Universal Salt Iodization (USI) - FTP Directory Listing

Universal Salt Iodization (USI) - FTP Directory Listing

Universal Salt Iodization (USI) - FTP Directory Listing

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42FEATURESwww.unsystem.org/scneducators. <strong>Salt</strong> retailers, especially those in rural areas, interact with consumers on a daily basis and theycan focus on IDD, while health educators are often concerned with a wide variety of health issues.Linking with broader development efforts: Effective partnership among various stakeholders, particularlybetween the health and salt sectors, should be a priority for the continuing fight. Even within the health andnutrition fields, collaboration between various programs is lacking. Concerted health education efforts shouldbe made to link up with child health, child nutrition, maternal health, mental health, reproductive health, andhealth promotion colleagues. IDD elimination should be a stepping-stone on the road to many of the MDGs,which have been adopted by all member states of the United Nations.ConclusionSustaining the habit of using iodized salt requires constant reminders. IDD Days, at the national andinternational level, can serve as the annual occasion to review progress and challenges, to reinvigorateflagging programs, and to encourage public participation via media and special events.It may be true that no parent will wittingly put his/her child in harm’s way, certainly not at the risk of life-longmental impairment, if all that is needed to avoid this danger is iodized salt. But if parents are unaware of thecruel facts of IDD, this truism is immaterial.Despite communication being so much part of our daily activities, it is often taken for granted by developmentprogramme planners. Communication requires professional inputs and should be a deliberate part of all IDDprogramme designs and implementations.ReferencesAtkin C and Wallack L (1990) Mass Communication and Public Health Complexities and Conflicts. SagePublications:Newbury Park, CA.De Mooij M (1998) Global Marketing and Advertising: Understanding Cultural Paradoxes. Sage Publications:ThousandOaks, CA.Favin M and Griffiths M (1991) Social Marketing of Micronutrients in Developing Countries. The ManoffGroup:Washington D.C.Hetzel B et al (2004) Towards the Global Elimination of Brain Damage Due to Iodine Deficiency. ICCIDD, OxfordUniversity Press:New Delhi.Kotler P and Roberto EL (1989) Social Marketing Strategies for Changing Public Behavior. The Free Press:New York.Ling J (1998) Social Mobilization for IDD Elimination: the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Proceedings of IDDRegional Conference, Munich, WHO/EURO/NUT/98.1.Ling J (1999) Health Promotion and The Media. Technical paper, WHO EMRO, Alexandria, Egypt, July 1999.Ling J and Reader-Wilstein C (1997) Ending Iodine Deficiency, Now and Forever: A Communication Guide. ICCIDD,November 1997 and ICCIDD Website 2007 and Tulane University websites(sph.tulane.edu/IHD/research-centers/idd.htm). (online)Ling J et al (1992) Social Marketing: its place in public health. Annual Review of Public Health 13. Palo Alto, CA.Rogers EM (1983) Diffusion of Innovations (3 rd edition). The Free Press:New York, NY.World Bank (1994) Enriching Lives: overcoming vitamin and mineral malnutrition in developing countries. Developmentin Practice Series, World Bank:Washington D.C. (online)Contact: jling@tulane.eduSCN NEWS # 35 back to contents

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