At the August 2000 Kiwanis International Convention, UNICEF Executive Director Carol Bellamy deliveredencouraging news. In 1990, she reported, less than 20% of the people in IDD-affected areas had accessed toiodized salt. Ten years later, largely due to Kiwanis’ Worldwide Service Project, 70% of the households indeveloping countries had access to iodized salt. Every year, 85 million children were born free from the threatof IDD (Bellamy 2000).Charles J. Lyons, president of the US Fund for UNICEF summarized the success of Kiwanis’ IDD campaignin a June 2005 statement: “Kiwanis International’s determination to eliminate iodine deficiency is responsiblefor one of the greatest public health accomplishments of the last decade—a success that truly makes Kiwanisa member of the UNICEF family. The value of a gift to humanity such as this is, very simply,incalculable.” (Anonymous 2005)ReferencesAnonymous (1994a) Worldwide Service Project’s Goal: $75 Million. Kiwanis Magazine 8.Anonymous (1994b) Moore Enlists as Special IDD Agent. Kiwanis Magazine 9.Anonymous (1996) Global Cause Draws Attention to <strong>Salt</strong> Lake. Kiwanis Magazine 10.Anonymous (1997a) Hixsons, Tablet Honor Gift-Giving, Fight IDD. Kiwanis Magazine 42.Anonymous (1997b) Tennis Stars Court Fan Support. Kiwanis Magazine 6.Anonymous (2000) 20/20 TV Exposure Energizes IDD Campaign. Kiwanis Magazine 16.Anonymous (2005) Kiwanis International and UNICEF Change the World, One Child at a Time. (online)Bellamy C (2000) Powerful, Dedicated Partnership Aids World’s Children. Kiwanis Magazine 6.Blechman W (1994) The Role of Kiwanis International. In Hetzel BS and Panday CS (eds.) SOS for a Billion: TheConquest of Iodine Deficiency Disorders. Oxford University Press:New Delhi.Brockley J (1999) To Russia with <strong>Salt</strong>. Kiwanis Magazine, 24-27.Carson J (1996) <strong>Salt</strong> <strong>Iodization</strong>, Education Key IDD Battle for Filipinos. Kiwanis Magazine, 32-33.Fuller J (2000) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Joins UNICEF and Kiwanis International to Eliminate IDD. (online)Hapgood LA (1989) Dimensions of Service: The Kiwanis Story. Kiwanis International:Indianapolis, Indiana.Kiwanis (2007) Kiwanis International Fact Sheet (2007)Perry P (1997) The Battle to End Iodine Deficiency Disorders. The Saturday Evening Post 44-46.SCN NEWS # 35 back to contentsContact: rparker@kiwanis.org

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